View Full Version : Viewloader VLocity questions

05-14-2008, 09:06 PM
Well, I'm not fully happy with my Reloader B even though I finally got it to stop double feeding. It still feels like a brick on top my marker. So a few questions about the Vlocity:

1. How fast is it to chamber the next round on setting 1 (no tension)? What rate of fire can I expect to get out of this setting?

2. What is the battery life on setting 2 (lowest tension)? I am planning to use it for scenarios, and if the batteries go dead quickly even when I'm not shooting, I don't want it. Also, does the motor keep running when you are not shooting, or is it like other loaders and only use it to build tension then shuts it off?

Whee McGee
05-14-2008, 09:47 PM
1) How fast are you expecting to shoot? I've had no problems whatsoever playing with mine, and I'd estimate hitting a 12 bps string with no hiccup.

2) The motor will keep running on any setting other than 1, but I do not know how bad battery life is with any setting other than 1, since I only use 1. To the best of my memory, though, I've yet to replace my batteries on setting 1. That's about 5 months, or about 4 outings?

It's a nice loader if you decide to get one. :D

05-14-2008, 10:24 PM
I have an E-Mag in a configuration that requires force feeding.

Well, it seems the feedneck on this miserable Reloader B just broke. I only got to use it once on the field. Only took it on and off a few times in testing. This thing is GONE. It is totally gone. I need a reliable loader for an event next month, and this thing clearly won't cut it. I'm going to get a Vlocity with 2 extra Raceways.

Whee McGee
05-15-2008, 02:00 AM
I'd also suggest a Torque. I've heard nothing but good things about it. Durability seem to be a point of praise for them, as well.

05-15-2008, 04:45 PM
Just bought the Vlocity with a spare raceway. No regrets. Tried it out on my gun. It's pretty quiet on setting 2 as long as you have paint in it. It's also very lightweight. I feel like I got a good loader.

Update: I noticed it stops spinning after a while. Bonus!