View Full Version : Anno ideas for Chord V2?

04-24-2008, 08:35 AM
So I recently purchased a DW Chord v2 body. It looks amazing but I'd really like to change the color scheme of my Mag someday (gonna have to save up some $$$)

I have a few ideas but am curious what some other AO'ers might suggest for an anno scheme?

I don't have any pics yet, but here's what I'm working with:

Chord v2
Dallara rail
DW 10* foregrip
DW Fibur
G-Force frame (someday :rolleyes: )
Shocktech drop w/ NDZ on/off ASA (the curves of the ASA match the rail really well!)

Everything is gloss black right now. I'd prefer to leave the valve alone.
I was originally thinking of a blue to black fade (blue in back, black in front) but I'm not sure if the fade would work well w/ the curves of the chord
I was also thinking of a blue/black acid wash to add more dimension to the marker.

Or I could just do everything in a dark blue but then it could look odd w/ the barrel since I won't be able to get that anno'd.
(btw, I love blue :D )

I've tried searching around but most either go with a polished or single color w/ the chord.

04-24-2008, 08:48 AM
I think a gunmetal or hematite colored body would be sick. Almost like Alien skin.


04-24-2008, 09:15 AM
mine chord vs2 with wave rail and emag lowers should be back at anytime from gruntbull.
Ill let you know how it turned out. I think a blue black acid wash would look sweet.

04-24-2008, 09:43 AM
Blue to black sounds good, as long as the blue is in back, it highlights the valve a little and gives it some personality. I think it would look great with a really dark/midnight blue.

That's exactly what I was thinking. (I prefer to call it "twilight" blue :p ) I just don't know how the "ribs" of the chord would look w/ the fade.

I'd really be curious to see an example of an acid wash too.

That gunmetal/black chrome that warwitch suggested looks sweet too! probably a bit tough to reproduce w/ anno though.

04-24-2008, 12:04 PM
How about a drizzle effect like this? I reckon this looks pretty sweet.


04-24-2008, 12:48 PM
How much are you going to spend? if money is not an issues, i'll say have the anodizer mask out all the ripple in the chord an alternate the color.....Basically one main color with coordinated ripple along the chord vein.

04-24-2008, 01:06 PM
I think a gunmetal or hematite colored body would be sick. Almost like Alien skin.

this just struck me as funny in some way... alien skin... you're silly

04-24-2008, 01:25 PM
this just struck me as funny in some way... alien skin... you're silly

lol, I mean Aliens


Tell me an Alien-Mag wouldnt be a weapon of terror? Even has the right "biomechanical", H.R. Geiger-ish lines.

04-24-2008, 01:43 PM
lol, I mean Aliens

Tell me an Alien-Mag wouldnt be a weapon of terror? Even has the right "biomechanical", H.R. Geiger-ish lines.

Ahh.. Now I see what you were really saying. That would be pretty sick! It would probably look best w/ an Airwalk v2 and custom "Alien" grip panels.