View Full Version : Illegal Aliens Get Ready for Some Paintball !

04-25-2008, 04:41 PM



04-25-2008, 04:44 PM
I like how the human rights people are worried that they dont have goggles. I mean, what about when they break out the billy clubs? lol, where do I sign up. :shooting:

04-25-2008, 04:51 PM
HAHA once again Big E is ahead of the crowd. Ive been shooting my Mexicans with paintball guns for years. :D

04-25-2008, 04:57 PM
However Human Rights activists say it’s a bad idea because if a person not wearing protective gear is hit by a paintball, they could be injured. And there’s also the possibility of missing your target and paintballing the wrong person. “What’s gonna happen if an agent were to shoot it over the border, miss somebody there, and hit someone else?,” says Kat Rodriguez of the group Derechos Humanos.

WOW!!! Some of the crap that spews from these people... I say the hell with the paint and use REAL BULLETS... Plain and simple.

If a person is not wearing proper protective gear when hit with a ROCK!!!! They CAN'T be injured!!!! Freaking retardation...


04-25-2008, 05:03 PM
I say use land mines. And lots of 'em. That way they can only blame themselves. :argh:

04-25-2008, 05:22 PM
I say use land mines. And lots of 'em. That way they can only blame themselves. :argh:
I fully agree

04-25-2008, 05:28 PM
I say use land mines. And lots of 'em. That way they can only blame themselves. :argh:

I always thought running a double fence with about a 40' span between em with the entire inside covered in dangerous things... like mines, snakes, gators, acid... you know normal stuff... and manned at random by folks who want to keep those who aren't supposed to be here out would be rather fun and worthwhile.


04-25-2008, 05:52 PM
I always thought running a double fence with about a 40' span between em with the entire inside covered in dangerous things... like mines, snakes, gators, acid... you know normal stuff... and manned at random by folks who want to keep those who aren't supposed to be here out would be rather fun and worthwhile.


We could save a lot of tax money doing it. Hell, Id do it for free (fun?)

04-25-2008, 06:00 PM
I always thought running a double fence with about a 40' span between em with the entire inside covered in dangerous things... like mines, snakes, gators, acid... you know normal stuff... and manned at random by folks who want to keep those who aren't supposed to be here out would be rather fun and worthwhile.

Kids could play Battlefront for real then. I bet people would even pay to do it.

04-25-2008, 07:55 PM
I always thought running a double fence with about a 40' span between em with the entire inside covered in dangerous things... like mines, snakes, gators, acid... you know normal stuff... and manned at random by folks who want to keep those who aren't supposed to be here out would be rather fun and worthwhile.


All the normal stuff. hehehe. You and me think along the same lines. I know that for every job, no matter how terrible it is, there's SOMEONE on this world willing to do it for free. Me and my friends would be on the border in a second if they only offered free weed, blunts, and no pesky questions about gunfire.

04-25-2008, 07:57 PM
All the normal stuff. hehehe. You and me think along the same lines. I know that for every job, no matter how terrible it is, there's SOMEONE on this world willing to do it for free. Me and my friends would be on the border in a second if they only offered free weed, blunts, and no pesky questions about gunfire.

Yeah. Guns and weed, good combo Big-Pun. :rolleyes:

04-25-2008, 10:51 PM
I say use land mines. And lots of 'em. That way they can only blame themselves. :argh:

:clap: :ninja: :argh: :eek:

Is an FN303 considered a PaintBall Gun? Hmmm, Not less then lethal but less lethal. :spit_take :ninja:

04-25-2008, 11:57 PM
bwahhahaahhahahaaa I know guys!!!! I mean think of how much folks shell out to go on big game hunts and moose hunts and such as that.... hell just make it open season... you try and come across illegally and you get a bullet across the bow.... (if the shooter leads too much) but hey... you make that choice....

Wish I could say I was alone in all these ideas... For some good reading folks... check out that Sheriff Joe guy from Maricopa County, AZ.... Some of ya already know of him I'm sure.

