View Full Version : Tlc#7

04-26-2008, 05:26 AM
Here she is. The seventh gun in the Triggernomics Luscious Collection.
I found it important to honor the warp feed setup since that is my own personal favorite option.
More coverage will be available on the new website when it's up.





04-26-2008, 06:55 AM
that is veerrrrrrrry nice :clap:

love your work. Does this one actually shoot :ninja:

04-26-2008, 06:58 AM
whoa ... :tard:

04-26-2008, 07:06 AM
I'm having a problem with drooling, I can't stop.

I want hug it and pet it and call it George. :D

04-26-2008, 07:22 AM
Not enough words in the dictionary Dan. You are truly an artist and a master of your craft. :hail:

Hmmm, let the Skeleton cocker vs. Bone Mag debate begin! :rofl:

Edit: Not too hot on the beavertail-needle though. "Youll put your eye out kid" :argh:

04-26-2008, 08:03 AM
thats amazing! more pics!!

Empyreal Rogue
04-26-2008, 08:41 AM
I remember the last time you posted pictures, glad to see it's done.

Amazing work Dan, as always. I really like the ball detent design, very nice.

04-26-2008, 08:41 AM
Edit: Not too hot on the beavertail-needle though. "Youll put your eye out kid" :argh:

im assuming a valve would go over that

Dark Side
04-26-2008, 08:43 AM
Talk about ULE. Very nice! :hail:

04-26-2008, 08:44 AM
im assuming a valve would go over that

DOH! :tard:

04-26-2008, 08:54 AM
Very nice
It looks alot more solid than the cocker

04-26-2008, 09:11 AM
drop dead sexy :cheers:

04-26-2008, 09:14 AM
this piece of art it simply amazing. it took me 5 minutes of staring at it before i could write this. awesome :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

04-26-2008, 09:31 AM
There is nothing that will stop this thing from working, except, as you have noticed, the absence of a valve. Since I'm not playing over here, and since I don't have a valve, I have to present it to you like this.
I really like it myself, and I'm glad to see many of you do too.

04-26-2008, 10:11 AM
Yummmy!! Love it as usual!!


04-26-2008, 10:24 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I can't even speak right now

04-26-2008, 10:41 AM
absolutely beautiful. :wow:

Do you have any before pics? I was wondering what foregrip/frame that started as.

04-26-2008, 10:58 AM
You have a serious sickness brother. Not saying it is a bad thing, but there are underlying issues....lol

Do you do this with other items as well?

04-26-2008, 11:26 AM
Absolutely gorgeous. Post all the TLC guns at once, please

04-26-2008, 11:42 AM
That thing has to be made out of the essence of sex. Amazing work, it's beautiful, it'd be a shame for me to play with it (though if it was mine i still would, it would just look like crap afterward).

04-26-2008, 11:55 AM
is there a sear on that thing?

Empyreal Rogue
04-26-2008, 12:43 PM
is there a sear on that thing?

Yeah, he even modified it to blend in, but it is there. Look at the trigger picture, you can see the rod. Then in the full body picture you can see the whole sear assembly.

04-26-2008, 02:19 PM


Wow. Another four images for my Triggernomics folder...
You've done seven of these? Hmm, I'll have to wait for the web site and see the ones I missed.

EDIT: Love the Warp bracket, too. So much detail on these things, I keep staring at it and noticing stuff I missed.

04-26-2008, 03:54 PM
Not a huge fan of the foregrip, but overall the gun is very sick! I especially like the warp mount! Another great gun from Dan!

mr doo doo
04-26-2008, 05:37 PM
sooo shiney :). love how it looks though, nice work!

04-26-2008, 06:32 PM
word can't describe
? is it polished aluminum or chrome ??
the barrel is stainless ?

04-26-2008, 06:58 PM
That's awesome. You should do a viking/excaliber/cyborg in the future. :bounce:

04-26-2008, 07:57 PM
so was that the ion you were working on? :tard:

04-27-2008, 02:05 AM
The surface is polished aluminum, not chromed or coated in any way.
As for doing other guns, I'm going to stick with the mag. If I ever do do another gun, it would be my 2000 LCD Angel. First I have to finish the E-mag though, if that's at all possible.
Keep your eyes peeled, the website should be out soon, where everything I've done will be posted.

04-27-2008, 02:41 AM
The surface is polished aluminum, not chromed or coated in any way.
As for doing other guns, I'm going to stick with the mag. If I ever do do another gun, it would be my 2000 LCD Angel. First I have to finish the E-mag though, if that's at all possible.
Keep your eyes peeled, the website should be out soon, where everything I've done will be posted.

its a peice of art, i realise this.

but what made you oneday say "hey, i'm going to carve up an autococker"
i'm just wondering

also beautiful work as usual.

04-27-2008, 04:47 AM
are you going to get that beauty chromed or annoed to preserve its finish? I hope so, otherwise the whoel alum part of it would end up looking like a intelli trigger, raw and oxidized...ewww, but not the less that is sick.

04-27-2008, 06:12 AM
Actually, aluminum oxidizes immediately, and the shine does not suffer because of it, so I leave it like this. I did three guns back in 2001, one Tom Kaye has, one I gave to Steve Davidson, which then got stolen, and one I still have. The one I still have looks fine. If anything, I just need to wipe the dust off every once in a while. I don't know how Tom's looks, although I always wanted to get the chance to take better pictures of it. Same with the one that got stolen, there's only a few bad pictures in existence, and it was really a nice piece. It's gone for over 5 years now, and I don't think I'll see it again.

