View Full Version : I apologize in advance for my SP transgressions

04-15-2008, 09:57 PM
I traded my cocker for a vision impulse. It seems to be in great shape. I don't have any good pics yet, but it needs a Vertical Adapter and a Reg, but I picked up a Bob Long torpedo reg for a meer 15 bucks shipped. So all I need is a VA. No worries I still own my retro minimag (even though it is inconsitent) I probably need a rebuild kit, but no money. I need to buy a VA for the impulse.


04-15-2008, 10:06 PM
thats for the formal apologie, and atleast you traded a cocker for one.

hope you enjoy your brick of a gun

04-15-2008, 10:10 PM
Yeah I used to own a cocker when i was a kid. So I got another one and well it just didnt do anything for me. My mag is oldschool all stainless with warp and t-stock. Its a brick :) I only paid 70 for the cocker mask 2 barrel kits jersey, revvy and mask. I traded the cheaper barrel kit revvy and cocker, for the impy with barrel and on/off asa.


04-16-2008, 10:46 AM
Go to pbn. Their impulse section is highly helpful. They got me up to speed ASAP

BTW: The impulse FAQ, as advertised in the stickies, is in the wolverine dude's signature!

05-09-2008, 10:41 PM

It took a long time to get my impulse up and running. It kind of sucks cleaning up some ones elses mess. When I received it it was missing the vert asa, was leaking every where and had tool marks all over it. Also the previous owner put 850psi directly into it without a vertical regulator. Today my last part arrived. It was my ndz 15 degree vert asa (witch still leaks a little but Im working on that) When I 1st aired it up it was poring air out of the asa. Some red loctite later and the little allen plug under the asa was no longer leaking. I still had a very lite leak coming from the actual asa (new oring maybe?). The leak wasn't enough for me to concentrate on though. I moved on to actually adjusting the evil repirator and getting the marker firing. I adjusted the respirator up to 100psi and the solenoid started leaking like crazy. I did put a whole new seal kit on the market so I thought maybe I just didn't get the gasket on right. 15 tries and 2 gaskets later I realized that the middle rubber gasket in the solenoid was leaking. So I cracked the solenoid open and broke it all the way down. Well the middle seal has a huge bulge in it. Probably from when the guy before me over pressurized the marker. Well I switched the middle seal with the front seal and caked sl33k onto the messed up seal. Put it together and aired it up and BAM!!!!!!!! The darn thing works and very well too! I just need to fix the slight asa leak now. Well here it is. I can't walk the trigger yet, but I'm working on it. I'm used to my retro minimag's rt trigger.

EDIT** After some tinkering and some red loctite the leak is gone. I also put the macro line on today so she is ready to go to the field.

Vision Impulse
NDZ Blade Trigger
Evil Ram Cap
NDZ Slik Shot
Evil SS Hammer
NDZ stock length Delrin EQ Bolt
NDZ 15 Degree Raw Vert ASA
Bob Long Torpedo Reg
Evil Respirator

Still need to buy
Evil Valve
Black Heart Board

When I traded for it it was all stock except for the respirator and non functioning. I installed all the aftermarket stuff before even airing it up. It is ugly but it screams.

Dont mind the smudges. Thats Dow 33 on it and bad lighting plush the flash.

P.S. When I get the velocity adjusted the gauge and brass extension will be off of the back.



http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a281/phatty123/th_SS852508.jpg (http://s13.photobucket.com/albums/a281/phatty123/?action=view&current=SS852508.flv)

This is my very very 1st electro and I like it because its hefty. Kind of like my mag. It feels very solid and reliable. I need to get it anno'd because its all scratched up. The previous owner used pliers and scartched up quite a few spots. Plus the colors don't match too well. I pretty much bought what was instock and cheap.


05-09-2008, 10:52 PM
so whats wrong with the lvl 10 on the mag?

05-09-2008, 10:52 PM
What a mutt! Don't waste any money on re-anodizing an Impulse. Also, the Evil valve is no better than the stock valve.

05-09-2008, 11:56 PM
What a mutt! Don't waste any money on re-anodizing an Impulse. Also, the Evil valve is no better than the stock valve.

I have heard the oposite about the evil valve. In conjunction with the evil respirator it can be very gas efficient. I don't know whats wrong with my "mutt". I think some nice anno would be great. Plus people say the same things about spending money on mags.... To eash their own.


