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01-19-2002, 09:11 PM
OK just a thought, I do not feel we should support the confederate flag by putting it on the AGD website. Call me crazy but I think I am pretty happy that the North won the Civil War. These are just some of the reasons why paintball isn't what it could be. Also, I have seen in paintball magazines, I think it was PB2XTREMES, THE NAZI FLAG!! Like stuff like this does not give great exposure.

Anyway hre it is: http://www.airgun.com/warppix-1.html

And then when you hold your mouse over the image they say that they are showing off thir banner.

:mad: :mad:

01-19-2002, 09:20 PM
Hi,I see nothing wrong with having a confederate flag in their team banner,why?because its THIER team banner.Not yours.I reab PB2X,and i have never seen a nazi flag,unless the one scenerio showed a flag.I think that what you think is obserd,that is like saying that people shouldnt have British flags,or Canadian flags.It is who they support.I have no problem w/ any ones flags,which for some reason i dont think that is what this is about.And i have heard people say,not me,that if someone thinks that,it is them...that are racist.I know this is my OPINION,and i didnt want to start flame war,but i had to speak my mind,and as others say.....That's just my 2 cents.

01-19-2002, 09:29 PM
I dont find it offensive, as long as they dont find my "You lost get over it already" bumpersticker.

01-19-2002, 09:30 PM
YES I agree with you but do you feel that AGD should be encouraging this?

And no the confederate flag is not the same as a british flag or a canadian flag. It is what the flag stands for, the Nazi flag stands for persecution and mass murder of Jews and other races. So by the same logic I guess the British flag and the Nazi Flag is also the same? If you are an American you show your "SUPPORT" with the American Flag, you know the one with the 50 stars and stripes. Not with a Flag who supported slavery.

Yeah it was in PB2XTREMES, it was a small flag on top of a van. I think was either their january or december issue.

01-19-2002, 09:30 PM
Many find the Confederate flag offensive for obvious reasons. I feel it is not right to be displayed in this manner, as I find it crazy to see pickup trucks at the local fields with the same flag plastered to the window.

It does giving paintball a somewhat bad name, many associate paintball with "country folk". The Confederates lost, no reason to support their racial ignorance.

.. This was not supposed to be flame in anyways, just my rant. It does look somewhat unproffesional on AGD's site. Notice their team name, Dixie Reign. Heh ;)

01-19-2002, 09:54 PM
Take these absurd claims somewhere else. "NAZI Flag"?! The NAZI flag does not stand for the persecution of Jews and other races, and no - it does not stand for the mass execution of people either. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Nazi Flag. It is a symbol of a great power, and a great party - who were able to pull their "democratic republic" out of poverty, unemployment, crime and etc. Who are you, to determine what is offensive and obscene?
The same could be said for the American flag. 50 Stars representing all the states that were obtained through the slaughter of the Native Americans, the slave labor of the Africans and etc. I find it offensive that the very country that stands for Freedom and Ideals helped support that dog Stalin and his failed Communism in WW2! I find it offensive that America claims(ed) that it is fighting for freedom and democracy, yet it handed Eastern Europe over to the Communists! I find it offensive that America supports oppressive and intolerant regimes all across the globe(especially in the Middle East) and claim that they are supporting Democracy and Freedom! I find it offensive that the United States turns its back on the Palestinian people, while that butcher Sharon is able to walk free for the crimes comitted in 1982! I find it offensive that America's double standards have helped plunge my homeland into darkness! I find the 50 stars offensive! Do you see me denouncing those who support it? You cannot always have your way, get over it.

01-19-2002, 09:57 PM
I have both issues,i will look at now,but besides that,the nazi flag doesnt meen murder of jews,it stands for something,i cant remember what though.And the "country folk" are the people who first started paintball,in newhampshire.Yes,i know it is up north,but they were still hickish

01-19-2002, 09:58 PM
I'm closing this thread to head off the inevitable flaming ignorance.

The War Between The States was not about slavery. In 1859, Lincoln said, he had no intention of forcing those slave states to abandon their slave laws. Indeed, it wasn't until after the battle of Gettysburg that he signed any slave related legislation.

The South had slaves, the North had "indentured servants", which are essentially to the same thing, but made up of mostly whites and other European immigrants. Many "free" blacks too, were indentured, and lived not any better than their southern cousins.

The Confederate Flag is NOT a symbol of secession, slavery, states rights, or even "redneckedness". The wrongly named Stars And Bars is only a battle flag, used to rally troops on the always confusing battlefield. It should be no more considered racist than any other flag that the US has fought against.

French tri-color, British cross of ST Patrick, Germany's tri-color or double falcon, Japanese "meat-ball", Mexican Eagle and snake, Italy's tri- color, the Soviet Union hammer and sickle. All these countries at one time or other tried to subvert Americans or others, should we also protest their flags?

No, of course not, and it should be no different for the CS battle flag.

Look at who is pushing the racism issue today, and ask yourself why THEY have not done for their fellow man, all that they want YOU to do. Some folks are getting very rich by calling others racist. That, my friends, is the real travesty of the Civil War.