View Full Version : Surgery time

05-10-2008, 03:06 PM
back from the ban :confused:


Last summer some of you might remember the motorcycle accident..about the same time punkncat went down...and i messed myself up pretty bad..well awhile ago i asked some advice on my grinding/clicking shoulder..well its been a long process..but after 2 cortozone shots and 12 weeks of PT they did a color injecting MRI..and they found several tears..including the labrum(sp?) witch is going to need 6 anchors to put it back..the biceps tendon groove has to be moved and deepend and the tendon re-attached to the top of the shoulder..and alot of scar tissue removal will be going on..guess this is taking place may 20th..the Dr. said i would be out for a few months..my whole summer :mad: ....just thought i would give you guys the update..thanks for the previous advice though.

05-10-2008, 03:38 PM
back from the ban :confused:


Last summer some of you might remember the motorcycle accident..about the same time punkncat went down...and i messed myself up pretty bad..well awhile ago i asked some advice on my grinding/clicking shoulder..well its been a long process..but after 2 cortozone shots and 12 weeks of PT they did a color injecting MRI..and they found several tears..including the labrum(sp?) witch is going to need 6 anchors to put it back..the biceps tendon groove has to be moved and deepend and the tendon re-attached to the top of the shoulder..and alot of scar tissue removal will be going on..guess this is taking place may 20th..the Dr. said i would be out for a few months..my whole summer :mad: ....just thought i would give you guys the update..thanks for the previous advice though.

Wow thats tough !
Good luck with the recovery and rehab !


05-10-2008, 03:40 PM
And I'm getting my motorcycle license...

05-10-2008, 03:49 PM
Dang brother.
Well know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Let me know how you pull through.
I am glad they finally figured out what was wrong. You will be a whole lot better off when it all heals up correctly.

05-10-2008, 04:26 PM
If punkcat can do it, so can you! You'll do great, don't worry. And besides, there's always indoor season!

05-10-2008, 09:03 PM
Paint-tipped boots, sneak up and 'boot tap' someone ...

05-11-2008, 05:05 PM
ouch, i'm sorry... I ride too (in boston and soon to be LA, pretty much the worst two places...) so I hope I don't have to go through that. I wish you the best of luck. What happened with your accident? I haven't been around much for a year or so due to college, so I missed it.

05-11-2008, 10:27 PM
heres a link to the first post when i wrecked in september
