View Full Version : I can't even seem to find this

05-08-2008, 03:54 PM
Well there was a thread on here a while back where this one kid was surprised that he was getting shot when his shots weren't hitting the guy, and then it started talking about different weights of paintballs, and i've searched and searched but can't find it.

05-08-2008, 06:48 PM
Ah, I remember that. I think it had sumthinwicked in it.

05-08-2008, 07:06 PM

05-08-2008, 07:07 PM
it was about my longbow reaching a bit further that most markers firing at me by like 20 feet and i shoot 285 at my field then they are shooting 300 at skirmish (were not starting this again LOL) but why whats the question

05-08-2008, 07:22 PM
it was about my longbow reaching a bit further that most markers firing at me by like 20 feet and i shoot 285 at my field then they are shooting 300 at skirmish (were not starting this again LOL) but why whats the question
Nah, you didn't start the thread, it was someone intelligent who started it. :p (just playing with ya, and i'm not going to touch on what you said last time, so don't worry).

But seriously, this kid actually had a valid question, because he was shooting at the same velocity as the other guys yet he still couldn't hit them. Then people started talking about heavier paint and such, it was after your thread i'm almost certain of it. I'm just wondering because there were calculations done in that thread about heavier paint that interest me and i want to link to it in another thread.

05-08-2008, 07:30 PM
there are so many variables that encounter the balls between the pressures in the guns, the friction of the balls on the barrel, air friction, gravity which with any difference in trajectory has the potential to mess with the balls differently, humidity, etc etc... and that is just in that one place at that once instant with one paintball in one exact gun.

while i know many will say this is wrong, a friend (who is a scientist and very skeptical but this is what he has found) has seen that his low pressure guns can get slightly farther than his HP guns (difference between a bounce and a break, not really feet but just that little extra). not sure why or how but that is what his real life results have given him


05-08-2008, 07:36 PM
there are so many variables that encounter the balls between the pressures in the guns, the friction of the balls on the barrel, air friction, gravity which with any difference in trajectory has the potential to mess with the balls differently, humidity, etc etc... and that is just in that one place at that once instant with one paintball in one exact gun.

while i know many will say this is wrong, a friend (who is a scientist and very skeptical but this is what he has found) has seen that his low pressure guns can get slightly farther than his HP guns (difference between a bounce and a break, not really feet but just that little extra). not sure why or how but that is what his real life results have given him

Don't get off topic, that's not what this thread is about, but in short (so that i avoid an argument) your friend is wrong, and a mag is an lp gun, the air hitting the ball is around 60 psi, but i bet that he'd say it didn't get as far since it's high pressure. People see what they want to see.

05-08-2008, 07:45 PM
I know this isn't the place to do so, but I just have to say: SR, the only variables that make a difference are those that take place AFTER the ball has been accelerated to 300fps and those that aren't the same for every gun (atmospheric stuff, gravity). You could argue ball deformation, but it is a weak point and PPS's glass barrel video provides strong contrary evidence.

Some say that a paintball with a rougher texture will go farther too due to less drag.
As for weight, are you saying someone posted real numbers regarding how much further a larger paintball would go? I would also be interested in that.

05-09-2008, 06:52 AM
I know this isn't the place to do so, but I just have to say: SR, the only variables that make a difference are those that take place AFTER the ball has been accelerated to 300fps and those that aren't the same for every gun (atmospheric stuff, gravity). You could argue ball deformation, but it is a weak point and PPS's glass barrel video provides strong contrary evidence.

Some say that a paintball with a rougher texture will go farther too due to less drag.
As for weight, are you saying someone posted real numbers regarding how much further a larger paintball would go? I would also be interested in that.
Yeah, and i could have sworn it was on this board. The title was something like "how were they shooting me" or something, and the kid was confused about it. I've searched and searched and have come up with nothing.

