View Full Version : Would I do work on Smart Parts stuff?

04-20-2008, 05:39 PM

A while back, a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to do some work on his spare Ion frame and gave it to me without me being able to answer. He has since sold his Ion, and told me I could do whatever I want with that frame. I never did intend to do anything with that thing, but the urge hit me the other day and I took a crack at it. It didn't take very long for me to come up with this, and in the end I'm really happy with it because it portrays the way that I feel about Smart Parts. To be frank, I hate them, and I hope that they wither away and crumble into dust.

So if anyone else wants their Smart Parts stuff worked on, I am as of now offering to do such work for free!


Dark Side
04-20-2008, 05:46 PM

I'll go and pick up some parts right now.

04-20-2008, 05:59 PM
I bet you were so filled with hatred you did that with your bare hands.

04-20-2008, 06:00 PM

04-20-2008, 06:02 PM
Hahaha, I'm tempted to buy an ion frame just to have you do that to it.

It actually looks artsy. :)

04-20-2008, 06:17 PM
what would be even better is if you mounted rest of an ion to it and sold it as custom milled and it fetched 1000351351 $

04-20-2008, 06:20 PM

If I had an ion i would send it to you. All those custom bodies and frames they're putting on 'em, ridiculous when you do something that awesome for free!

04-20-2008, 06:47 PM
sweetness :headbang: That thing never looked better!

04-20-2008, 06:53 PM
I did the reading before I scrolled down to the pic's I almost fell out my seat

04-20-2008, 07:26 PM
Who did the ano? :rofl:

04-20-2008, 07:33 PM
you should send it to the owners of SP and say "What the hell happened to your Quality Control!?"

04-20-2008, 08:01 PM
you should ebay it. Just for giggles. I'd put a small bid on it, just cause of the story.

04-20-2008, 08:54 PM
:( That's a shame. I have a suspicion that an ion frame would make for a really good pneu mag. So much room, AND, the trigger actuating screw is so damned long it's already made for it.

04-20-2008, 09:09 PM
:( That's a shame. I have a suspicion that an ion frame would make for a really good pneu mag. So much room, AND, the trigger actuating screw is so damned long it's already made for it.
Yea i saw pneuMicromag for sale once that utilized an ion frame. It might have EP actually

04-20-2008, 09:15 PM
Don't put SP junk on a mag.....just seriously, don't defile it like that...

04-20-2008, 10:31 PM
A piece of art like always maghog :clap: :rofl:

04-21-2008, 02:51 AM
GOOD ONE!! For a moment you had me going....


04-21-2008, 06:04 AM
A handfull of AOers were at SPE (Spring Pump Event) in Bloomington, IL this past weekend. Phangs had a pump Ion. All the electronics were gone. I told him he needed to put it up on PBN as an Ion w/ MASSIVE ups :rofl:

Most everyone thought is was a big improvement on the gun.


Castro #66
04-21-2008, 06:56 AM
I'd honestly be doing the same thing, but it seems that in order to actually acquire SP stuff, you have to benefit their company in some way... unless you get it for free one way or another.

To share my thoughts on SP parts on AGD/AKA/AM/AnybutSP guns, I think it's a tragedy. The worst part is when someone has a perfectly good gun from any of those companies, then tops it off with a Freak or Max-Flo. I find that immensely disappointing and if a point system is involved, they are awarded none.

I wish someone would hold a patent against them suggesting that the Ion infringes on a previous design, and have them pay retroactively on top of immediate and future payouts.

Just think of the ramifications of $400 Ions... :)

04-21-2008, 07:31 AM
I wish someone would hold a patent against them suggesting that the Ion infringes on a previous design, and have them pay retroactively on top of immediate and future payouts.

Just think of the ramifications of $400 Ions... :)

A number of us are trying to do this via the Edelman patent.

04-21-2008, 07:34 AM
Who did the ano? :rofl:
I was going to suggest we pass it around, get it polished up and garage anno'd, but that might detract from the raw art form. Besides, polishing teeth marks would be tricky.

04-21-2008, 08:34 AM
I was going to suggest we pass it around, get it polished up and garage anno'd, but that might detract from the raw art form. Besides, polishing teeth marks would be tricky.

Crap don't anodize. Would look better Christened in Gardner blood IMHO.