05-10-2008, 09:02 AM
I have heard the oposite about the evil valve. In conjunction with the evil respirator it can be very gas efficient. I don't know whats wrong with my "mutt". I think some nice anno would be great. Plus people say the same things about spending money on mags.... To eash their own.


You're right, to each their own. Calling it a mutt was a little harsh and I apologize, but you gotta admit that marker is a bit of a mishmash. If you get it anodized, you will spend more on the anodizing than the marker is worth.

05-10-2008, 09:29 AM
the Evil valve is no better than the stock valve.

Actually worse...I had a great deal of trouble from an Evil valve and most of their Impy parts in general.

As far as the blackheart board. Check with PBC, they were selling off all their old Impy stuff and I scored a brand new blackheart for my project Imp for $20. They may have some left.

Here is mine
<img src="" width="470" height="352">

05-26-2008, 09:17 AM
This is old, but I got busy with my newborn and never responded. Yes it is a miss match. Thats what limited funds does to your marker. I had to buy what was cheap. I have the evil ss hammer and evil respirator and this thing rips pretty well at least for my 1st electro. I think I put to much dow33 in the solenoid because at 1st I was having bad shoot down and my dwell wouldnt go lower then 12ms. After a case of paint the solenoid enages down to like 3-4ms and no more shoot down. My consitancy is probably better now too. I lubed it very liberally the first time I put it together. I am still going to pick up an evil vavle just to complete the set. I think the key is evil internals run at high pressure like 200-300psi and ndz internals run at 120-180 or so psi.

On another note I no longer even own a mag. I traded it for an Angel A4 Fly. I also got 2 Angel LEDs that are in pieces coming in the mail. Those will be a fun project.


05-26-2008, 09:24 AM
Ok. Thanks for the update. I hate Smart Parts too. Good luck with the impulse. I hope it works out for you. They are pretty nice guns. Except for the smart parts part. You suck for selling your mag. Why did you sell your mag? It's better than an angel anyways. You shouldn't have sold your mag.

05-26-2008, 09:35 AM
lol well... I wanted to go in a different direction. I can always get one again later.


05-26-2008, 09:45 AM
You suck for selling your mag. Why did you sell your mag? It's better than an angel anyways. You shouldn't have sold your mag.


if you want to go swimming with your gun and then use it to attach your truck to your camper trailer, maybe

05-26-2008, 10:02 AM
Wow ok. I think that one went over your head. But it's ok. Just look up.

05-26-2008, 12:21 PM
Regardless of what some may say, you made a good choice for an electro. As far as electro's go, the imp is the Mag of the electro world. They are extremely easy to maintain, and they always shoot.

A few tips:

Internals - remember these 3 letters - N D Z.
Problem is, they are getting rare.

The holy grail of valves is the RIP valve, but they are not cheap. The last one on Ebay went for $76! If you can get one for $30-40, jump on it.

Next is a NDZ ram/hammer assembly. All the best components wrapped up in one.

Third, the LPR/ANS combo. One of the best LPR's.

Don't mix NDZ and Evil internals. Evil internals are designed for higher pressures, NDZ internals are designed for lower pressures.

As far as boards go, if you can find one, get a WAS board. The blackheart is good, but the WAS has better eye logic.

Triggers are pretty much a personal preference, I like magnetic triggers. NDZ makes excellent triggers, and I have them in both of my Imps. You can adjust them to where you have about a 1mm pull.

HP regs - the stock Maxflo's are great, very consistent. The older ones are kinda big, but you can get shocker Maxflo's pretty cheap. AKA Sidewinders / 2-liters are excellent too, but kinda pricey. Some like CP regs, but I haven't used one of those to be able to tell you one way or another.

Lube - DONT USE OIL. Play it safe, use shocker lube or sl33k. Dont use it on your bolt unless the bolt is aluminum. 33 will swell delrin up and cause you problems.

PM me, I can help you with Imps all you want.

05-26-2008, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the info. I went with evi internals. I need to grab an evil valve, but the stock one seems to were ok. I did get the ndz slik shot ram and delrin stock length bolt, but the resp and the hammer and soon to be the valve will all be evil. My bob long torpedo reg seems to keep up fine.
