View Full Version : Back to the roots, back to the fun..."days"....

04-29-2008, 08:49 AM
The manager of one of my local fields has agreed to let me work on a series or a scheduled (recurring)day of "grass roots" play assuming it draws enough people.

My idea is to get the game back to what it used to be before the arms race. In order to do that I am thinking on copying the idea implemented by the other field we have all read about and making an open play day where any marker is allowed just have to use a gravity fed shaker hopper.
I think that would be the easiest way to implement an across the board leveling effect. I would have to disallow A5's to this particular game as there is no way to do away with the forcefed hopper system built on board. I have considered allowing revi's but cannot figure a way to be sure no one would start rolling the trigger even at the limited amount a revi will allow. That will not be the purpose of this game.


This will be going on at Windy Hill Paintball in McDonough, Ga. Date for the first one is to be set after I work out details. If we can get enough support it will continue. I think it will be great for all involved.

04-29-2008, 11:11 AM
When I'm feeling down and want to quit paintball I always go back to the shake and bake. Makes my day every time and I remember the sport I love. Helps on paint costs too.

04-29-2008, 11:31 AM
I love the idea. My friends always rent and only play about twice a year. the best games are not decided by the force fed hoppers ( though it does help) but the ball count. We made it more fun by just having one hopper load for 2 games back to back. All the balls you can fit in the hopper. after the second game reload. it was like a step up from pump play. plus you can still use your ego with a halo, but 30 seconds into the match once your balls are gone you are done. best games I have played in a long time. it encourages movement in the game.

04-29-2008, 12:19 PM
Shake and bake is one way but as the previous poster said you can use limited paint as well. This allows the kiddies to play with their fancy toys but at the same time realize there can be limitations. It takes a lot more restraint to to make 200 +/- balls last than it does to shoot at 5-7 bps for the game.

04-29-2008, 12:21 PM
Where we just played Sunday at TAG in Hollister, CA I don't remember if he runs 2 or 3 groups. I know 2 at least.

One is ShakeNBake group... The other is any other motorized hopper.... I think it may be 3 groups... such as a revi or any hopper that is NOT force fed. I think that's what he is doing.

I know of the 2 for sure. May have it down to 3 as they still only feed as fast as they can fall.

But yeah that was his restriction. You can run em however you like... but you follow the law of the hopper.

Sounds like a great idea man.... One thing you may consider is having a pump only game or two.... Get some folks out there that will go out with pump only between games or when other folks are podding/airing up. Just try and keep the games rolling... The more folks on the field throwing paint the more interest there will be in trying new ways... Do pump then do a pistol show down... And OH YEAH!!! Hopper Ball!!!!! Roll it!!! How fast you wanna shoot??? Go for it.. :D But ya better make em count.


Congrats again man,


04-29-2008, 02:14 PM
Hey cat,

I live off of Windy Hill right off of 75 and this sounds like the kind of game I would love to get into. If you guys have a pump event I will absolutely be there, just as long as it doesn't interfer w/ Army crap. Other than that, tell me that there is a woodsball field, not just speedball. Get back to me man.


04-29-2008, 02:30 PM
Hey cat,

I live off of Windy Hill right off of 75 and this sounds like the kind of game I would love to get into. If you guys have a pump event I will absolutely be there, just as long as it doesn't interfer w/ Army crap. Other than that, tell me that there is a woodsball field, not just speedball. Get back to me man.


Hey capt,

Just so you know, this is the Windy Hill Paintball in McDonough, GA which is about an hour plus a few minute drive south of you right off 75.

After discussing this a bit further with the owner, we are going to combine this with another deal he has about to crank up for summer called $5 fridays.
It will be friday nights between 6-10 under the lights. Entry fee is $5, air is $5 and 150 balls for $5. With this rule the pumpers could get a good night of play on for $15....

I find the biggest complaint with rec ballers with the current game is going out to have fun and getting mowed. This should solve that. Not only that but it should bring a good deal of the old semis and pumps out of the closet from under a layer of dust.

I am really excited about trying to get this going.

04-29-2008, 02:48 PM
The manager of one of my local fields has agreed to let me work on a series or a scheduled (recurring)day of "grass roots" play assuming it draws enough people.

My idea is to get the game back to what it used to be before the arms race. In order to do that I am thinking on copying the idea implemented by the other field we have all read about and making an open play day where any marker is allowed just have to use a gravity fed shaker hopper.
I think that would be the easiest way to implement an across the board leveling effect. I would have to disallow A5's to this particular game as there is no way to do away with the forcefed hopper system built on board. I have considered allowing revi's but cannot figure a way to be sure no one would start rolling the trigger even at the limited amount a revi will allow. That will not be the purpose of this game.


This will be going on at Windy Hill Paintball in McDonough, Ga. Date for the first one is to be set after I work out details. If we can get enough support it will continue. I think it will be great for all involved.

We have a field that does hopperball on Sundays. Limited ammo works better than limited rof imo.

Shake and bake just plain stinks. A buddy of mine with a classic mag had the battery die on his revi so he was essentially playing shake and bake. Good thing I had just installed a L10 for him otherwise he would have been chopping like crazy. The funny moment of the story was when he heard 'chuff chuff' for the first time and thought I had broken his classic.

