View Full Version : Getting back in paintball, a few questions!

04-09-2008, 04:29 PM
Hello all,

I used to play pretty regularly back in the day. I started out in 97 with Tipp pro-carbine then to an original 98. I used that up until 2002 when I haven't really played since.

My buddies picked up the sport 2 seasons ago, but I had a broken leg and subsequent surgery from a firefighting accident that put me out for those 2 seasons. Now a new summer season is ahead of us and I getting back into the sport.

I un-dusted my '98 and took it to a local field only to get my assed chewed apart. Even though I used to play at a high level and still consider myself a skillful player, it is difficult to compete with some of these new guns (from manufacturer's I never heard of!).

So I figure I'll spend a bit of cash and get myself my dream gun from my playing days at the turn of the millenium, an Automag RT.

A few questions though.

I priced on out at airgundesignsusa.com. A RT ULE. I liked what I put together.
Black X-Valve
ULE CF (center feed?) black mainbody
Intelliframe blade trigger grip
on/off type ule? What is this?
trigger pull kit installed
no barrel (I searched around and liked a carbon one from Deadly Wind, your thoughts?)
a kila-ULE ball detent, what is this?

With the gun picked out, and a barrel picked out, I figure I need a mechanical viewloader and an air system.

Now, for my tipp, I used CO2 and I know that the RT needs nitro/air. Where do I shop for a setup and how do I go about getting a drop forward, etc?

I also liked the Deadly Wind (a new company I only recently found with doing research) carbon forgrip and I've heard about some sort of trigger they have coming out in the future? Are there links to that?

Any of your thoughts, pointers and advice would be appretiated!


edited to add deadly wind questions

04-09-2008, 04:46 PM
the deadly wind barrel is a good barrel but you're gonna need to get a set of freak inserts to go along with the barrel. that'll run you about an extra 75 on top of the cost of the deadly wind barrel. a detent is what prevents the ball from just rolling out of your barrel after it falls into the breech, kila's are good but a bit pricey. a ule on/off is the trigger pull kit and it is used to lighten your trigger pull. you're gonna want to get an electronic hopper as well, a halo or a vlocity a good hoppers. a drop forward is used to for you to keep a tighter profile when playing and also helps to balance out the marker. Nitro/Compressed air is the only type of air that should be used on the x-valve. you can get your drop forward and air tank over at www.actionvillage.com or you can just seard around in the B/S/T threads there's always other members getting rid of extra equipment that they do not need.

04-09-2008, 04:51 PM
definetly look at the b/s/t's here if you want to piece together a dream gun.

Or just buy something direct from AGD. Or check out tunamart.com.

It all depends on what you want. If you want brand new then go with the above mentioned dealers.

If you want to spend a little less check out the b/s/t section.

Its all preference and with mags there are 100 different ways to skin the same cat.

04-09-2008, 04:54 PM
as far as drops and air setups go.

Again this is preference. And sadly you can't tell how something is going to feel over the internet.

I would go to your local brick and mortar store to test some things out. Get an idea for how big of a tank you want to use. How much of a drop forward you like.

I thought I liked a big drop forward. Bought a huge drop which made the gun very centered BUT I couldn't aim with the damn thing to save my life. So then I switched to a very small drop and fell in love.

As far as tanks go. You are joining the mag family. Mags are not the most air efficient markers out there. Actually they are some of the least efficient. So bigger can be better.

I would recommend at least a 68 ci / 4500 psi tank.

04-09-2008, 04:59 PM
I thought I liked a big drop forward. Bought a huge drop which made the gun very centered BUT I couldn't aim with the damn thing to save my life. So then I switched to a very small drop and fell in love.

I would recommend at least a 68 ci / 4500 psi tank.

I use to run a huge homemade drop that put the entire tank under the gun but I couldn't aim either. Got a mild one and now it's like night and day. My buddy still loves the one I made for him and will never give it up.

I would also recommend nothing smaller than a 68/4500 tank.

04-10-2008, 03:54 PM
If your gonna fork out some ching i wouldnt bother going with a mag unless it was electronic. If you think a regular mech mag will roll with the elctros just about everyone has now your mistaken. They are good guns but unless you get them to bounce like crazy they just arent fast.

04-10-2008, 04:33 PM
come on Chaos , haven't you owned enough mech mags to know what you can get out of them , I've got 2 that go a very consistant 20 to 22 , I carry one of them when the E Mag's get too heavy
And it not allways about bps ; remember Quality Allways Shoots Straight

04-10-2008, 04:50 PM
If your gonna fork out some ching i wouldnt bother going with a mag unless it was electronic. If you think a regular mech mag will roll with the elctros just about everyone has now your mistaken. They are good guns but unless you get them to bounce like crazy they just arent fast.
That said, you won't loose much on a good loader and good 68/4500 bottle that you will need regardless (mag or not).

If you are actually 'competing' with electro-boys, running RT is usually 'unfair'. If your game allows it, then you may want an adjustable bottle regulator instead. If you are not sure, a high pressure model 68/4500 crossfire is a safe bet. You can still get some RT action with a crossfire and the ULT.

Whatever marker you get, plan on feeding it well. Get a loader that will feed at least a little faster than you plan to shoot. I don't know of any bottles left of the market that are really slow. The ones I heard of are out business or have been replaced. If you buy an old model, check around to make sure it's not known to be a dog for flow rate. Like smoothice says, the mag will push the limits on the bottle reg.


Oh, yeah. ULT = ULE on/off = ULE trigger kit = 15 oz trigger (iirc) instead of 4 lb with stock RT on/off.

04-10-2008, 08:48 PM
Thanks for the reply's guys,

The thing that is really confusing me now are Air Systems. It seems like there are so many kinds out there.

I first looked at the AGD Flatline system and I notice it has two guages. As compared to say the 68/45 ANS Carbon Fiber High Pressure Tank which comes either in a 450 output or 850. Edit: I just read a few things about a crossfire air system and I think I like the way it sounds, something that is worry free with a constant output and that can screw in and out.

Is the difference between the two is that I cannot adjust the ANS? Would that be something I would want? Or would it better not to worry about adjusting it and just get something that outputs 850?

Also, I'm not one that plays with a large drop forward, so would all I need is a simple ASA to attach to the grip of the marker? I looked at one from Deadly Wind at http://store.deadlywind.com/product/b00a834d-691d-465b-9e58-c927baea71d6.aspx

Thanks, this is getting really exciting to piece together.

04-10-2008, 09:01 PM
Yes, the difference is one is preset and the pther is adjustable. Crossfire are great systems as are most others on the market now. The main difference between tanks has become size and weight now as consistancy is pretty good with all of the newer tanks.

You can get a HP preset (800-850) for your mag or go with an adjustable if you wanna crank the input to make the gun bounce a lot.

Most people dont use drops anymore and yes that ASA is all that you would need with a pre set tank. If you bought an adjustable tank you would probably need a rail or it would screw directly to the frame.

04-10-2008, 09:28 PM
Check the threads on 'how many shots per fill' around here. There are a lot of them and some good rules of thumb of shots per (cu in., tank, whatever). A 68/4500 should get you around 1000 (+/- 100) rounds at high rate, but that assumes you get a 4500 psi fill and everything else is working normally. That doesn't matter if your field can only supply 3000 psi.

Even if you decide you need an adjustable reg later, a good preset is easy to sell or put on another marker.