View Full Version : Anybody on AO use the PMR?

04-21-2008, 11:54 PM
I have a PMR that I was trying to sell, but I decided to keep it.

It's the proto camo se edition... actually a pretty sweet little marker.

Just wondering if anybody else on here is using one. I know there are a few guys around using matrices but wasn't aware of any Rail owners.

04-22-2008, 12:24 AM
havent personally owned or used one to actually play. but ive fiddled with one in the shop a few times. decent little markers, i just the rubber stuff on the gripframe and trigger.

04-22-2008, 12:27 AM
i used my good friend one in a couple games. other then the plastic feedneck, very reliable gun. he let a lot of people use it and it hasn't let us down yet.

04-22-2008, 09:23 AM
My teammates have some with UL frames. Very solid backups. I have a PM5 as my backup, and I love that gun. You can't go wrong with matrixes... though I don't think I'd get a SLG :p
I don't like the stock rubber stuff either, the UL frames are so much nicer.

04-22-2008, 11:37 AM
see I'm the exact opposite... I have shot a UL'd matrix mefore, and I do NOT like the hourglass profile. It was just... wierd...

I actually prefer the frame on the PMR to the UL, but I'll be picking up a NDZ frame before too long. I hear it's very nice.

I love matrices, though I'm currently selling my DM3. I do plan on picking one up again down the road, though.

Five markers I've always wanted: (I'm not much of a gun whore)

Sweet MECHANICAL kapp cocker
Mag (of course)
Nice pump

The only one of those that I could die happy without ever owning is the viking. I know, I know... but the Kapp was the ueber-est marker I can remember from my early days of renegade backyard ball, the DM3 is just soooo smooth and stable, and the mag was the first gun I ever used in a tourney. More sentimental than anything, but that's how I like 'em!

The PMR looks to be a really nice backup platform for my future collection, and once I begin to start the collection I might do something crazy to it...

But for right now, uless a Kapp becomes available for a great price, I have a couple projects I've been meaning to attend to.

So, this post was completely off topic, but... yeah...