View Full Version : Drilling a CP direct mount on/off ASA

04-26-2008, 12:38 PM
I'm working on a pneumag and I was going to put the LPR in my airwalk frame. I was also thinking I would use the CP ASA since it has 2 outputs, turn it 90 degrees so one is facing the frame and the other is facing down in order to connect to my LPR through the frame. The idea being that I would tap the hole in the bottom of the frame and screw both the ASA and LPR into it. This is a direct mount ASA obviously, not the dovetail version.

My question is: Can I drill through the ASA to make holes for the mounting screws if I turn it 90 degrees? They would actually intersect with the original holes in the middle of the ASA. Would I have to plug the original holes up to prevent air escaping from them? Would this totally muck up the ASA?

04-26-2008, 12:55 PM
the way i did mine without any problems was i drilled into the asa a little with a large bit then i went inside that a little deeper with a smaller bit that way u get a lip to use a oring between the bottom of the grip and the asa... i then drilled at a angle from my holes into the air holes that the macro screw into..


then whe i put it together she looked like this


hope this helps.... pm me with any questions and i will help u as much as possible...

04-26-2008, 02:04 PM
That's similar to what I was thinking. The problem with that setup is it doesn't let me put a warp on, at least not easily. What I was going to do was turn the ASA so that one of the existing holes would face into the frame. What I would be drilling would be the 2 holes that actually mount the ASA to the frame - I would be drilling all the way through the ASA.

Nice mag btw. I found that pic in the pneumag pic thread, I think it was, and fell in love with it. It's one of the ones that inspired me to start tinkering with mine.