View Full Version : Questions!

Mild 7
01-20-2002, 04:02 PM
Hello all:

I have a few general questions on my mind hopefully you guys can answer:

1. I'm planning to get a SP Freak. For those of you who already own one, how do you like it? Pros and cons?

2. Right now, I'm using a DYE '12 SS and Lapco Autospirit '12 SS. What's a good paint and barrel match?

3. Why does the ball come out of my RT as an "arc" rather than a flat trajctile<--not sure that's how u spell it. Is it me, the mag, or just a wrong barrel match?

4. I just got the Intelliframe not long ago. I put 65 rounds of Diablo Blaze into my hopper and shot it fast as I can and clear the hopper about 15 seconds. That's only 4 bps but I think it's already pretty fast. How do all of you achieve 12-15 bps without an electro frame?

5. This is a stupid question but I had to ask. Is there anyway I can clear the scratches on my chrome RT without replacing the whole body? Any chemical or "things" I can do or use to clear it or polish it?

6. I did the paint/barrel match test with my Lapco vs. Diablo Blaze. I bascially turned blue trying to push the thing out with my breath. Obviously, it's not a match. But i was still capable of doing question #4 stated above without breaking any balls. Is it just luck? My range definately suffered 'cause of friction, correct?

7. So none of you ever heard or dealt with paintballhouse.com eh? I asked 'cause I posted it that 3 days ago and nobody answered. As a note, they're based out of TN.

Thanks for your patience and I appreciate any answers to broden my horizon.

01-20-2002, 04:10 PM
your mag arcs either because your velocity is low,or because it is a paintball and not a bullet.
You acheive 12 bps by being better.I dont know why u want to,you are never gonna shoot that fast in a game(except breakout).

Mild 7
01-20-2002, 04:23 PM
Thanks for replying.

Yes, I know all paintball arc eventually for the fact that it will lose its velocity overtime and also because it's simply a paintball.

The velocity I shoot my gun is usually around 290 fps. I understand that once I'm low, the ball will of course have a shorter flight and therefore "arc" to the ground. Let me re-clarify my point then by showing you all what I did:

I had my cocker with a Smartpart AA '16 and my RT Lapco '12 SS using Diablo Blaze. Both at the distance of 50 ft. range. They both goes the same distance, but the ball that comes out of my RT seem to "arc" a little compare to the Cocker. I did this test 'cause others have told me about the "arc" situation with mags and cockers have a flater traj.. I was just wondering if you'll have any other explanations. Right now, I'm thinking maybe its the input pressure, bolt design? paintball/barrel match? Low pressure vs. high pressure...etc.

Mild 7
01-20-2002, 04:30 PM
Yes, I totally agree with you that for me to achieve 12 bps is pretty pointless. I simple did that test just to see if it's possible...which I don't think ANY human can pull a trigger that fast. I mean, come on, 12 BALL PER SECOND, with a HUMAN finger? I never seen anyone who can pull that fast on a high end semi. However, I'm sure there are electro that can feed that fast which I've seen on the Halo mag.

I figure there must be a formula or shooting trials you guys go by to come up with this 10-12 bps firing rate.

01-20-2002, 04:34 PM
Doesn't tom know someone that can hit 12 bps mechanical 1 finger?