View Full Version : opening a can of worms

01-20-2002, 05:24 PM
you might have heard this before but...
i'm in the market for my first elctro..
only the sfl e-mag vs. the baddest angel out there. now the money part is no biggie. but choosing between these two powerhouses is a must. if i can only get reactions to players that own/or fired both of these guns. i wouldn't be comfortable basing my decision to someone that heard "this and that has this" or "i heard this kicks *edit*=Hey NorCal, no cussing on these boards bud! Army" i want to know from a first person perspective. being on this forum is already bias i guess. but this is the best place to get the 411. i already know the background on both and their pros and cons. ...i know, i know..shoot one yourself but i don't have the luxury around my parts that has an sfl or an sfl angel. so thanx and god bless.:D

01-20-2002, 05:27 PM
I think you should wait a bit... Maybe you should buy the extremes instead. I think that the extremes will have less bugs than the sfl and the extremes can be customized so much. You can mill the extreme any way you want while the sfl is already milled.

Load SM5
01-20-2002, 09:40 PM
Well first of all, any "bugs" are being fixed for free by AGD so I'm not worried. Plus I have'nt run into any bugs yet. I've shot an played in games with angels and used to own a normal E-mag. I saved up, sold my E-mag and bought an SFL E-mag. I think the simplicity of the design makes it superior and more reliable than an angel. The trigger feels far and away better than any angel trigger I've fired(magnets vs. A microswitch and spring). The SFL's will soon come stock with an ACE and all the SFL's that are out now will be upgraded free. Not to mention the ability to play when the battery goes down.

Plus hybrid mode is waaayyyyy to much fun...;)

I would try both if you can get your hands on one, but I loved my e-mag and really love my SFL.