View Full Version : Warp setup

01-19-2002, 02:26 PM
right now my warp is in my room breaking in.I got a lil question tho,after the battery runs down,how do i fix the sensitivity sensor and how many balls it feeds when it senses that the guns been shot?

01-19-2002, 02:43 PM
ALSO,how many balls does the warp load when u just take it outta the box?

01-19-2002, 05:04 PM
U know what,I feel REALLY loved here u guys.:( just playin....gosh.....:D

01-19-2002, 05:07 PM
Refer to the instructions that came with your warp on setting the dweel time and sensitivity!!! It's very simple and straightforward!!!

01-19-2002, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by RT_Luver
ALSO,how many balls does the warp load when u just take it outta the box?

what do you mean?

01-19-2002, 05:30 PM
what i meant was if u just took the warp out broke it in and put it on,if u shot it,whats the dwell set on?

01-19-2002, 05:32 PM
Refer to the instructions that came with your warp on setting the dweel time and sensitivity!!! It's very simple and straightforward!!!
yall didnt help him much

01-19-2002, 05:34 PM
When you tap on the side of the warp you want it to spin 1/4 turn. Out of the box it spins about 1 turn which kills your battery faster than you need. Because people put it on without reading the instructions we have to set it to the most reliable regardless of battery use.


01-19-2002, 05:44 PM
I got a used warp with no instuctions. IF i call could u send me some instuctions on it

01-19-2002, 07:04 PM
I didnt waste the time with sensitivity, I set it for intellifeed and did a conversion. check out the switch and LED light.

01-19-2002, 08:52 PM
ok,I dont believe i do anything about the sensory,i mean bout changing the "-" and "+" things because i'm just doing it for the recoil,and i'm not attching it from my gun.If i'm wrong please correct me.I dont have any gas,so i cant set the sense yet,but i'm just figuring that since the RT has very lil recoil that it'll be fairly close to the line that keeps it from just keep on goin and bnot going.again if i'm wrong correct me,and when i get sum gas i'm gunna get it set just right.