View Full Version : buying a DSLR - Take 2

05-20-2008, 12:38 PM
so i have $1150 to get a camera

i was origionally looking at a nikon D80 with a decent 20-80 lens or greater. but he funds are not quite there for that.

unless im missing something.

anywho, 1150 for a nice DSLR and a DECENT lens. what would you suggest? im kinda biased towards Nikon since i like the user interface and i have most experience with them.

so im looking for at the very least
2-2gb sticks

so again what would you suggest?

05-20-2008, 12:50 PM
Canon Digital Rebel XSi with IS kit lens (EF-S 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 IS) ~900
2x4gb SD Cards ~80 (total, not each)

For less than a grand before shipping/tax you can get what you are looking for.

I would go with the Canon over the Nikon due to a few factors. The primary reason is that all of the Canon DSLRs are CMOS sensors. If high image quality is your primary goal, a CMOS sensor has significant advantages over a CCD sensor. There are some other reasons I can go into if you want.

05-20-2008, 12:56 PM
well please go on :)

the xsi was my other option along side the d80 anyways. so im game for info.

05-20-2008, 01:35 PM
The Sensor is a big deal. CMOS sensors have major image quality advantages over CCD sensors. Every Canon DSLR has a CMOS sensor. Only the high end Nikon DSLRs have CMOS sensors. I'm not sure why they have not filtered down into the other Nikon models.

Another nicety: a vertical grip with controls. All of the Canon cameras have a vertical grip that you can buy with full controls. Nikon also limits that option to the high end models. I got the grip for the 5D when I got the 5D and it has never come off.

The XSi has the self cleaning sensor (a really nice deal). It also has live view (good for macro, not much else). It's a great little camera that has very good image quality. You can get any of the EF or EF-S lenses and they will work perfectly. Start with the kit lens and see what direction you want to go. Perhaps you want more tele, there are many good options depending on your budget. Perhaps you want wider, there are some very nice wide lenses. Ultimately you will likely buy one or two teles and a wide angle zoom.

I'm comfortable suggesting any model in the Canon EOS series (the DSLRs). The high end Nikon stuff is also great, but the lower end models fall off quite quickly. In general I like the Canon stuff more. When you get right down to it, if you stick with Canon or Nikon you will end up with a nice camera now, and great options for the future (more lenses and future bodies). Both companies have very complete lines with everything from consumer grade to uber-pro.

05-20-2008, 02:24 PM
glass over body. how about a used 20/30D and some good glass?

BHPhoto Used has 2 20D's (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=search&A=search&Q=&sb=bs%2Cupper%28ds%29&sq=asc&ac=&bsi=&bhs=t&ci=2891&shs=&at=Brand_Canon&basicSubmit=Submit+Query) (one in 8+ for $490 and one in 9 for $529), buy a Tamron 28-75 f/2.8 (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/284399-REG/Tamron_AF09C700_28_75mm_f_2_8_XR_Di.html) to throw on it (i love mine) and you've got extra cash, even after batteries and memory, for accessories (vert grip?), another lens, or just to save.

05-20-2008, 03:32 PM
Also good options, tho the self cleaning sensor is a pretty nice deal. I hate cleaning my sensor.

05-22-2008, 06:56 AM
I'd go for a used 20D over a Rebel anyday.

I love my 20D.

05-22-2008, 06:31 PM
the feel of the XXD series is just worlds above the Rebel line IMO. the click wheel... awesome.

05-22-2008, 07:34 PM
Had a 20D before the ex-significant other suddenly remembered that it was a "gift" to her. Great camera.

I might get a 40D, they have a $200 rebate right now!

05-24-2008, 12:07 AM
All I can say is I caution against "pixel peeping", a.k.a. "measurebating" when deciding on a DSLR. We are reaching a point in terms of resolution and sensitivity that the differences in sensor performance between brands is like ... well like 25bps vs 30bps.

There are a LOT more factors to sensor performance at the extremes to consider when looking at a DSLR system.

05-24-2008, 02:20 PM
well i found out that through my school that i get 15% off nikon cameras. so i went with the Nikon d80.

came with the 18-135mm DX Zoom-Nikkor lens
Nikon - 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED-IF AF-S VR Telephoto Lens
Lowepro - SlingShot 100 Bag
2-2gb sticks of kingston proffessional grade 20mb/s
extra battery
and basic UV filter.

and since i somehow got an additional 8k grand money from the Feds, i had money coming to me so the school covered 1200 of it and i only had to pay $500 for the difference.

so i cant complain :) that and im use to the nikon line from school so thats a plus. now its time to refine my shooting teknique :cheers:

05-24-2008, 04:59 PM
well i found out that through my school that i get 15% off nikon cameras. so i went with the Nikon d80.

came with the 18-135mm DX Zoom-Nikkor lens
Nikon - 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED-IF AF-S VR Telephoto Lens
Lowepro - SlingShot 100 Bag
2-2gb sticks of kingston proffessional grade 20mb/s
extra battery
and basic UV filter.

and since i somehow got an additional 8k grand money from the Feds, i had money coming to me so the school covered 1200 of it and i only had to pay $500 for the difference.

so i cant complain :) that and im use to the nikon line from school so thats a plus. now its time to refine my shooting teknique :cheers:

Cool. Go shoot! You can always delete. mmm digital

05-28-2008, 12:24 AM
Canon or Nikon, make sure you get a good prime, AT LEAST a 50 1.4.