A lot of people without eyes or antichop mechanisms will find out real fast just how much 'the fun old days' should stay that way.

Hopperball FTW. Rates of fire will come down FAST, even in speedball games.

It's also a good way to get pump guys in the game. Let them carry 150 extra rounds on the field so the ammo is even and all of a sudden everyone is playing with the great they like, and on a pretty level playing field.

04-29-2008, 02:53 PM
I love the idea. My friends always rent and only play about twice a year. the best games are not decided by the force fed hoppers ( though it does help) but the ball count. We made it more fun by just having one hopper load for 2 games back to back. All the balls you can fit in the hopper. after the second game reload. it was like a step up from pump play. plus you can still use your ego with a halo, but 30 seconds into the match once your balls are gone you are done. best games I have played in a long time. it encourages movement in the game.

Do a three out of five on a speedball field with hopperball. It's a great challenge and lots of fun.

04-29-2008, 03:19 PM
One game I always liked was to get like 3-4 people on one team with only a hopper full, and like 10 people on another team with only 10-20 rounds and thats it. The smaller team has to stay in the first bunker they go to and the other team is open to all bunkers. That game is a lot of fun cause it forces you to move and think before shooting. It is also best played in the woods or heavy brush fields.

04-29-2008, 04:14 PM
I only have a revvy. Never upgraded to the eggy or halo or any of that...

I like the Revvy, man!

Plus, I can't really walk a trigger for ****. I normally pop a "string" of 3-5 balls... never ropes.

04-29-2008, 08:32 PM
I first played in 99, have owned probably 50+ markers, but I have never owned a double trigger, an electro, or an electronic loader.

I tried a q-loader, and even that kinda felt like over-kill, it only held 100 rounds but the speed of it felt like wayyyyy too much.

I would do forced gravity hoppers with teh APP 150 round hoppers

04-30-2008, 02:02 PM
I'm a big fan of hopperball because it doesn't limit people with A5s or Qloaded setups (i.e., I use a Qloader and a level 7 Minimag with a stock trigger, so all a gravity hopper would to is make me chop). Or keep each team on the field for a best-of-three match, no pods allowed and no reloading between games. As the games go on, people have less and less paint. Some of the most fun games I've ever played ended with me shooting my last couple paintballs.

04-30-2008, 03:29 PM
One of the fields local to me is going all non-motorized/force-fed hoppers. Read the debate here (http://www.mcarterbrown.com/forums/paintball-news/31568-drop-zone-paintball-limits-rec-play-gravity-fed-hoppers-only.html) over on M. Carter Brown, it's pretty entertaining.

Personally, I'm all for a true limiting of the BPS, especially on the rec/rental fields. And if you want to play with your high-falutin' marker that spits out a million balls a second, they have tourney fields for that.

04-30-2008, 08:30 PM
One of the fields local to me is going all non-motorized/force-fed hoppers. Read the debate here (http://www.mcarterbrown.com/forums/paintball-news/31568-drop-zone-paintball-limits-rec-play-gravity-fed-hoppers-only.html) over on M. Carter Brown, it's pretty entertaining.

Personally, I'm all for a true limiting of the BPS, especially on the rec/rental fields. And if you want to play with your high-falutin' marker that spits out a million balls a second, they have tourney fields for that.

Read the new Facefull. I normally don't like that mag, but the cover story caught my eye...

"Is speed killing our sport?" You'd be suprised to find how many people are in favor of, and finally enforcing, a lower BPS limit.

05-01-2008, 09:28 PM
I always loved playing hopperball, it made me pick my shots better and I didn't have anything extra to carry around. These days I play almost exclusively stock class, partially for that reason.

How about a point system along with limited paint? Build the teams based on total points, like so:

1 point; Pure stock class pump. 10 round tubes, 12 grams etc.

2 points; 12 gram 10 round semi pistols or open class pump

3 points; Pure mech with nothing more than revvy hopper

5 points; Any electro.

Imagine 5 stock class players against every electro player. That'll even the playing field just a wee bit. :D

05-05-2008, 11:58 AM
Better bring the wooden spoon!

//realized the other day that people stopped packing them in gear bags.

05-05-2008, 11:59 AM
Better bring the wooden spoon!

//realized the other day that people stopped packing them in gear bags.

Lol, yeah nothing like a ball wedged in between your bolt and the breech. A dowel works well too..... :argh:

05-05-2008, 01:38 PM
Paintball has always been an arms race, even in it's genesis. When somebody was sick of having to reload one 12 gram at a time, they invented the six-pack. When people got sick of reloading ten balls a time, they came out with the stick feed (which game way to the hopper). When people got tired of the turn-bolt cocking system, they found out how to bolt a pump on. When people wanted rapid-fire, they shaved the sear down and invented the Auto-Trigger. I'll admit, with the fast Electro's, it's easy to see why people get turned off to the sport. As for the event your planning, I'd just have everyone play with gravity-feed hoppers, or just allow Mech's only.

05-05-2008, 03:55 PM
sweet deal...I would love to come out...ever think about date limit? nothing used made after 1996? 1999? 2001?

I will be rocking my classic mag...or my prolite! Post up with solid dates! I miss the old days...