View Full Version : Trying to get in touch with RRFireblade

04-22-2008, 07:20 PM
Hey, does anyone have Jay's phone number? If yo do don't post it here, but please pm it to me. Jay is doing some work for me and I haven't been able to get in touch with him. I know he was having some serious computer problems the last time we talked, so his computer may have bit the dust. Hence the reason I am trying to call him. Thanks for the help.

04-22-2008, 10:02 PM
you tried both emails correct?

may also want to try contacting mrsfireblade, not sure if they sue the same computer or not

ive dealt with jay and lost contact for a long time, so i wouldnt worry too much but i know how frustrating it can be

mr doo doo
04-22-2008, 10:10 PM
yea, same; lost contact one time due to his hard drive failing on him. after a week or so, he contacted me back with a very happy update :). dont lose faith, he's a dependable guy!

04-23-2008, 01:04 AM
Oh, I'm not worried about it. I know he isn't going to run off with my gear, I just needed to find out if he needs anything else from me as it is a very complex project ;)

04-23-2008, 05:06 AM
yea same for me, he has my gun for a while, hes a good guy, just having some difficulties right now and so give him time i guess.

04-23-2008, 08:48 AM
He has most of a marker from me right now. Last time I tried to contact him was a month or two ago and he got back to me within a week or so.

04-23-2008, 10:51 PM
Is there anyone here who isn't waiting on a marker from me? :(

I thought I was caught up on emails , I honestly haven't left any hanging that I know of but they don't all always make it here too. I've been trying to catch them up weekly but they do get over wellming from time to time. My primary pc is back and running just with the loss of like 50Gig of data. That's gonna sting for a while but otherwise I'm fine.

Generally stuff is actually moving along , just slowly as usual. I was just about down into the 20's on markers but it has backslid a little. I'm not very good at saying no. ;)

Mmm, stoners , we're good on the parts I have. I think you'll be quite happy with the turn out once it's all done. Haven't seen 'it' ever done like this before.

Other than that , I'm doing my best. I'm putting around 70+ hours a week into my current 'day' job so it doesn't leave a whole lot but I'm giving all I can. . . reference this post during a small break in the action at after midnight EST.

Thanks to everyone for hanging in there and feel free to email anytime.

Jay. :)

04-24-2008, 01:41 AM
Is there anyone here who isn't waiting on a marker from me? :(

I thought I was caught up on emails , I honestly haven't left any hanging that I know of but they don't all always make it here too. I've been trying to catch them up weekly but they do get over wellming from time to time. My primary pc is back and running just with the loss of like 50Gig of data. That's gonna sting for a while but otherwise I'm fine.

Generally stuff is actually moving along , just slowly as usual. I was just about down into the 20's on markers but it has backslid a little. I'm not very good at saying no. ;)

Mmm, stoners , we're good on the parts I have. I think you'll be quite happy with the turn out once it's all done. Haven't seen 'it' ever done like this before.

Other than that , I'm doing my best. I'm putting around 70+ hours a week into my current 'day' job so it doesn't leave a whole lot but I'm giving all I can. . . reference this post during a small break in the action at after midnight EST.

Thanks to everyone for hanging in there and feel free to email anytime.

Jay. :)

stop saying no so I can send you some work damnit

04-25-2008, 06:59 AM
Is there anyone here who isn't waiting on a marker from me? :(

I thought I was caught up on emails , I honestly haven't left any hanging that I know of but they don't all always make it here too. I've been trying to catch them up weekly but they do get over wellming from time to time. My primary pc is back and running just with the loss of like 50Gig of data. That's gonna sting for a while but otherwise I'm fine.

Generally stuff is actually moving along , just slowly as usual. I was just about down into the 20's on markers but it has backslid a little. I'm not very good at saying no. ;)

Mmm, stoners , we're good on the parts I have. I think you'll be quite happy with the turn out once it's all done. Haven't seen 'it' ever done like this before.

Other than that , I'm doing my best. I'm putting around 70+ hours a week into my current 'day' job so it doesn't leave a whole lot but I'm giving all I can. . . reference this post during a small break in the action at after midnight EST.

Thanks to everyone for hanging in there and feel free to email anytime.

Jay. :)

Good to hear from you Jay. I look forward to getting the stuff back :D I just posted here as I wasn't sure if you were able to get your computer back up or not. Don't kill yourself over work and satisfying our materialistic need for beautiful creations :)

01-02-2010, 10:21 AM
Sorry but i thought i resurrect this cause i finally got in contact with fireblade a month ago and now hes MIA again. kidnapping my gun for 2 years aint cool.