ANywho.... it'd be real nice to get a bit of humanity injected back into the human race...


04-25-2008, 11:59 PM
Yeah. Guns and weed, good combo Big-Pun. :rolleyes:

I would prefer weed and a gun over alcohol and a car....

Sorry... and I don't smoke or drink....

But the deals that the gubmint has put on some of the things that are so blatantly retarded and need to be changed are far too numerous....

There are FAR more crimes committed drunk than there are stoned....


04-26-2008, 12:01 AM
:clap: :ninja: :argh: :eek:

Is an FN303 considered a PaintBall Gun? Hmmm, Not less then lethal but less lethal. :spit_take :ninja:

More breaks, less bounces.... :D Harder to wipe paint... :D

Yeah I think it would work... Just gotta work on the 300FPS part I spose...


04-26-2008, 01:08 AM
Land mines... that would do it.

Sheriff Joe... is a freakin nut. But about election time he pulls a stunt that gets him back in.

Recently he rounded up the illegals at their biggest gathering place... the cave creek homedepot. The mayor got really pissed at him for arresting people who are ... OMG.. breaking the law.

border patrol and INS is so corrupt down here you have no idea.

at least he has the juevos to step on their toes.

Go look up the minutemen. They have real guns.


things are changing tho...

I saw a white person working in a filibertos. :wow:

Old School 626
04-26-2008, 12:56 PM
Sheriff Joe is effective, nut or not for that I respect the man.

Love this or hate this move, it some kind of action intended to help seal the border and that is good.

I wonder whose markers they are putting on the border Tippman maybe?

04-26-2008, 02:44 PM
Wait. So the human rights people are concerned that the people throwing rocks might be hurt by pepperballs? If they don't want to get shot with pepperballs, all they have to do is not throw rocks at the border patrol. :tard:

04-26-2008, 03:45 PM
Wait. So the human rights people are concerned that the people throwing rocks might be hurt by pepperballs? If they don't want to get shot with pepperballs, all they have to do is not throw rocks at the border patrol. :tard:

You sir get a cookie.... well I'm out.... how bout this... :dance:

That better???

Yes the HUMAN IDIOT SUPPORTERS feel that folks that want to harm, maim, kill other folks should be fully protected from the laws they break and those that they wish to harm should be handcuffed and not allowed to fight back....

That makes perfect sense doesn't it.

And yeah Sheriff Joe may be a nut, but I like the guy and it's the only person that we get to hear about with the cahones to stand up and ENFORCE the law.

What he does and how he does it... IS NOT A VIOLATION OF LAW OR RIGHTS!!!! So how some folks can get on a soapbox and beat him up about it I really have no idea how they can sleep at night....

I am especially fond of when he told em all that "It's 120* in Iraq and our soldiers are over there and they have to wear full gear and they are sleeping in tents, so shut your mouths!"

Maybe this will be the start of a new era of the re-emerging of common sense...


04-26-2008, 03:49 PM
I would pay to shoot them with my Mag at the Border

04-26-2008, 03:51 PM
I would pay to shoot them with my Mag at the Border

Is that 44 Mag?? 357 Mag?? 7mm Mag???


Me too if so.....

With my .68 caliber Automag... not so much.... I don't like dealing with wipers...


04-26-2008, 03:55 PM
I dont have a problem with people from all over the world come to the States,Come here at the Front door, not through the window. Remember,Native American were here first.I believe they have the highest rights than anyone

04-26-2008, 07:25 PM
Is that 44 Mag?? 357 Mag?? 7mm Mag???


Me too if so.....

With my .68 caliber Automag... not so much.... I don't like dealing with wipers...


Magnum .500 baby. Anything less would be uncivilized. :D

04-26-2008, 07:58 PM
I knew I hung out on AO for a reason..... aahhh so many like minds.
All I can say about the subject is we need a lot more :shooting: :shooting: :shooting: Oh yes!!!

