View Full Version : jackass (the show)

01-20-2002, 08:56 PM
any one see it just now!!?!?!?!? they had jonny knoxville tied up to a target with no mask, or shirt, and he had 3 guys unload on him.!!!!!! it angered me they make paintball look bad, but its still a hilarious show!

01-20-2002, 09:05 PM
i saw it they were all aiming low but still that was dangerous

01-20-2002, 09:12 PM
they were aiming low.. but towards his.. uhh.. uhh.. twig and berries..

01-20-2002, 09:46 PM
i refuse to watch mtv, i wouldnt know.

01-20-2002, 09:47 PM
What kind of gun was it?

01-20-2002, 10:04 PM
did any of u notice he wasnt wearing a mask!!!! omg talk about making paintball look bad... :mad:

Matt Crawford
01-20-2002, 10:05 PM
Those winchester(sp)ones.I saw it a few months ago.That is just wrong.I could care less if they they shot each other,But they had no masks on,And they probably didnot even chrono.This is exactly what our great sport don't need.Well this is just my 0.02 worth

01-20-2002, 10:09 PM
it was a spankin new i believe.... but im not sure, im not usuly up at 10 on sundays

one had an avenger i think.. and the rest were.. uhh? no name

01-20-2002, 10:13 PM
No, it is PRETTY old, i got a video of it on morpheus, i dled something and it turned out to be that so i just kept it. There was also one where they used mags called Paintball Duels...They took paces, no masks, and lit eachother up from about 20 ft away, the guys shirt was ripping and he was all bleeding. This wasnt THAT funny, the most entertaining thing i have EVER seen was nutball....nutball, they would sit there in their underwear lobbing a raquet ball in the air and hitting the other dudes nuts. Finally someone would quit when they couldnt stand it anymore...they got to the last round and voted for who would have to play, and they stuffed the box for this dude named Erin i think. Then instead of a ball they used a 5 pound dog rawhide bone...and he threw it and that thing just decimated the guys nads....poor guys....they are so stupid

01-20-2002, 10:17 PM
theyve used many pball ones.. but were they up against a wooden target?? with the bulleyes on the guy??

01-21-2002, 05:53 AM
Seen the one you are refering to, it was called Roling Stones cover shoot or something like that. They were aiming for his mostly for his cup. The one marker looked like a Red Spyder shutter, don't know what the other ones were. His eye protection was completely inadeqoute, just some sunglasses. The episode where Bam Magera ambushed Phil with a Tippman Model 98 was worse in my opinion though, since he shot him at point blank range through his open car door. Then again I think most people are inteligent enough not to do the idiotic things they do on the show.

01-21-2002, 08:08 AM
I think the funniest one is where this guy is on the roof w/ a paintball gun,and the other guy in dressed in cardboard armor,he also has a mask,shield and a sword.he runs at the guy on the roof,and he gets peppered.then he turns alittle bit,and catches one in the back of his bare leg.He screams,then falls down,i love that one.LOL

01-21-2002, 10:02 AM
We brought that up about 6 months ago... They stopped making new episodes of Jackass.

01-21-2002, 10:15 AM
-The Cup Test. Knoxville was wearign a cup and they were throwing stuff at it and hitting it with a hammer, then htey got out a Model 83 and pelted him with it, then turned it on Koisak, then on the camera man. No one had masks.

-Old West Paintball duel. They all had masks, almost, ecept for a few camera people... The were a ranch in southern CA and had Model 83's again. They drew straws, started back to back, walked three paces, turned and unloaded a load of paint on each other.

-Rolling Stone Cover shoot. They tied him up to a big taget for this photo shoot and had three guys shoot at him, without a mask, while they took pictures. Stupid.

Theres another but they are old....

01-21-2002, 11:31 AM
That's old news. That episode was on over a year ago. Jackass is cancelled now because some stupid model chick broke her neck. People get hurt. That's what the show was about.

01-21-2002, 05:53 PM
geeze.. even when i try to be right, im always wrong!!

too bad they canceled it.. i loved that show..

01-21-2002, 06:02 PM
too bad they canceled it, i mean jeesh who cares if some girl got hurt, she knew what she was doing, people get hurt all the time from football and wrestling and nobody cancels those shows from being on TV, I mean jeesh stupid people.

01-21-2002, 06:13 PM
Same thing happened to me as the patriot, searched for paintball and it popped up. The dude was wearing a cup tho so its no big deal that they were shootin his "twig and berries" but he REALLY NEEDED a mask!


01-21-2002, 07:53 PM
If you wanna see more stuff go get some skateboarding videos. Alot of the stuff on Jackass is from them. CKY2K is hillarious.

01-21-2002, 09:56 PM

01-22-2002, 12:41 AM
-The episode where they tested the mace & thazers on Knoxville. They just kept on shocking him.
-The infamous cup test.
-The episode where they made the omelette, the guy ate all the raw ingredients, then puked it up, cooked it and ate it again.
-Blindfolded skateboarding.
-The sickest episode I've seen must have been poo cocktail. The had knoxville go into a porta potty & then turned it upside down while he was still standing inside.

01-22-2002, 07:10 AM
I have finally viewed this vid.
I cannot say that I was shocked, after all the other tv show's that have abused the sport of paintball in one way or another. As much as we complain about it, it will still happen, people will miss use paintguns in one way or another.

01-22-2002, 08:11 AM
yes jackass was a funny show and the only reason I would turn on mtv but that paintball scenes I didn't find funy at all for 2 reasons
#1 if one of the jackass guys got an eye nocked out I am sure we would be subject to a big mtv hates paintball hour hosted by kurt loder showing exactly the wrong things being done IE no masks given as reasons our great safe sport should be banned

#2 with walmart and the likes selling guns and parents that either don't understand the saftey rules needed to play or worse don't care about them, kids looking for a laugh could renake these scenes once again leading to people (the ones at fault) saying paintball should be banned