View Full Version : Rogue

04-21-2008, 01:55 PM
I hear some talk of a Rogue shop similar to Tunamart. Anyone care to post a link to his website. Thanks.

04-21-2008, 02:01 PM
I hear some talk of a Rogue shop similar to Tunamart. Anyone care to post a link to his website. Thanks.

he doesnt have a shop personally does his dealings out of a forum

04-21-2008, 02:04 PM
he doesnt have a shop personally does his dealings out of a forum

04-21-2008, 02:39 PM
I thought The Mag Smith (http://www.themagsmith.com/store/) was his stuff.


04-21-2008, 02:45 PM
I thought The Mag Smith (http://www.themagsmith.com/store/) was his stuff.

it is

04-21-2008, 05:07 PM
TMS sells his stuff, it's not him.

04-21-2008, 07:01 PM
The most updated items for sale by Rogue can be found on PB Legion in the Dealer's thread. You can also PM him or email him, and he may have other stuff for sale.

04-22-2008, 02:24 AM
You can just post the link it aint no big deal. Check out the pro shop.


04-22-2008, 02:55 AM
TMS sells his stuff, it's not him.

It is him

When I order from TMS or from Rogue it all has the same return address. Other have gone futhers extremes to prove that it is him.

04-22-2008, 02:55 AM
You can just post the link it aint no big deal. Check out the pro shop.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

04-22-2008, 06:04 AM
It is him

When I order from TMS or from Rogue it all has the same return address. Other have gone futhers extremes to prove that it is him.

SSSHHHH No one's supposed to know that, that's top secret info. :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :confused:

04-22-2008, 09:44 AM
It is him

When I order from TMS or from Rogue it all has the same return address. Other have gone futhers extremes to prove that it is him.

I drop ship for all my dealers. Of course the address will be the same.

04-23-2008, 09:34 AM
I drop ship for all my dealers. Of course the address will be the same.

So you're saying that if I order RPG parts from Tunaman they will come from the same address as parts from TMS? :confused:
If TMS is a separate entity from yourself how do they feel about their supplier selling directly to their potential customers and undercutting their potential profits? Didn't dealers despise NPS for that same practice? ;)

04-23-2008, 12:58 PM
Haven't we all come to the conclusion by now that trying to talk logic to Rogue / Shawn or trying to get any honesty out of him is completely useless???

04-23-2008, 01:04 PM
Aaaand this thread will go downhill in 3-2-1......

04-23-2008, 01:09 PM
even if tms is rouge which he said it isnt who cares still good stuff just buy it already who cares does it really matter ?

04-23-2008, 01:18 PM
even if tms is rouge which he said it isnt who cares still good stuff just buy it already who cares does it really matter ?
no, other than the fact in the past on several accounts and up until recently denied he is tms or has any direct affiliation.

ide say drop shipping items is a pretty big affiliation so tms has no products in hand and is basicly a website front for rogue :spit_take

04-23-2008, 01:52 PM
However Rogue or TMS or anybody wants to handle their busness is up to them. If they are the same person or not doesnt really matter if they deliver what they say when they say. Thats what matters. After that what else does the customer need to know.

Drop ship is a fairly standard practice in industry

04-24-2008, 02:10 PM
So you're saying that if I order RPG parts from Tunaman they will come from the same address as parts from TMS? :confused:
If the parts that Tunamart.com ordered drop shipped, the package would have the same address as Rogue Paintball Gear.

If TMS is a separate entity from yourself how do they feel about their supplier selling directly to their potential customers and undercutting their potential profits? Didn't dealers despise NPS for that same practice? ;)
Drop-shipping saves dealers money. Its a value-added service. Nearly all manufacturers in every industry sell direct, they just do so at MSRP. Thats why dealers sell at less than MSRP.

This AO'er knows whats up:clap: ---> ...

However Rogue or TMS or anybody wants to handle their busness is up to them. If they are the same person or not doesnt really matter if they deliver what they say when they say. Thats what matters. After that what else does the customer need to know.

Drop ship is a fairly standard practice in industry

no, other than the fact in the past on several accounts and up until recently denied he is tms or has any direct affiliation.
This statement is not accurate, I have made no recent affirmations or denials. TMS & Tunamart.com are both retailers of my products, Ive said this many times. By their very nature, retailers are directly affiliated with those companies of the products they represent. This is nothing new.

ide say drop shipping items is a pretty big affiliation so tms has no products in hand and is basicly a website front for rogue :spit_take
All retailers who carry my products are a storefront for my products and others. And since I drop ship for all my dealers, I am affiliated with all of them. :spit_take

Swiss Cheeze
04-24-2008, 02:18 PM

Clear your pm box. Trying to send you a message.