04-26-2008, 08:12 PM
Just to clarify:

We are talking about illegal aliens not Mexican-Americans. ;)

If you are here illegaly, we are watching you..... :ninja:

04-26-2008, 08:14 PM
That's correct Warwitch.... I have no issue with people coming here the RIGHT way...

ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!!! No matter how ya cut it...


04-27-2008, 12:12 AM
That's correct Warwitch.... I have no issue with people coming here the RIGHT way...

ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!!! No matter how ya cut it...



It surprises me how many people forget that.


04-27-2008, 10:49 AM
What would be cool if the government created some really cool stationary paintball mini gun, instead of just buying tippmann's. :shooting:

Could you imagine if the government invested research time and money into making a paintball gun....wow....

04-27-2008, 10:59 AM
What would be cool if the government created some really cool stationary paintball mini gun, instead of just buying tippmann's. :shooting:

Could you imagine if the government invested research time and money into making a paintball gun....wow....

If the government made it, they would cost $17,580.00 each, each paintball would cost $6.93, the system would be prone to breakage when used in the environment that it was created for, and there would be a 6 month wait for spare parts.

04-27-2008, 11:19 AM
If the government made it, they would cost $17,580.00 each, each paintball would cost $6.93, the system would be prone to breakage when used in the environment that it was created for, and there would be a 6 month wait for spare parts.

04-27-2008, 11:29 AM
Not to stir up the pot
I am all for the border patrol agents using some thing to protect them selves form rocks I think it’s a good idea.
But the whole condemning the Mexicans for coming here illegal is a gray subject. You got to look at from both sides for them they have substandard leaving in a very corrupt county. I mean we can build factories over there and have a Mexican build parts for “the American built car” and pay him 20 dollars a day for the same job an American would be paid 20.00 an hour to do the job a hundred yards across the border on our side. So tell me why you want to stay there when you could be making more money.
Then you got to look at what it takes to enter this country other countries are only given so many green cads or visa a year. The process of coming into this country legally can take up to five years, think about that when you have kids. And it cost money to come here.

Now look at what some of these people have to go through to get here. Crossing desert is not easy I know you boys in AZ know this. They pay some guy all the money they got to get dropped of in the middle of know were and then have to make the rest of the way on their own. It’s hot in the day and cold at night.

Our ancestors only had to set foot of a boat from Europe and they were in.
Don’t get me wrong I don’t dig on the over population and loss of good paying for jobs that some one else will do for less. My father came here legally and my mom is American from Irish decent.
All I am saying is that some of these people earn there a right to be here more than the Joe that was just born here

04-27-2008, 11:51 AM
Say what you want. People are trying hard to come to this country THE LEGAL WAY. We arent the same country we were 200 years ago. We dont need everyone that wants in. You should have something more than cheap, manual labor to offer our country to get in. We can fill all those jobs with the population we already have. Not to mention the drain they put on our infrastructure while at the same time NOT CONTRIBUTING TO THE SYSTEM! We have friggin' vets living on the streets for crying out loud.

They are called "illegal" for a reason. Period. Personally I dont blame them for wanting to be here. But I DO blame them for the way they are going about it.

Sorry, but its time to GTFO. :)

04-27-2008, 12:56 PM
This is becoming a touchy subject and political in nature, but ill say what i have to say pertaining to the use of paintball gun use at the border. They are using it for a good purpose. "The United States Border Patrol has purchased 1,000 guns that fire non-lethal paintball, or pepper pellets. They’ve been using the pepper for several months, but soon paintballs could be unleashed to mark people who attack agents from across the border. The border patrol has found a use of our sport to mark agressive people at the border, that is not fatal. I support this action. And just so you know I am first generation American, My parents were brought here when they were teenagers from mexico.

04-27-2008, 03:10 PM
Well I never said it was cool that they come that way. But it happens and its not just Mexicans.
as for vets so what. if you are talking about the messed up ones that cant hold a job anyway whats the point and the ones that can and are fine just becuase you fougth some were should not give you a rigth to a job you should stay in thats a job.
I have friends that are vets from all kinds of wars and family that were in vetanam my uncle is missing part of his leg and is mess up big time. The guy a worked for at my last job was there too and he himslef was not even a American does not mean he should get a job frist.

all I am saying is that we dont need to get on some bash immigrants band wagon.
Just remember thay were in the soutwest before we were.