04-21-2008, 09:24 AM
I have a few smartparts pieces that would look better with your mods... I may have to send them up, or maybe I should try to imitate your art myself

04-21-2008, 09:30 AM

I believe so. I think he should have used the 'soft" jaws in the bench vice! :D

04-21-2008, 10:30 AM
I think a matching body kit would be good. It should be 'baked' for that rare color (and shape).

With a patented pvc barrel.

04-21-2008, 10:39 AM
what would be even better is if you mounted rest of an ion to it and sold it as custom milled and it fetched 1000351351 $
:clap: :rofl:

04-21-2008, 01:09 PM
The sole purpose of this thread is to generate awareness of what SP is doing to paintball.Many of us sit on the sidelines and can do nothing, me included. This is all I can think of.
I honestly feel that these guys will stop at nothing, and just let their own greed tear down the sport with them.
It's a damned shame, and it was never meant to be this way.
I wish to remind you all that when a company like AGD invented something really profound, (i.e. high pressure air systems) that they chose the path that was in the best interest of the sport, not themselves. One might say,'where did it get them?'
And I would say, they have earned the respect of our community, with honors.
Smart Parts might be making money with all their licensing agreements, but I hope that when Bill or Adam looks in the mirror, he knows that he's looking at a liar and a cheat.
This is not over for me yet. I still have a few posts to make, and make them I will.
Til' then,

04-21-2008, 01:57 PM
You should mail it in to Smart Parts and tell them you can't figure out why it's not working.

04-21-2008, 02:14 PM
Don't put SP junk on a mag.....just seriously, don't defile it like that...

Beat me to it.


05-07-2008, 09:47 PM
I love it, all i have to say. At first i was expecting something different, but i really like it.

05-07-2008, 11:42 PM
I guess even Maghog can't make SP crap look good. Oh well, it's still an improvement.

I agree, though, you should definitely eBay it. Probably the only Triggernomics creation that will ever be for sale! :rofl:

05-07-2008, 11:51 PM
Thankfully the Ion is made somewhat of aluminum. That way it holds its value at least as scrap to turn into the recycler. :cool:

05-29-2009, 11:20 PM
Still a classic!

05-31-2009, 02:06 PM
Don't put SP junk on a mag.....just seriously, don't defile it like that...

So, what should I do with my Smart Parts purple splash MiniMag then?

Frizzle Fry
05-31-2009, 03:11 PM
So, what should I do with my Smart Parts purple splash MiniMag then?

SP wasn't always bad... That was from the Kevin Rayman years when SP made pretty things that sometimes worked, rather than the Gardner boys who make ugly things that rarely work or do work but only because they ganked the design from somebody else and patented it out from under them.

07-08-2009, 12:31 PM
Still a classic!


07-08-2009, 02:11 PM
:hail: Is that a Smart Parts frame or a Smashed Parts frame?

07-08-2009, 03:21 PM
I had once attempted to use the Ion .45 grip to mill out, weld in a bracket, and use as a grip for my Trracer. It kind-of-sort-of was a failed attempt, but what you did was better ;)

07-13-2009, 02:46 AM
Nice work Maghog! now you need to do an entire gun like this. :rofl:

Gas mask
07-13-2009, 02:23 PM
I bet all that damage happened to it when he accidently droped it... Smart parts and they're butter-aluminum. :rolleyes:
Gave me a great chuckle though. :D

08-13-2009, 11:17 PM


08-14-2009, 08:26 PM
I give this thread 4 thumbs up.

08-14-2009, 08:48 PM
So, what should I do with my Smart Parts purple splash MiniMag then?
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Very late to reply.

The Impulse was the last SP gun I would ever touch. I'd even shoot a shoebox today, but I will never touch a gun made after the day they started serving C&D letters. Classic stuff like sP splash kits(which are just re-annoed(and not by SP in all probability) AGD parts) is a whole different world than the SFT+ shockers, imps, ions, etc.

08-14-2009, 11:37 PM
What about the Magic Box lol? That was classic SP and was a clear case of BS marketing hype and straight up lies.

08-15-2009, 04:59 AM
SP wasn't always bad... That was from the Kevin Rayman years when SP made pretty things that sometimes worked.

I concur, see below.

What about the Magic Box lol?

Same timeframe as the Splash kits.

08-15-2009, 11:19 PM
Magic box- would actually like to have one as a collectors item. Total BS, but it was you're own fault if you bought that junk after EVERYONE was talking about how bad they where.

I actually draw a line o differentiation between dumb marketing, and illegally depriving someone of income. If you choose to be a retard and buy junk, or believe a company can now defy physics well.....your fault not mine.