04-24-2008, 02:21 PM

Clear your pm box. Trying to send you a message.


You can PM me at www.pblegion.com or e-mail me at [email protected] . Those are the best ways to get in contact, as my box here on AO is only limited to 150 PM's and fills too quickly with as many questions I get for me to constantly empty it.

04-25-2008, 06:38 AM
If the parts that Tunamart.com ordered drop shipped, the package would have the same address as Rogue Paintball Gear.

Does the TMS actually stock anything or is everything drop shipped from the RPG warehouse?

Drop-shipping saves dealers money. Its a value-added service. Nearly all manufacturers in every industry sell direct, they just do so at MSRP. Thats why dealers sell at less than MSRP.

This AO'er knows whats up:clap: ---> ...

Exactly, most manufacturers do sell at MSRP whereas you say to email you for the best pricing. Why would anyone need to email you, the manufacturer, for best pricing if you're selling at MSRP? Having to email you would lead one to believe that a better price was to be had. If all the prices are listed on the TMS site are below MSRP why would anyone need to email you, the manufacturer, just to get MSRP?
Where is the value added service for your dealers when you're "saving" them money by drop shipping but, your having their customers email you directly for the "best price"?
Doesn't seem to make sense that you are drop shipping everything so they have no control over inventory but you also sell directly to their customers at "best pricing" even though you claim that you, being the manufacturer, will only sell at MSRP while your dealers can sell below MSRP? Which is it, are you selling at MSRP as the manufacturer and pointing potential customers towards your dealers who sell for less than MSRP or are you providing "best pricing" to the customers directly thereby undercutting your dealers who you were helping out by drop shipping?

You can PM me at www.pblegion.com or e-mail me at [email protected] . Those are the best ways to get in contact, as my box here on AO is only limited to 150 PM's and fills too quickly with as many questions I get for me to constantly empty it.

Can people PM you without joining your forum? I find it odd that you don't have the time to clean out your PM box on AO but, you've got plenty of time to make sure your PBL box is clear. Is that because there is hardly any traffic over there, is that why you feel the need to try and get people to sign up to PM you?

04-25-2008, 07:37 AM
dude chill out

04-25-2008, 07:59 AM
I just purchased all the parts for a brand new mag from Rogue, and he is a great person to buy from, very professional, and everything got to me fast and it looks amazing. I like to form my own opinions, and as far as I am concerned, I have no complaints. Just my two cents.

04-25-2008, 12:34 PM
I think the thing that bugs a lot of people about Rogue is that he refuses to give a straight answer. For instance, read the following:

This statement is not accurate, I have made no recent affirmations or denials. TMS & Tunamart.com are both retailers of my products, Ive said this many times. By their very nature, retailers are directly affiliated with those companies of the products they represent. This is nothing new.

All retailers who carry my products are a storefront for my products and others. And since I drop ship for all my dealers, I am affiliated with all of them. :spit_take
What did Rogue say here? Let's see...
1. He hasn't recently confirmed or denied being TMS.
2. Retailers and the companies that supply their merchandise are affiliated.
3. He ships stuff for his retailers.

Note that he says he's affiliated with TMS, but he says it in a roundabout way and won't say how he's affiliated. There are a ton of ways that I could be affiliated with a site, like, say, running it. That's how I'm affiliated with thepixelguru.net, and if I was selling anything there I could give the same answer Rogue did here. Look at Rogue's previous answers - they all are equally true whether he is or isn't TMS. If Rogue really wasn't TMS, all it takes is one line to clear that up: "Nope, I'm not TMS, but I drop ship for them." The thing that drives many people nuts about Rogue is that he can type an entire page of text hinting at this statement, but he can never actually come out and say it. In fact, given that the nameservers for roguesportz.com and TMS are the same, my money would be on there being more than a skin-deep affiliation between the two sites.

And before anyone jumps on me for this, I'm not coming up with some crazy conspiracy theory here, just discussing rhetoric. I know full well that if I order from either Rogue or TMS I'll get what I paid for, and it doesn't really matter whether Rogue is TMS or not. All I'm saying is that his roundabout responses are completely unnecessary unless he feels he has something to hide. Given his responses, he could or could not be TMS, but he won't say specifically, and if anyone later tries to pin him to his previous answers he'll point out the wording and say "I never said that." It just makes a lot of us wonder why.