04-27-2008, 03:43 PM
Guess what. The ones that come legally are more deserving of rights than the ones who come illegally.

My grandparents came here from Sicily in 50's and were discriminated against immediately. They suffered through a lot to become naturalized citizens. People like that deserve more respect that some idiot who thinks it's perfectly fine to throw rocks at police in order to get a better life. Taking tests, getting a green card? That stuff is for chumps right?

Seriously, illegal immigration is a problem and it needs to be stopped. The people coming over and the government they are leaving are the problem, not us. Don't ever try and say the people who want to stop illegal immigration are wrong or something. That is ludicrous. If someone wants to commit a crime, then they better be ready to pay the price. If the price is a welt on their arm, well boohoo.

04-27-2008, 03:48 PM
Anyways, back OT, they should give them Double-troubles or something equally frightening. They will be too busy wiping their shorts to be worried about wiping hits. :p I fully support over-shooting! :shooting:

04-27-2008, 04:10 PM
There is a difference between the immigration 50 years ago, and today.

04-27-2008, 09:41 PM
Here's an article in the local paper.

Paintball guns effective weapons in BP's arsenal (http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/border/236272)

04-27-2008, 10:18 PM
Hell, why don't we just nuke the mexican side of the border and be done with it; its about time we started using some of those things we've paid so much for just to have them sit around in silos and in bomb bays.

What the heck, do the whole of south america - oil doesn't care if its radioactive...

04-27-2008, 11:24 PM
all I am saying is that we dont need to get on some bash immigrants band wagon.
Just remember thay were in the soutwest before we were.

no ones bashing immigrants. you bleeding hearts always leave out the "illegal." :rolleyes:

04-27-2008, 11:38 PM
no ones bashing immigrants. you bleeding hearts always leave out the "illegal." :rolleyes:

QFTMFT...NO ONE here said a single thing bad about anyone immigrating to th U.S.A. LEGALY...but I'll tell ya what, when someone breaks into your house, wipes out your mail box, mugs you, etc. I don't want to hear anything about it, because you like to leave off the illegal...

(of course till it fits what you need)

04-27-2008, 11:57 PM
They're just going to wipe anyways.

Regardless, let's look at what really was illegal about 150 years ago, oh let's say, an illegal war that was really just a land grab, which also led to seizure of property from law abiding citizens and given to Anglos.


04-28-2008, 12:52 AM
They're just going to wipe anyways.

Regardless, let's look at what really was illegal about 150 years ago, oh let's say, an illegal war that was really just a land grab, which also led to seizure of property from law abiding citizens and given to Anglos.


you left out who THEY took it from.

04-28-2008, 06:08 AM
ALL the world has been taken from someone at some point. :rolleyes:

04-28-2008, 07:41 AM
They're just going to wipe anyways.

Regardless, let's look at what really was illegal about 150 years ago, oh let's say, an illegal war that was really just a land grab, which also led to seizure of property from law abiding citizens and given to Anglos.


wonder what the Native Americans feel about that map?

04-28-2008, 10:46 AM
Get it back on topic so it dont get locked.

Post 12

:clap: :ninja: :argh: :eek:

Is an FN303 considered a PaintBall Gun? Hmmm, Not less then lethal but less lethal. :spit_take :ninja:

Here's an article in the local paper.

Paintball guns effective weapons in BP's arsenal (http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/border/236272)

Good link Peeko :clap:

"The Border Patrol has about 1,000 of the paintball guns, which have been in the hands of agents since October. The gun, known as the FN303, is produced by a Belgian company, and it replaced a less effective paintball gun that was used for three or four years in Nogales, Ariz., Rivera said."

What was the less effective gun they used???

04-28-2008, 05:26 PM

Interesting looking .


