View Full Version : Dangerous Power G3 vs. Threshold?!

04-22-2008, 02:17 PM
So, other than size/shape/weight and operating pressures, what's the difference?

What's "better"? Are they basically the same with the Threshold being "full-bodied" and more limited a run?


04-22-2008, 02:20 PM
Paging Arstron....

04-22-2008, 02:36 PM
i dont think artron has a G3

however he has alot of info posted on Fusionowners.org

theres also an extensive VS thread compilation on pbn in the DP section.

04-22-2008, 03:22 PM
I will try and sum this up the best I can...

The Threshold, because of the detailed milling, was very time consuming and expensive to mill. The G3 is the more economical version of the Threshold, thanks to less milling. The main performance difference is the smaller and lighter bolt in the G3. I do not own either, so I cant compare the two personally. Here is what is new on the G3:
New regulator, I am not sure what has changed on the inside, but its said to be more consistent and a less chance with reg creep (as compared to some of the older fusion regs when not taken care of). The bottom of the regulator also swivels and can be locked in any position, so you can place the macro fitting anywhere you want.
New raps, or slightly changed, they added a lip to the lever to make it easier to flip, but ive never had a problem flipping the original raps.
New feedneck, it is similar to the other low profile design they had, however the lock is at the top instead of the bottom (a much better design IMO).
Thinner grips that are supposed to be somewhat "sticky"
New trigger
The body is milled so the eye covers are flush to the body (a first for DP)

All in all, for $450, its a very nice marker, I think I would rather have the G3 over the threshold my self, just for the smaller bolt and the smoother look.

04-22-2008, 04:08 PM
Thanks guys, makes sense!

Good info Arstron, I'll check out Fusionowners.org too!


04-22-2008, 04:39 PM
So, other than size/shape/weight and operating pressures, what's the difference?

What's "better"? Are they basically the same with the Threshold being "full-bodied" and more limited a run? :confused:

Thats basically it, the G3 has some minor changes but they don't really do anything thats going to be noticable when shooting it VS the Threshold.

04-23-2008, 08:35 AM
Thats basically it, the G3 has some minor changes but they don't really do anything thats going to be noticable when shooting it VS the Threshold.

Thought I should mention, the g3 will not be a more limited run, it will be here to stay. They might do some limited edition colors like they have in the past (gota love the lifetime warranty with the LE models), but the g3 its self is not a limited run.

04-23-2008, 09:58 AM
hmmm... they both look really really nice.

Though I myself would pick up a LE threshold because of the lifetime warranty. I mean... come one now.

Matter of fact... :ninja:

04-23-2008, 11:09 AM
hmmm... they both look really really nice.

Though I myself would pick up a LE threshold because of the lifetime warranty. I mean... come one now.

Matter of fact... :ninja:

Don't lifetime warranties only last the life of the company?
Seeing how volatile the industry is right now. I wouldn't make that a big factor that in my purchase.