If anyone has heard from him sooner, let me know.

01-02-2010, 10:28 AM
With jay, id say hearing anything from him withing 6 months is good, lol

He does great work, just gets really busy it seems,

01-02-2010, 01:13 PM
Sorry but i thought i resurrect this cause i finally got in contact with fireblade a month ago and now hes MIA again. kidnapping my gun for 2 years aint cool.

If anyone has heard from him sooner, let me know.

I'm in the same situation. Last time I heard from Jay was almost two years ago, he has had my marker for 22 months. I understand he is busy with life and this isn't his full time job, but I also think it is kinda sick that he has found time for the Micromag projects that came well after some of our projects. I've done custom work for people on firearms and I know how long it can take something to get done, but I've never taken 2 years and dropped out of communication either.

With that being said I am sure I will get my property back and I'm sure it will be awesome. The only problem is I may not even be playing anymore and the point of getting it back is moot. :(

01-02-2010, 01:23 PM
I traded Jay a barrel kit for roughly 200 dollars worth of custom work. I then sent him a merlin extrusion to work from, in order to create me something cool.

This was around March of 07 :D

I've given up until Jay surfaces and says "Okay, i have some time."

Not gonna keep pushing buttons when people are stressed, over worked, and under paid.

(not saying this is the case with Jay, but hey, if he's busy, he's busy.)

Not trying to make excuses, or claim my way is the right way, just figured i'd add to the story :cool:

01-02-2010, 01:31 PM
Well the flip side is if he doesnt have TIME, he could at least send folks their stuff back since all it is doing is sitting on his bench. :tard:



01-02-2010, 03:15 PM
From what I've seen of him he's much rather finish a project for a customer and have them happy with him then to not finish a project

07-02-2011, 03:41 PM
Well to resurrect this thread from the dead I will make an update and say that I still do not have any of my stuff. I do not care what is going on but want my items back as they are expensive, rare, and able to sell quickly to pay for other things in life. If anyone has Jay's number please call him and have him email, IM, or call me. I am at the point of filing a police report for theft and letting them collect and send me my stuff. I don't want to start trouble, but if I cannot retrieve my items I will start the ball rolling. If anyone has a connection with Jay please talk with him.


07-02-2011, 04:24 PM
Russel at Pro Team products (AO nickname ZoomZ@PTP) knows how to get in touch with him.
But the PTP people have been MIA too looking at the posts on the 2009 Micromag thread.
People still have yet to receive their markers.


07-02-2011, 08:37 PM
Ptp's business number is pretty easy to find on the internet.

07-02-2011, 09:32 PM
there was another " air smith " on here that got so bad the police need to be called in order to get their parts back. After having your items for over two years and lack of communication I think they can be considered stolen

07-05-2011, 11:27 PM
Well to resurrect this thread from the dead I will make an update and say that I still do not have any of my stuff. I do not care what is going on but want my items back as they are expensive, rare, and able to sell quickly to pay for other things in life. If anyone has Jay's number please call him and have him email, IM, or call me. I am at the point of filing a police report for theft and letting them collect and send me my stuff. I don't want to start trouble, but if I cannot retrieve my items I will start the ball rolling. If anyone has a connection with Jay please talk with him.

I'm in the same boat, but it has been longer than two years. I just sent him an email a few months ago and never heard back. He has a custom ULE body and rail and Logitech vert grip, and pneu-mag parts of mine... :mad:

07-06-2011, 07:00 PM
Why are you people letting your items go for 2 years?! That just seems crazy to me. If someone can't have my item(s) back to me within a month, and then they disappear for months at a time afterwards...then I'm getting the police involved. That would seem like common sense to me.

Also, I don't buy this "he's to busy" excuse. If he has such a demanding day job, why the hell is or was he taking on peoples orders? If he is going to start a side job/business then he takes on the responsibility of getting the job done in a timely manner to the customers satisfaction. The excuse "i'm too busy with my real job." is not an excuse as he knew that before he decided to do all of this. People It doesn't pay to be submissive.

With all of that being said, good luck to you guys....

07-06-2011, 08:33 PM
Anyone want to buy a DevilMag?

/got mine via repurchased earlier pre-buy order, sold soon after

07-06-2011, 08:47 PM
good luck, thankfully i got all my stuff back after an extended period for something that should have been a 1-2 week turnaround at most.

I believe he may be on facebook as his name shows up, you could try adding him there, or contact ptp to see if anyone knows his whereabouts or contact info.

good luck.