04-28-2008, 06:08 PM

Interesting looking .


Alright... So they "develop" a device that can shoot a finned plastic capsule "88 Meters/Second" And it is accurate and effective up to 100 meters.

YET a PAINTBALL which travels at 300FPS can only go ~15 meters effectively....

hmmmmm..... I'll take 200!!!! Cause then I'll be able to arm my wholeeeeeee team with a marker that can shoot 100 meters and hit a torso sized target and with one shot neutralize the hostile and still be shooting well UNDER field regulated FPS limits.

Another thing I find HIGHLY interesting is this... Why the use of .68 caliber??? Is that a magic number now on what is the proper size for aerodynamics?? They say,
It is not the adaptation of a game : it is a real system developed with seriousness and fullfilling all the requirements of a weapon. But yet they use .68 as their caliber of choice.

Another FOS statement...

The stability of the trajectory is guaranteed, even under adverse conditions (wind, rain …)

Now they can defy physics.

88M/S is ~ 264FPS.... And to think... people spend GOVERNMENT money on these things and they are no better and FAR more expensive than a MAG, Tippman, Spyder, etc.

WOW!!! Talk about a crapload of snake oil on that site.

Talk about Necromancy....


They just better hope BG don't find out about em...


04-28-2008, 06:32 PM
I know its off target but is anyone eles seeing the links above this thread about joining the boarder patrol. I kind off think its funny realy I was going to join the boarder patrol I mean you are going to give me a bad @ss bronco or some fast ATV to hunt down pepole down with Its like a big game of hide and go seek but I get NVGs. Then I looked in to it and did not like some of the things they did.
good advertizing

04-28-2008, 07:05 PM
Back in July of '07 I was fortunate enough to train for a couple days with the border patrol out near Yuma, AZ, and they demonstrated some of their paintball equipment on us.

They were using the Pro-lites at the time but got their very first FN, it wasn't even taken out of the box yet, but they loved that thing and couldn't wait to use it. I'm guessing that they were going to put it through testing and trials or something before the official contract was actually signed off....anyways They also demonstrated the pepperballs on us, and threw just one of them against the wall in the classroom and within about 2 minutes all 15 of us coughing and tearing up, so I can imagine what 1 hopper could do to a crowd, even if it is outdoors.

The border patrol agents I got to meet and talk with were great guys, a really professional organization. It ticks me off that the government treats them like the red headed step child most of the time and deserve any tool they can get their hands on to help them. Right now they're in one of those situations you see in cartoons, with the character and his bucket trying to save the sinking ship.

04-28-2008, 07:55 PM
Back in July of '07 I was fortunate enough to train for a couple days with the border patrol out near Yuma, AZ, and they demonstrated some of their paintball equipment on us.

They were using the Pro-lites at the time but got their very first FN, it wasn't even taken out of the box yet, but they loved that thing and couldn't wait to use it.

If this is true, then would it be safe to say that the pro-lite was the less effective paintball gun they were using or were they using others also??????

04-28-2008, 09:04 PM
Alright... So they "develop" a device that can shoot a finned plastic capsule "88 Meters/Second" And it is accurate and effective up to 100 meters.

YET a PAINTBALL which travels at 300FPS can only go ~15 meters effectively....

hmmmmm..... I'll take 200!!!! Cause then I'll be able to arm my wholeeeeeee team with a marker that can shoot 100 meters and hit a torso sized target and with one shot neutralize the hostile and still be shooting well UNDER field regulated FPS limits.

Another thing I find HIGHLY interesting is this... Why the use of .68 caliber??? Is that a magic number now on what is the proper size for aerodynamics?? They say, But yet they use .68 as their caliber of choice.

Another FOS statement...

Now they can defy physics.

88M/S is ~ 264FPS.... And to think... people spend GOVERNMENT money on these things and they are no better and FAR more expensive than a MAG, Tippman, Spyder, etc.

WOW!!! Talk about a crapload of snake oil on that site.

Talk about Necromancy....


They just better hope BG don't find out about em...