04-25-2008, 12:55 PM
who gives a monkeys big....butt.

If you like the products buy them if you have some concern dont.

Whether he operates with these two individuals or he is secretly both, for heavens sake, he still gets his money so what the dang deal?

If you dont like it start up a fly by night mag body shop and compete.

Anyway, where are all these beautiful phoenix kits people bought i think i have seen maybe two one annoed and the other raw?> anyone going to send them off to anno and get them on the fields or let them sit in your tool boxes?

Empyreal Rogue
04-25-2008, 01:28 PM
I don't understand why it matters. He says he's affiliated with TMS in that they do business together. What would you do if it turns out themagsmith.com was really just his online store. What are you going to do, stop buying his products? Oh wait, you already boycott and/or troll him anyway! So why do you care so much that you insist on bringing it up in every thread that has to do with him?

This is directed at the people who consistently tag along behind him. I don't understand why you're all so persistent. Are you trying to deflect business from him? We're automag users, you've all been on AO long enough to realize that we have the utmost loyalty to whoever or whatever we believe. The only thing that would ever deter us from that belief would be a really bad personal experience. Until I have a bad experience with RPG I will continue buying his products. You've already had your bad experience so just let it be and move on. It's not going to be the end of the world if people continue buying his products. It's not like he's going to corner and monopolize the 3rd party market of aftermarket automag products and take that above and beyond. You aren't doing anyone any good.

04-25-2008, 01:31 PM
Anyway, where are all these beautiful phoenix kits people bought i think i have seen maybe two one annoed and the other raw?> anyone going to send them off to anno and get them on the fields or let them sit in your tool boxes?Hey @$$ muncher, why would you drag an innocent bystander into this!

Xmagterror did nothing to deserve your unwarranted attack.

FYI- I own 2 phoenix bodies and have personally used and seen other Phoenix bodied mags at the field.

Crawl back under your rock!

04-25-2008, 01:35 PM
Anyway, where are all these beautiful phoenix kits people bought i think i have seen maybe two one annoed and the other raw?> anyone going to send them off to anno and get them on the fields or let them sit in your tool boxes?

why do you care what I do with my phoenix kit? I have 6 mags, but you will never catch me posting up just to show off "my collection". Not my style.

04-25-2008, 02:00 PM
This Thread is not Closed Yet...?

We all have our own opinions... If you want his product... buy it, from him or any place that sells his stuff...

If you don't, then don't...

If he wants you to contact him in RogueLand, then log on and msg him there...

I just don't see why we keep bringing his drama over here. Lets just leave in the PBL's Dust Town...


"MR President, I propose we close this thread..."

Would anyone like to 2nd that...?

They are to busy policing the BST forums for punctuation and grammar as well as making sure all the capitol letters are not over used...

04-25-2008, 02:14 PM
I have compared IP addresses from emails coming from both TMS and Rogue. They are in the same area, but are not the same people ... or computer at least ... Besides, does it really matter?

04-25-2008, 02:17 PM
Does the TMS actually stock anything or is everything drop shipped from the RPG warehouse?
Over the years, people have asked inappropriate questions about private business contact and relationships..who my polisher is, my annodizer, what my cost on products are...among other things. Your question here is the same as these questions...I dont publicly answer questions about private business dealings or those of my dealers, vendors, manufacturers, etc. They are private, and not not your business.

Exactly, most manufacturers do sell at MSRP whereas you say to email you for the best pricing. Why would anyone need to email you, the manufacturer, for best pricing if you're selling at MSRP? Having to email you would lead one to believe that a better price was to be had.
You have me mistaken with another AO dealer. Another dealer's marketing strategy is to have buyers e-mail them for best price.

However, if a buyer is looking for used product(in the Misc forum) which my dealers do not sell, then that is something outside this scope. Otherwise, I have many times referred customers to any one of my dealers when they are looking for new product. The needs and details of each customer determine how and where I refer them. When I make a post in the Dealer forum, its for product at MSRP, and I list the price. The only exception to this is if there is a Special, a Sale. But in that case, these sales/specials apply to my dealers as well.

Also, I dont accept Credit Cards. To my knowledge, most if not all my dealers do. I cant say for certain why customers buy from one or another, but it may be convenience.

