View Full Version : Why?

04-15-2008, 12:14 PM
Why does it seem that once I geet my hands on that HAVE TO HAVE marker, that I there is another one that pops up with the same status? Holly's going to kill me!!! :(

04-15-2008, 12:27 PM
Why does it seem that once I geet my hands on that HAVE TO HAVE marker, that I there is another one that pops up with the same status? Holly's going to kill me!!! :(

Am I to assume that you don't play on a mag? The Mag's are pretty darned modular (customizable) and this isn't really an issue here... however, if you want the angel or ego with the latest color scheme or body style then it's time to pony up the cash... one things for sure though... Mag's turn more heads :dance: :dance: :dance:

What is it that your looking for in the newer guns... the tech hasn't changed all that much in years... :confused:

04-15-2008, 12:32 PM
Oh... I have a mag... (she's in this month's mag of the month run). I was just thinking, that I really like the look of the Droid, and the '07 Borg (I have an '05). Theres a Dust blue one that some is selling that calls to me... :tard:

04-15-2008, 05:12 PM
Why does it seem that once I geet my hands on that HAVE TO HAVE marker, that I there is another one that pops up with the same status? Holly's going to kill me!!! :(

I'm the same way with rifles... i was never really compelled to get another paintball gun once i got my pnuemag together. i did get a promaster when they were $80 just because, and use it from time to time or loan it to friends.