Well you missed a few things here. First I suck at math, so help me out if I am wrong. Eighty eighty meters a second equils two hundred eighty eighty point seven feet per second, rounded off.

They say muzzle velocity is 85-91 m/s. Lets go max 91 on this, that is 298.5 feet per second, rounded off.

The average weight of todays paitball is three grams or so. ASTM says MAX weight not to exceed 3.5 grams at 300fps to be SAFE.[at a given distance] So I want my balls to weigh 3.5grams[max] at 300fps for BEST results. Unless you shoot tourny and CHEAT and use balls that weigh more which I would think they probably do. :(

So lets just call it 300fps for the FN303.[rounded up] Now look at the weight of the 303 projectile. Holy crap a wopping 8.5 g at 18mm which is slightly over 68 cal. That is over twice the weight, plus 1.5 grams to be exact of a regular paintball at ASTM standards at 300FPS

Oh just so ya know the valve in the 303 was designed by AGD and the rounds by Perfect Circle. The valve is similar or close to the 68 classic AGD valve. Where is MusicMan with pics when you need him??

LOL, I dont see no snake oil bit you did make me use the dictionary on Necromancy. :spit_take :cheers:

04-28-2008, 09:18 PM
They're just going to wipe anyways.

reballs baby! then they cant wipe.

ive had my share of illegal aliens. cant take it anymore. i have to press 1 to continue in english. and they think they own the road.

04-28-2008, 09:24 PM
Ohhhh poo, its Airassault's turn!

Yes left leaning AA is against Illegal/criminal alliens! I say pepper the heck out of them.... double fence mine things is also a great idea.... If Juan Lopez can come accross the border illegally so can Omar Binladen. I know this sounds VERY VERY extreme but we should treat any person caught coming into this country from Mexico or Canada or where ever as a terrorist, plain and simple. We have no clue what they are coming here to do so we need to assume it is to do us harm. Also, screw paintballs, rubber bullets will be much better. Put up some of those riot claymores like those idiots on Jackass stood in front of, make it very unpleasant for them to try and cross over illegally. Now, I know why people, esp from Mexico are coming here, and to tell the truth if I was in the same boat I prob would try too..... that however does not change the fact that they are breaking our laws and deserve to be treated as any other criminal. Also, screw this multiple deportation deal... you are here illegally, you break the law, you get deported. Come back and break another law, life in jail... see if that lowers the numbers.

04-28-2008, 10:12 PM
they use 68 caliber because it was developed based on 68 caliber technology and the manufacturing process for that caliber is in place and because they need the weight in the projectile to get the extra range.

they are more accurate because of the fin stabilized round

some folks at AGD and PTP were involved in prototyping that thing


you can't fight economic conditions with a paintball gun - its the wrong weapon.

twin 50s and bazookas aren't going to be any more effective;

04-28-2008, 10:22 PM
Well you missed a few things here. First I suck at math, so help me out if I am wrong. Eighty eighty* meters a second equils** two hundred eighty eighty* point seven feet per second, rounded off.
*No Y
** A not I
If you will notice the ~ symbol in between the 88M/S~264FPS it means APPROXIMATELY... A meter is not EXACTLY 3 FEET. That's what I did on the math... 88 X 3. That's how I got the 264 and why I put the ~ in the equation. But thank you for actually getting the specifics.

They say muzzle velocity is 85-91 m/s. Lets go max 91 on this, that is 298.5 feet per second, rounded off.

Okay, I'm with ya...

The average weight of todays pai^tball* is three grams or so. ASTM says MAX weight not to exceed 3.5 grams at 300fps to be SAFE.[at a given distance] So I want my balls to weigh 3.5grams[max] at 300fps for BEST results. Unless you shoot tourn^y** and CHEAT and use balls that weigh more which I would think they probably do. :(

*Missed an N
**Missed an E

How do you measure weight with speed??? Can you tell how much a car weighs by how fast it's going?? :spit_take
At a given distance??? What is that number?? And I still don't see how they measure weight of a ball by how fast it goes. NOW if you want to split hairs and get into the measurement of the force of impact/kinetic force of a 3.5 gram gelatin ball going 300FPS 20 feet down range from the muzzle of the gun then go for it... but I'm not being that analytical and really don't care and so I'll concede that point...

