View Full Version : Hey Tom Nikki Was talking about ya!

05-04-2008, 01:39 PM
So we were at the big game (at paintball sam's) and we gave Nikki an autograph since I had some left over from when we organized the TK autographs, and she got all excited and was like "Oh when did you guys talk to Tommy! (aww Tommy...lol) so we told her about the forums and she was saying how "Tommy" used to come down and test out his guns and such and she has a bunch of his waivers signed still that he filled out. It was so nice to see Nikki's face light up about the old memories, cause the field seems to be having money issues, so Tom if your ever in the area you should come play and say hi to Nikki!!!! Some Paintball Sam's AGD reunion should be established!!!! Anyways just thought the story would give some people on here a smile. :)


05-04-2008, 01:47 PM
Yeah, she seemed really happy to get it, that was one of the highlights of my day yesterday.

05-04-2008, 06:02 PM
Thats GREAT!! Give her a hug from me and tell her I miss her. Sam's is my home field from the 80's. If I hadn't moved I would still be coming to the big games (unless it rains :))

Lots of good memories at that place, well...except for the time I shot out 8 of my own teammates with the prototype Panther.


05-04-2008, 06:08 PM
Thats GREAT!! Give her a hug from me and tell her I miss her. Sam's is my home field from the 80's. If I hadn't moved I would still be coming to the big games (unless it rains :))

Lots of good memories at that place, well...except for the time I shot out 8 of my own teammates with the prototype Panther.

We'll be sure to tell her you say hi when we go in three weeks, if she's there.

As for you shooting out 8 of your teammates, i think that's a story that we all need to hear, because i want to know why it happened, plus the only thing i know about the panther is what i've seen in your video.

05-04-2008, 06:31 PM
We'll be sure to tell her you say hi when we go in three weeks, if she's there.

As for you shooting out 8 of your teammates, i think that's a story that we all need to hear, because i want to know why it happened, plus the only thing i know about the panther is what i've seen in your video.
I agree with Snoopay I think we need to hear about this memorable moment lol :clap: come on tom lets hear it ! I'm pretty sure I have a video of my dad recieving a sportsmon like conduct award (a 68) from you! He was on the Team called the "Momma's Boys" they used to play tourney way back when... They were the reason for a lot of the rules in the waivers like scaling buildings and I guess there used to be a headshots didnt count rule, so they continued to shoot people in the head til they surrendered so headshots counted after that lol, hearing the old stories is always fun, and we have some footage of Sam's from back then.

Also I know this is probably hoping for too much, but itd be awesome if some big reunion day was planned at sams and they could put it on their website and such and you came down here and went through the old stories and the history of all the guns and had like each gun here and of course there'd be paintball games and such, just like a TK Sam's reunion day or something, I mean I know you live in Arizona and all but that would be a good event and I know a lot of fans and friends would come. Just a dream though lol

05-04-2008, 10:59 PM
Hey Wizard, What you need, a Special invitation? Or what? :ninja: :argh: Can the Wizard come out to play? :spit_take Dont make me call S.O.B. Rally. They know about this place.

The boys are still around and are still playing and will come when they hear the call. :headbang:

You forgot, unless it rains and not before noon. :rofl: You putz. :tard:

Lucky me I wasnt one of the eight. :clap:

05-04-2008, 11:04 PM
Anyways just thought the story would give some people on here a smile. :)


It did, indeed it did. :cheers:

05-04-2008, 11:04 PM
Hey Wizard, What you need, a Special invitation? Or what? :ninja: :argh: Can the Wizard come out to play? :spit_take Dont make me call S.O.B. Rally. They know about this place.

The boys are still around and are still playing and will come when they hear the call. :headbang:

You forgot, unless it rains and not before noon. :rofl: You putz. :tard:

Lucky me I wasnt one of the eight. :clap:
Is Beemer drunk posting? I mean first the "Whaaaaaaat" thread and now this. I mean it made sense after i read through it a couple of times, but it just doesn't sound like Beemer, he's usually more serious.

05-04-2008, 11:11 PM
Is Beemer drunk posting? I mean first the "Whaaaaaaat" thread and now this. I mean it made sense after i read through it a couple of times, but it just doesn't sound like Beemer, he's usually more serious.

LOL, Ya being a mod sucks. Kinda like reffing a paintball game. Ounce the mask is down everybody looks the same. :argh:

05-04-2008, 11:16 PM
LOL, Ya being a mod sucks. Kinda like reffing a paintball game. Ounce the mask is down everybody looks the same. :argh:
Yeah, this one i can't even make much sense of. Not entirely sure what's up with you tonight, you're not quite acting like your usual mod self...

05-05-2008, 12:34 AM
Yeah, this one i can't even make much sense of. Not entirely sure what's up with you tonight, you're not quite acting like your usual mod self...

