View Full Version : ahh memories and compromise...

04-28-2008, 03:54 PM
Well, I was in the middle of moving to my new place the other day and I found my box with all my paintball gear, my all black rogue mag with its blade intelliframe, and my other ule mag with its chimera frame. I wondered if they still even fire and I suddenly felt a growing urge to get back in the game. Unfortunately, most of my most recent memories of paintball are from about 1 1/2-2 years ago, before I deployed to Iraq and got busy with marriage and life in general; and those memories are of me getting frustrated at the rampant cheating in my area, the lack of comaraderie, and a minority group of spoiled little 12yo's cussing at full grown adults. It all left me with a sick feeling in my stomach and I didn't really care if I ever played again. Certainly not worth my $80 for a day of "play". I was seriously thinking of selling my gear.

The shining recent memory I had was when I took out my old spyder xtra and went out in a private group where we had an absolute blast. Just old fashioned fun where nobody cared about looking cool or shooting 20bps with ramping and wiping and all that jazz. And reading Punkncats recent post about what a good time he had just messing out in an open day of play reminded me of how fun paintball CAN be and why I decided to play in the first place.

So after my 2 year hiatus I decided I'd sortof compromise, I'll just keep my play to smaller more private fields and private groups with my friends, I really hope it'll help recapture even more of the passion I had for the sport, especially from when I first started.
How many others out there have made the same choices and compromises??

04-28-2008, 04:00 PM
I am really glad that my post influenced you that way.
I really love this game a whole lot more for what it was so much than what it has become today. I am going to keep looking into just getting in on some casual walk on games and just having fun. It was nice to play a whole day and not hear one single complaint or accusation. Simply a group sitting around talking about the fun and excitement they were having.

04-28-2008, 05:41 PM
for me ive found a good field that is about 75 miles from back home and about 30 from my school, the scenario games are really great and there are almost no issues. it seems like the smaller public games are when you get the little annoying d-bags out there

04-28-2008, 07:41 PM
for me ive found a good field that is about 75 miles from back home and about 30 from my school, the scenario games are really great and there are almost no issues. it seems like the smaller public games are when you get the little annoying d-bags out there

I used to go to this place in Northern Indiana called sherwood forest when I first started playing. Everytime I went there it was the same 10-15 people , and they were all older, in their late 20's or 30's with nothing to prove so it was always a great time. The best part would just be sitting there after the games talking about what just went on and they'd always share advice and tactics. (i think they just got bored beating me over and over and over again).

If I can get back to a field like that, it'd be my dream come true!
I've only been to 2 scenarios and that was one of the best times i've EVER had. Great atmosphere, great people and worth the price you pay.