How do you figure that they can get balls that weigh more than 3.5 grams at will? Wouldn't you think that the ball companies would be held responsible for producing balls that are outside of those specifications? Of course I guess it's hard to get sued for an injury resulting from an overweight ball when it's contents got splattered everywhere.

So lets just call it 300fps for the FN303.[rounded up] Now look at the weight of the 303 projectile. Holy crap a wopping 8.5 g at 18mm which is slightly over 68 cal. That is over twice the weight, plus 1.5 grams to be exact of a regular paintball at ASTM standards at 300FPS

I didn't call it .68 caliber... They did.... It's on their site listed as .68 and then also they do mention the 18mm. Same same....

And I have to say that you are INCORRECT in your assumption that just because it weighs twice+some of a regular PB don't mean that it can still carry that far as shown here which was copied from their site

*1. The FN303 has an effective range of 0 to 50 m - more than triple the range of the pepper ball
*2. The FN303 can also be used for area saturation with PAVA (pelargonic acid anillylamid) powder from a distance of up to 100 m.

Meaning that they are counting the DELIVERY of the pepper spray out to 100M as being effective. And they are in turn saying that no other delivery system on the market can claim that, though we all know that if you stood in the right spot with the wind the right direction and the gods smiling upon your face you can lob a pepper/paint ball just as far. Yes it may be heavier and can inherently go farther in essence, but I still think it's a bit of a reach.

Oh just so ya know the valve in the 303 was designed by AGD and the rounds by Perfect Circle. The valve is similar or close to the 68 classic AGD valve. Where is MusicMan with pics when you need him??

I didn't see much of a mention of Perfect Circle in discussion of the rounds. I know that PC is/was AGD and I know that at one time they/he was producing the super thin plastic shelled pepper type ammo for LE use. I didn't realize that he had refined it to a PACMAN ghost shaped projectile. And even so it still does not take away from the fact that they state on their site where I quoted them with this one
The stability of the trajectory is guaranteed, even under adverse conditions (wind, rain …)

LOL, I dont see no snake oil bit you did make me use the dictionary on Necromancy. :spit_take :cheers:

So those statements to me register as wishful thinking and salesman spewage. And I'd be willing to bet ya some money that I could stand 100m from you down here at TAG in Hollister, CA and you could put 15 rounds downrange at me and I'm betting it's not going to have a real big effect on me. And this isn't some bravado statement. It's simply the open air with a slight breeze all you have to do is hold your breath and move out of the way, or just let the breeze pull it away.

They talk about it being EFFECTIVE that far out. Okay... I know there are some folks with arms on em... but come on??? Do you know many that can chuck a rock 100m???

And lastly.... I don't follow the logic of responding to deadly force with less than deadly force. To me it's just as life threatening. And if you wish to endanger me then I will endanger you. It may come to a gun fight, and I may lose but it won't be because I was forced to bring a knife.

You said to correct ya if you were wrong... I'm just pokin Beem...


04-29-2008, 07:00 AM
they use 68 caliber because it was developed based on 68 caliber technology and the manufacturing process for that caliber is in place and because they need the weight in the projectile to get the extra range.

they are more accurate because of the fin stabilized round

some folks at AGD and PTP were involved in prototyping that thing


you can't fight economic conditions with a paintball gun - its the wrong weapon.

twin 50s and bazookas aren't going to be any more effective;

as far as the FN303 goes, yes Tom was invovled in designing it.the internals are much like that of the automags. there is a post about it here in the forums.

04-29-2008, 10:52 AM
Pro Team was the original company working on the gun. They made the first prototypes that had a rotating loading tube assembly that could hold several different types of paintballs. Pro Team used our stock valves from the beginning and the gun shot round paintballs of normal weight.