Its ok if you dont understand. Its just a ruse. :cheers:

05-05-2008, 12:42 AM
SO...as the story goes....

It was 1988 and the fastest thing on the field was the Tippmann SMG but since it only had 15 shots, no one was afraid of it. I was field testing the Panther in all its semi-auto glory (except for the co2 freezing the orings and all the gas venting out the barrel). I only had a 7 oz bottle and of course I ran out of air during the game. At that time you could leave the field to get more air and just walk back on.

So I was coming back onto the field alone and I hear gunfire around our fort. I snuck up a ridge and looked down into the area where the fort was and saw a line of more than 10 players laying down behind a low ridge, pounding my guys in the fort!!! Oh my god! This is my chance! I am behind them, I have full paint and air, I CAN BE THE HERO!!!!!

Without another thought, I charged up over the hill out into the open. Time slowed down to a crAWLLL and I could feel each foot step hitting the dirt. I thought to myself "if I can just get up to the first player without being seen..." The first man got closer, and closer, one handed I raised the mighty Panther and at full sprint put two into his back. As he rolled over his buddy looked at him and I took him out too in the same heartbeat.

I raced down the line, mercilessly blasting each player while they sprawled on the ground. Off somewhere I heard cheers erupting from the fort as I laid waste to the enemy. The ground swell of emotion built up in me knowing I was single handedly the hero being cheered on by my comrades in the fort. On by one they fell in succession, until the last man...

The last man dropped his gun, put up his hands and yelled:
I stopped, dazed and confused while I listened to the cheers from the fort now turning into uncontrollable laughter. I was to be the best and worst day of my paintball career.


My team had attacked their fort, taken the flag and was en route back to our home fort only to find the other team in our fort taking our flag! Our team was only moments from victory in the process of shooting out the opposing team...when I showed up. I was a hero that day, to the wrong team! The game never even finished. My guys were pissed off at me, the enemy was having a laugh fest and I was never so humiliated in my life. I believe that moment still stands as a record for the most heroic action against your own team in Paintball Sam's history.

So remember, you can have a bad *** gun, but make sure you know what your shooting at!!

AGD (All Gona Die)

05-05-2008, 12:48 AM
were you testing the icd vts panther?

05-05-2008, 06:32 AM
[sinpped for space]
AGD (All Gona Die)
That has to be one of the most hilarious stories i've ever heard, the only other thing i've experienced like that is when i was playing a hospital game at nic and i went back to our base and as i was running back to the front line i heard a pop and 6 other pops in quick succession as i turned to look, and my own teammate lit me up thinking i was on the opposite team.

Thanks for the laugh though Tom (though i do feel for you with how embarassing that must have been), great way to start the day.

EDIT: pk5, he was testing his prototype gun, the panther, which was the gun that they came up with before the panther 2 and eventually the mag, or at least i'm pretty sure that's what Tom said in the video, it's been a while and i forget if there were two prototypes.

Empyreal Rogue
05-05-2008, 10:06 AM
Oh man Tom, that was hilarious. As a referee I've seen things like that happen all the time. :)

05-05-2008, 05:20 PM
were you testing the icd vts panther?

no, the AGD panther. it was a prototype blowback 2 years before the automag

05-06-2008, 03:40 AM
Oh man Tom, that was hilarious. As a referee I've seen things like that happen all the time. :)

As a referee ive seen quite a few things but nothing quite "like that" ever :rolleyes:

05-06-2008, 09:37 AM
As a referee ive seen quite a few things but nothing quite "like that" ever :rolleyes:

Yea me to, but we used to do it on purpose! :) Had a guy on our team that me and a buddy used to shoot just for the fun of it (just in rec games), to this day he dosen't know.. LOL. :ninja:

05-06-2008, 10:09 AM
Great Story!!! :rofl:

05-06-2008, 12:28 PM
Well Tom you were a Hero, so you weren't wrong about that....just for the wrong team... lol :p

05-13-2008, 11:57 AM
SO...as the story goes....

I don't care how many times I hear that story, it never gets old!


<img src="http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q45/delabril/hitech.gif">

Hey Hitech your starting to sound like me! - AGD <img src="http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q45/delabril/smiley_mini102.gif">
Hitech is the man.... :eek: - Blennidae
The only Hitech Lubricant (http://www.kercon.com)

05-13-2008, 01:03 PM
just out of curiosity, does anybody (TOM) have a picture of the panther or P2?

05-13-2008, 06:34 PM
just out of curiosity, does anybody (TOM) have a picture of the panther or P2?
Yeah I'm curious about it myself, I'd love to here about and see that gun! :headbang:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
05-13-2008, 06:44 PM
speaking of paintball sams, how was the turnout at the spring big game?

05-13-2008, 09:08 PM
speaking of paintball sams, how was the turnout at the spring big game?
When I went there were a lot of people there especially since the marauders brought like 50, id like to thank them for doing so cause its def more of an experience with more people!