If all the prices are listed on the TMS site are below MSRP why would anyone need to email you, the manufacturer, just to get MSRP? Where is the value added service for your dealers when you're "saving" them money by drop shipping but, your having their customers email you directly for the "best price"?Doesn't seem to make sense that you are drop shipping everything so they have no control over inventory but you also sell directly to their customers at "best pricing" even though you claim that you, being the manufacturer, will only sell at MSRP while your dealers can sell below MSRP? Which is it, are you selling at MSRP as the manufacturer and pointing potential customers towards your dealers who sell for less than MSRP or are you providing "best pricing" to the customers directly thereby undercutting your dealers who you were helping out by drop shipping?
It only doesnt make sense because youve made an incorrect assumption. See above statement.

Can people PM you without joining your forum? I find it odd that you don't have the time to clean out your PM box on AO but, you've got plenty of time to make sure your PBL box is clear. Is that because there is hardly any traffic over there, is that why you feel the need to try and get people to sign up to PM you?
They can e-mail me without joining pblegion.com . There is a reason why I give 2 contact options.

04-25-2008, 02:34 PM
blah blah blah.........just keep making good products Rogue, thats about all I care about.
(this thread is crazy)

04-25-2008, 02:35 PM
Hey @$$ muncher, why would you drag an innocent bystander into this!

Xmagterror did nothing to deserve your unwarranted attack. Wasnt and attack read below, and dont be so defensive.

FYI- I own 2 phoenix bodies and have personally used and seen other Phoenix bodied mags at the field.

Crawl back under your rock!

seeing you pull your two out and loaning them out doesnt count as seeing them on the field @ss hole, I just wanted to see more than one-two with the anno jobs and such, i dont know maybe mag of the month, i mean welcome to 2008 people build mags color them win MOTM and sell them, what rock have you been under?. I know there was a lot of them go out, just wanted to know where these beauties were (like a gloss or fade or heavn forbid a splash) other than the two in your bag thats taking the rec field world by storm. :shooting:

04-25-2008, 02:36 PM
Why do people care again? It's his business he can run it however the **** he wants to run it, that's the beauty of America and our capitalist society.

If you don't like it don't buy from him, someone else who doesen't care will buy from him instead.

Empyreal Rogue
04-25-2008, 03:27 PM
Why do people care again? It's his business he can run it however the **** he wants to run it, that's the beauty of America and our capitalist society.

If you don't like it don't buy from him, someone else who doesen't care will buy from him instead.

That's exactly what I've been saying for some years now.

04-25-2008, 06:26 PM
As far as Rogue is concerned, like him or not. How he chooses to describe his affiliations with any of his dealer network, stores whatever....his products speak for themselves. Top notch stuff, and worth getting wherever you can.
I have found my best relationship with him is to not have one but my Mag, which I am very proud of and happy with, is outfitted with a majority of his parts. I would recommend them and him to anyone on a professional level. There are and have been many dealers who do not offer such good product in such a timely manner and at such a finished quality.

AO Moderation Team
04-26-2008, 01:37 AM
Hey @$$ muncher, why would you drag an innocent bystander into this!

Crawl back under your rock!

Hey, you can come back from under your rock in five days. Note to all, this is an unacceptable post for AO and will get you a Ban. Filter circumvention, flaming and disruptive.

AO Moderation Team
04-26-2008, 02:19 AM
They are to busy policing the BST forums for punctuation and grammar as well as making sure all the capitol letters are not over used...

You should have had your issues settled with the Mod that PMd you. Guess that didnt work for you, so see you in three days.

AO Moderation Team
04-26-2008, 02:29 AM
seeing you pull your two out and loaning them out doesnt count as seeing them on the field @ss hole, I just wanted to see more than one-two with the anno jobs and such, i dont know maybe mag of the month, i mean welcome to 2008 people build mags color them win MOTM and sell them, what rock have you been under?. I know there was a lot of them go out, just wanted to know where these beauties were (like a gloss or fade or heavn forbid a splash) other than the two in your bag thats taking the rec field world by storm. :shooting:

See you in five days. Filter circumvention and flaming.

AO Moderation Team
04-26-2008, 02:46 AM
Why do people care again? It's his business he can run it however the **** he wants to run it, that's the beauty of America and our capitalist society.

If you don't like it don't buy from him, someone else who doesen't care will buy from him instead.

Its in the rules. See you in three days. You should know better. :(

• No cussing. Activating the filter is the same as swearing If you see you did please edit and fix it.