The military kept upping the requirements and thats how we took over the project. We had to develop a more accurate projectile which lead to the heavier fin stablilized round. From there we had to develop a gun to fire them and by that time they didn't care about multiple types of rounds.

The original protos are still the coolest looking paintball guns ever.


04-29-2008, 11:29 AM
If this is true, then would it be safe to say that the pro-lite was the less effective paintball gun they were using or were they using others also??????

In their armory, the only paintball guns I remember seeing were a couple of pro-lites and the single boxed FN. Since they did buy the far more expensive FN, they must be thinking they'll get something out of it that the prolite doesn't deliver...(although they didn't share any complaints about the pro-lite to us)

04-30-2008, 10:24 AM
I've never had a problem with the mods before, but twice I've posted non-inflammatory, historic examples that have been deleted here, including examples from my own family.

I find it interesting that posts equating illegals or Mexicans with terrorists are tolerated, but a rundown of my family history and their length of residence on these lands are not tolerated.

What gives?

04-30-2008, 10:27 AM
Get it back on topic so it dont get locked.

You missed this part. Its about PaintBall guns used for border patrol not a history lesson.

04-30-2008, 02:33 PM
In their armory, the only paintball guns I remember seeing were a couple of pro-lites and the single boxed FN. Since they did buy the far more expensive FN, they must be thinking they'll get something out of it that the prolite doesn't deliver...(although they didn't share any complaints about the pro-lite to us)
A couple reasons. First, the FN303 round differs from paintballs in that it has fins, so it's more precise at greater range. Second, the FN303's round weighs 8.5g, thanks to a granulated bismuth load in the forward half of the round. The back half can be loaded with water, washable paint, indelible paint, or a paint/pepper spray mix. Basically, the Pro-Lites are paintball markers, while the FN303 is a less-lethal weapon based on a paintball marker, but heavily modified to be easier for LEOs to use and more effective against their targets - the kinetic energy of a paintball is unlikely to slow down determined rioters, while the FN303 has a much better chance of taking them down (think getting hit by three paintballs at once).

05-01-2008, 01:09 PM
A couple reasons. First, the FN303 round differs from paintballs in that it has fins, so it's more precise at greater range. Second, the FN303's round weighs 8.5g, thanks to a granulated bismuth load in the forward half of the round. The back half can be loaded with water, washable paint, indelible paint, or a paint/pepper spray mix. Basically, the Pro-Lites are paintball markers, while the FN303 is a less-lethal weapon based on a paintball marker, but heavily modified to be easier for LEOs to use and more effective against their targets - the kinetic energy of a paintball is unlikely to slow down determined rioters, while the FN303 has a much better chance of taking them down (think getting hit by three paintballs at once).

hmmm thanks for getting me up to speed.

05-02-2008, 09:49 AM
Pro Team was the original company working on the gun. They made the first prototypes that had a rotating loading tube assembly that could hold several different types of paintballs. Pro Team used our stock valves from the beginning and the gun shot round paintballs of normal weight.

The military kept upping the requirements and thats how we took over the project. We had to develop a more accurate projectile which lead to the heavier fin stablilized round. From there we had to develop a gun to fire them and by that time they didn't care about multiple types of rounds.

The original protos are still the coolest looking paintball guns ever.



05-02-2008, 11:05 AM
haha paintball at the border sounds interesting, it's not as extreme as a "shoot-to-kill" policy at the border but might be effective. No pun intended but we seem to be alienating our neighbors to the south when in all probability canada, united states, and mexico will in the future become more cohesive than before, guess i better learn french and spanish :-/

05-02-2008, 11:17 AM
haha paintball at the border sounds interesting, it's not as extreme as a "shoot-to-kill" policy at the border but might be effective. No pun intended but we seem to be alienating our neighbors to the south when in all probability canada, united states, and mexico will in the future become more cohesive than before, guess i better learn french and spanish :-/

Actually, by meeting in the middle it would be much easier for them to learn English. :p