05-09-2008, 02:05 PM
while i know many will say this is wrong, a friend (who is a scientist and very skeptical but this is what he has found) has seen that his low pressure guns can get slightly farther than his HP guns (difference between a bounce and a break, not really feet but just that little extra). not sure why or how but that is what his real life results have given him
That's the difference between perception and reality. I noticed you say "seen" rather than "measured." Your skeptical scientist friend really shouldn't put so much trust in his eyes.

I swear one of these days I'm going to modify a 'mag and a 'cocker so the 'mag shoots closed bolt and low pressure and the 'cocker shoots open bolt and high pressure, then not tell anyone what I did and ask them which marker shoots farther and why. :rofl:

Snoopay, I remember that thread, too. Dunno where it went, though - is it possible a mod deleted it after several pages of arguments?

05-09-2008, 06:22 PM
It was more than likely simply because he had a his paintballs were flying into the wind, and the opposite for the other guy.

05-09-2008, 11:00 PM
your friend is wrong, and a mag is an lp gun, the air hitting the ball is around 60 psi

When people say LP or HP gun, they mean the operating pressure snoopay. Depending on the valve, that can be between 400 and 500psi for a mag. That's not LP, it's medium pressure.

05-09-2008, 11:11 PM
Snoopay, I remember that thread, too. Dunno where it went, though - is it possible a mod deleted it after several pages of arguments?

I looked and cant find it. If it got locked you would still see it in a search. Now its bugging the crap out of me to. Man do we suck at searching or what. Where is a search pro when you need em.

05-09-2008, 11:17 PM
When people say LP or HP gun, they mean the operating pressure snoopay. Depending on the valve, that can be between 400 and 500psi for a mag. That's not LP, it's medium pressure.
I'm pretty sure he knows that - I think what he's getting at is that "HP" and "LP" markers both put about the same pressure behind the ball, which is the only thing that matters (not that even that matters much).

05-10-2008, 12:03 AM
I'm pretty sure he knows that - I think what he's getting at is that "HP" and "LP" markers both put about the same pressure behind the ball, which is the only thing that matters (not that even that matters much).
Bingo. My point was that even though it's a high pressure gun, it still has a low pressure output. The only thing different is how much space is taken up by the dump chamber (in the guns that have them anyway). I mean it's the same as an LP gun because it hits the ball with the same amount of force, maybe even less, so yeah, that was my main point, i know that the operating pressure is high though.

05-10-2008, 12:37 AM
Ya ok. This aint a Hp Lp thread its about finding a thread. Now get back to searching and stay on topic. :spit_take

Just recreate the thread and ask your question. You really dont need an old thread for an answer do you?

Here is the question to your answer. If I have a ten pound ball and a five gram ball and launch them both at 300fps at the muzzel, wont they both be at the same distance when they hit ground? All things the same.

05-10-2008, 12:42 AM
Ya ok. This aint a Hp Lp thread its about finding a thread. Now get back to searching and stay on topic. :spit_take

Just recreate the thread and ask your question. You really dont need an old thread for an answer do you?

Here is the question to your answer. If I have a ten pound ball and a five gram ball and launch them both at 300fps at the muzzel, wont they both be at the same distance when they hit ground? All things the same.
Well the nice thing about the old thread is that it had an excel document that someone had showing just how far one paintball would go and how far another would go at a given angle, factoring in wind resistance. I can't remember the equations used, but i don't know that that could be reproduced especially since i don't know how to work excel, and i'm sure others don't either.

05-10-2008, 02:21 PM
Well the nice thing about the old thread is that it had an excel document that someone had showing just how far one paintball would go and how far another would go at a given angle, factoring in wind resistance. I can't remember the equations used, but i don't know that that could be reproduced especially since i don't know how to work excel, and i'm sure others don't either.

Hey got an idea of how long ago it was. It is possible the user removed it but a time would help.

Here are some I found while looking.



Horizontal Launch Trajectory and other calculations here.


05-10-2008, 02:54 PM
I'm pretty sure it was after august, probably september to october, but i'm not entirely sure. Anyway those links that you have are still pretty useful, i'm just looking for this thread because it has an easy to understand chart and people keep insisting that heavier paint has more of an effect than has actually been found.