View Full Version : Finally got a 'Mag and have some questions

04-15-2008, 03:15 PM
Well my 'Mag arived in the mail today, nothign fancy just a Classic. But I ma curious about a few things. It came with an ANS bolt and vavle, are either of these worth keeping on it or should I ditch them for the stock internals. Next thing, the frame feels really unconfortable to me, it seems too small or something. Are there any large grips that I can slide on or something to fatten it upa dn make it more comfy or should I go looking for a new frame? And is there jsut any other nasic knowledge I should have about these bad boys? I have read around on here quite a bit jsut curious if there are any major things I have missed.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Pics!
Don't say I didn;t warn you when you begin thinking there is nothign to see.

04-15-2008, 03:42 PM
Well my 'Mag arived in the mail today, nothign fancy just a Classic. But I ma curious about a few things. It came with an ANS bolt and vavle, are either of these worth keeping on it or should I ditch them for the stock internals. Next thing, the frame feels really unconfortable to me, it seems too small or something. Are there any large grips that I can slide on or something to fatten it upa dn make it more comfy or should I go looking for a new frame? And is there jsut any other nasic knowledge I should have about these bad boys? I have read around on here quite a bit jsut curious if there are any major things I have missed.

Thanks in advance.
If there is no leaks and that everything is working properly, keep the valve and bolt. Although you might want to upgrade to a LVLX or X-valve in the future.

As for the grip frame, what kind do you have? *hint* We demand pics!

About the knowledge, you'll learn as you go. We are always here if there is something that you can't figure out. Just put a few drops of oil in the asa and gas it up to see if you have any leaks.

04-15-2008, 03:50 PM
what no pics? :p

04-15-2008, 03:53 PM
Okay, and jsut out of curiousity I have been hearing LvlX and lvl 10 thrown around, are they the same thing?

Stock Carbon frame, I figure you peoples would be tired of seeing pics of basically stock Classic Mags. And my mom has the camera today so that will have to wait.

What type of oil would you suggest? I have run out and need to get some.

I have aired it up and fired a few rounds, I will be going back out to do some more shooting soon though, I really like the feel of the trigger and the function. This thing shoots great!

04-15-2008, 03:58 PM
as for oil, just get a nice sythetic gun oil

and yes LX LVLX Level 10 are all the same :)

04-18-2008, 12:31 PM
You can cut down the feedtube to lower the profile a bit. With today's hoppers and the level 10, the long feedtubes are not needed to prevent chops. You can get dye sticky grips to fatten the grip frame a bit. if the mag cycles properly you won't need to change the ANS parts, except I would definately consider the level 10.

04-18-2008, 12:59 PM
If you want thicker grips, you want something like this.


Very comfy. I'd actually be willing to sell these for cheap if you want. I upgraded to wood grips a while ago. :D

You can probably also get rid of that expansion chamber if you're always going to run on HPA. You only need something like that for CO2.

04-18-2008, 01:09 PM
You can probably also get rid of that expansion chamber if you're always going to run on HPA. You only need something like that for CO2.
Seconded. That micro line looks like it won't last much longer. Leave it all if you like it, but with HPA you can freely re-arrange everything from the duck bill ASA to the valve connection.

Nip the feedneck and tuck the ASA under a little and the whole package starts to shrink.

04-18-2008, 02:03 PM
Thanks guys! :)

I have gotten rid of the X chamber adn put ona bike grip adn an on/off ASA and rail. It feels good to me now. I hmight cut downt eh feedneck, but I really don't wnat to mess with it too much, I have something of a ginx when it comes to modding guns. I have considered the LVL10, but I don't know right now I hope to pick up a Classic R/T int eh near future so I may just wait and get one for that and not bother for now.

04-18-2008, 02:14 PM
Yep, definitely cut down that feedneck a good bit!

04-18-2008, 02:49 PM
First I would switch the macro line and fittings (up top) with the Microline and fittings on the bottom. If you want something more durable, get braided stainless line for the bottom and a hard-line from a phantom + fittings for the top.

If at any time you will be using CO2, I'd leave the X-Chamber where it is but if you use only HPA then a Bike Grip or other gas-through will be more appropriate.

Grips can be replaced as posted or you can make spacers to put under the ones you have. Personally, I like the rubber grips that Rawbutter offered you and highly reccomend them.

I would also suggest a different ASA. I absolutely LOVE my Dangerous Power RAPS on/off...a flip of the lever and you are good to go. Flip it back and you are degassed.

If you nip the feedtube, do it in this manner....

Install the barrel.
Drop paintballs into the feedneck.
At any point where two balls meet in the neck, put a dot on the neck with a sharpie marker.
Take a tube cutter and score a line all the way around the neck. Depending on the cutter, depends on whether or not it will cut through the Stainless steel or not. Probably not though, those cutters are a tad more expensive because the cutting wheel is carbide.
Remove the barrel, and the body from the frame/rail, and place the body in a padded vice and use a FINE tooth Hack saw or high speed Dremel cutting wheel. Cut along the line you scored if the tube cutter doesn't do it.