View Full Version : Better off just keeping them....

05-09-2008, 09:51 AM
The way that marker resale...hell anything resale...is going its just better to keep them.

A buddy of mine asked me yesterday to sell a bunch of Tippy 98's for him. He has a whole fleet. he asked what I thought I could get for them and I was honest I said about $40 apiece. He couldn't believe it, went to to discuss all the "ups" they each had. They are all really nice and well upgraded, but I was only being honest.
So he has an original Diablo Martix that is nice as hell, and was suprized when I told him he would be lucky to get around $100 out of it.

With these older markers you might as well just let them collect dust in the back of the closet unless you are planning on taking a serious hit.

05-09-2008, 09:58 AM
Nah, I disagree. If you're not going to use them, sell them. You can either use the cash for something useful or toss it in a savings account and collect some interest. Better than collecting dust.

Also, try some other avenues to sell the stuff. Craigslist, the kid at the field, etc; they're more apt to pay you a bit more.

05-09-2008, 10:01 AM
Not all classic / old marker loose value though, just the tippi and spyder since everyone else have them, and walmart / sporting good store can afford to clear them out when they need to.

Ups on paintball marker usually only retain value if you are willing to part them out.

Except for all mag parts and all mag, the crazzy people on here keep buying and buying and buying ( so said the guy that is buying another marker without telling his girlfriend how much it actually cost :rofl: )

classic one, and all the ICD cat actually retain pretty good value depending on how well you take care of it too.

05-09-2008, 10:53 AM
See for me, I would want a huge amount of cash for my older guns because they have such sentimental value to me. I still have the first two markers I ever owned (one being an automag classic from '98, it's the same now as it was the day I bought it). I would rather let them sit in the closet and collect dust cause no one will pay the price I would ask for them. That and you never know if you will ever want or need to play again.

05-09-2008, 12:27 PM
classic one, and all the ICD cat actually retain pretty good value

I sold my Thundercat for dirt cheap. But I wasn't using it anymore, so I wanted someone else to enjoy it.

05-09-2008, 12:52 PM
The way that marker resale...hell anything resale...is going its just better to keep them.

A buddy of mine asked me yesterday to sell a bunch of Tippy 98's for him. He has a whole fleet. he asked what I thought I could get for them and I was honest I said about $40 apiece. He couldn't believe it, went to to discuss all the "ups" they each had. They are all really nice and well upgraded, but I was only being honest.
So he has an original Diablo Martix that is nice as hell, and was suprized when I told him he would be lucky to get around $100 out of it.

With these older markers you might as well just let them collect dust in the back of the closet unless you are planning on taking a serious hit.

/begin thread hijack
Sooo, playin this weekend?
/end thread hijack

05-09-2008, 01:04 PM
Sooo, playin this weekend?

Are you meaning Tunaball?

edit, that is not till next week.....so are you down in the Atl? I am going to be AT the field tomorrow, but don't know if I am going to try to play.

05-09-2008, 01:21 PM
We've got all kinds of things for sale at dumped down prices over here in Europe as well. Cockers, Angels, and anything else that used to be high end. The market is flooded, the economy is tight, and no one is ready to pay the price that a really good marker actually warrants. The Model 98 is way outdated, and the clamshell design really isn't the greatest if we're going to be honest.
This will persist all the way through to the manufacturers, who will be forced to accomodate, and reduce their production until only the strong survive, as Darwin had so wisely predicted.
Someday, if it keeps going, all that's left will be will be companies like Smart Parts, the ones who were able to push everyone else out of the way. One company that might still pull through would be AGD, simply because they made wise choices instead of getting in over their heads.
Time will tell,

05-09-2008, 01:48 PM
I dont know where you're trying to sell them, but Ive been able to get roughly $75 each stock 98C ive sold on SO fourms.

05-09-2008, 03:30 PM
I dont know where you're trying to sell them, but Ive been able to get roughly $75 each stock 98C ive sold on SO fourms.

I just paid 90 shipped for a 98C with a few upgrades (barrel, expansion chamber, response trigger) over at MCB.

05-09-2008, 05:01 PM
sell them to me!

seriously, all the guns i thought were so fly back in 2k and 2k1 when i was a noob are like 175 bucks these days.

easy enough to pick up all of them.

more for me!

05-09-2008, 06:10 PM
98's go for more than $40. Tippmann is on top of the whole marketing thing.

05-10-2008, 03:45 PM
I have a 04 Gen2 Freestyle that I will be lucky to get the value of the upgrades much the less the marker itself. I still works great though. I was floored as to how little it was worth.