View Full Version : Classic/Minimag Valve 12g Efficiency

04-26-2008, 02:22 AM
So after a few searches, and no info pertaining to my concerns, I figured it was safe enough to make a thread. :)

So I'm thinking about making a Mag pistol that runs off 12g's. Problem is, I know Mags aren't the world's most efficient beasts. My question is, what kind of shot count would I be looking at off of a 12g powered semi Classic Mag (probably a Minimag, to be honest), with a barrel just long enough to be even with the Minimag "shroud" portion.

Also, I'd like to know every single little tip and trick to squeezing more shots at decent consistency out of a Classic or Minimag valve.

Thanks for any help, and if this has been brought up before, please link me to that thread! I'd love to get all the information I can.

Thanks again!

04-26-2008, 08:44 AM
The subject has definately be brought up before. I don't have alink but you shouold be able to find it. The study showed that the mag got about 20-27 shots without bad drop off if the shot were spaced out. When you have quick bust the fps will fall after the 3rd shot or so. Some guy did a whole study on it and posted a huge spread sheet, you should find it somewhere, Im sure some one has the link. Mag pistols are cool, but there is a reason they stop making the Sydarm, they hate C02 especially unregualted c02.

04-26-2008, 09:15 AM
If it's flush with the shroud, how will you remove the barrel? Also, the shorter the air lines, the later you will see dropoff but the more liquid gets in th valve if you're not careful.

04-26-2008, 02:37 PM
~25 shots. If you're concerned about efficiency, get a slightly longer barrel than you were talking about, and make sure it's unported. The 8" stock Minimag barrel is pretty good, though a 10" unported might be better.

I think RRFireblade modded an X-Valve to run on CO2 and get upwards of 40 shots/12g, so you could look into that, although it's not cheap or easy.

I know there was a thread around with a chart of 'mag velocities/shots on a 12g, but I don't know where it got to.

04-26-2008, 02:47 PM
Ah, thanks for the link! I'll be sure to peruse that. Oh, and I brain-farted in regards to barrel length. A stock Minimag barrel would be just right. Hey, it was 2:20 a.m. when I posted. May also be the reason behind my not being able to find anything in search.

I'd like to be able to use a pistol that performs decently as a main (yeah, I'm crazy). I've thought about the advantages and disadvantages, but figured the "fun factor," and the fact that I like the feel of pistols better than something shouldered (i.e. a tank on a marker) outweighs the inevitability that I'm gonna get lit up a whole lot more. :D

Anyway, I'll go through the searches again, but since this thread is already here, feel free to point out tips and tricks, or chastise me for not better using the search function. Whatever works out! :p