As far as why doing a cocker, it's because it has so much history, and because there are so many possibilities. Most of all, even though I find it inferior to the mag, it's kind of like the mag's brother. So there's no coincidence that I've done 3 mags and 3 cockers. The Sterling was the first to break the ranks, and it'll be the only one until I do the LCD someday. I'm not really planning on doing anymore cockers, although I did always have an idea for making it really scream. I don't think I'll get to it though because it would be incredibly complicated, and I've already got my hands full with the E-mag. Before that's done, I've got one more mag to go, and if it keeps going the way it has, it'll be done by the end of the summer. The E-mag will likely be the one never gets done and will haunt me till the end of my days.

All for the fun of it,

04-27-2008, 10:25 AM
The surface is polished aluminum, not chromed or coated in any way.
As for doing other guns, I'm going to stick with the mag. If I ever do do another gun, it would be my 2000 LCD Angel. First I have to finish the E-mag though, if that's at all possible.
Keep your eyes peeled, the website should be out soon, where everything I've done will be posted.

You know that if you use a nice polish with wax in it you can keep the oxidation away. You said previously it was no problem..I am not sure how. All unsealed aluminum I have ever seen got a salty "rust" all over it pretty quickly.

I personally use a product called Bombs Away for my motorcycle and for my paintball gear that is unannoed.

04-27-2008, 12:32 PM
My God! That really is a work of art! :wow: :wow:
Beautiful just beautiful!

04-27-2008, 06:24 PM
Needs highway pegs. Then a test ride down on Hwy1 Preferably the Malibu coastal area.

04-28-2008, 01:11 AM
Absolutely gorgeous.

Words don't do it justice.

04-28-2008, 08:31 AM
That's awesome. You should do a viking/excaliber/cyborg in the future. :bounce:
There is a lot of material to work with on some of those, Dan.... :D

It doesn't matter too much what you start with, we'll drool over it all. :clap:

04-28-2008, 11:48 AM
It's not really a matter of which guns have more or less material to work with. If that were my starting position, then the mag would probably be one of the last places I'd look. To really understand my standpoint, I'd have to explain where I started.
I bought a Sniper pump in 94, the pump that was supposed to make me as happy as my Sterling did. To be frank, it didn't do it for me, and I quickly proceeded to convert it into an Autococker. It would be my first semi automatic paintgun. For three years I tinkered with that thing, and I was really able to make it fly. All the while, without ever trying a mag, I was heavily favoring and endorsing the cocker in the cocker/mag wars.
But then one day it happened. A good friend of mine let me try his mag and I was an instant convert. I realized that the cocker was mechanical schmoorgesborg of modifiability, but when it came to playing, the mag was the one. I'd never want to play with anything else.
There are few other guns that have had such a profound reputation in our sport. That's why the only other gun I'd consider doing now is the 2000 LCD Angel, like I said. I think that was the dawn of where the electronic generation arrived and changed our sport. That's worthy of honoring.

So as much as I know the VIking/ Excalibur or Cyborg, DM's, Intimidator's, Ego's and so on to be great shooting pieces of equipment with plenty of room to have their design's modified, they aren't really calling me to work on them.

If I had the time I'd do them all, but there are only a few hundred thousand hours left in my life, and I need to use them wisely.

Besides, with the next mag that I'm working on, you'll notice that there's plenty of options still open.
Don't worry about me, I've got enough to do.

04-28-2008, 12:13 PM
It's not really a matter of which guns have more or less material to work with. If that were my starting position, then the mag would probably be one of the last places I'd look. To really understand my standpoint, I'd have to explain where I started.
I bought a Sniper pump in 94, the pump that was supposed to make me as happy as my Sterling did. To be frank, it didn't do it for me, and I quickly proceeded to convert it into an Autococker. It would be my first semi automatic paintgun. For three years I tinkered with that thing, and I was really able to make it fly. All the while, without ever trying a mag, I was heavily favoring and endorsing the cocker in the cocker/mag wars.
But then one day it happened. A good friend of mine let me try his mag and I was an instant convert. I realized that the cocker was mechanical schmoorgesborg of modifiability, but when it came to playing, the mag was the one. I'd never want to play with anything else.
There are few other guns that have had such a profound reputation in our sport. That's why the only other gun I'd consider doing now is the 2000 LCD Angel, like I said. I think that was the dawn of where the electronic generation arrived and changed our sport. That's worthy of honoring.

So as much as I know the VIking/ Excalibur or Cyborg, DM's, Intimidator's, Ego's and so on to be great shooting pieces of equipment with plenty of room to have their design's modified, they aren't really calling me to work on them.

If I had the time I'd do them all, but there are only a few hundred thousand hours left in my life, and I need to use them wisely.

Besides, with the next mag that I'm working on, you'll notice that there's plenty of options still open.
Don't worry about me, I've got enough to do.
Now I remember you posting something similar about the inspiration for that cocker. Obviously, they are works of inspiration, not opportunity.

It's great to see talent and inspiration working in the same hands.

I think you said "no" to prints on the cocker before, but keep the print idea in your pocket. :)

04-28-2008, 12:58 PM
Dan, most of the work you do is by hand?
What are the most basic toold that you like to use.
I like to sculpt, and am pretty handy on a schetch board also. I did this from a Piranha 2k3 body that had a T1 pneumatic ram system in it a while ago...
Looked like this before I started...
Wanted it to look like a fish, whyle at the same time decrease the cycling time of the striker. Diablo liked the idea so much, they stole it to make their Wraith.
This was the end result...
Here's what inspired me...
Obviously, I need to travel further the path of vision to see what you see.