View Full Version : 04 viking Vs. E-mag

05-21-2008, 07:24 AM
Got a line on an o4 viking unmilled, tadao board, eyes. I understand that to a certain extent, it's personal preference. But do the Vikes offer anything the E-mag does not. I also am aware of the mech-electro. advantage with the e-mag. Any thoughts, opinions are appreciated.

Would the Vike be a good substitute for the emag? (yes, I said it)

05-21-2008, 07:37 AM
got a 03 featherweight vik,e-mag(std) and x-mag.
I use the aka for tournie play,the e-mag for woods and the x for both but not all the time as i'm slightly afraid to scratch it as its mint!
the main points the viking have over the e-mag is eyes and that I can use a lot less air, I use the e-mag for woods as it just feels right! will fire as fast as i want it to and always gets admiring stares!

05-21-2008, 07:45 AM
no contest.

the viking is faster, more efficient (almost a case off a 68/45), and some will say more reliable - no having to tinker with LVL10 all the time, etc..

Viking > emag

05-21-2008, 07:52 AM
While I love the way emags look, that's about all they have compared to the viking.

The viking is going to be much more efficient, more reliable (in my experience, and I've owned a lot of both), easier to obtain batteries for (9 volt vs. expensive rechargeable) and probably faster. Functionally, it's just the superior marker. Not taking anything away from the emag, it's a fine marker and VERY well made, but the viking is also very well made, and just performs better.

Also, I have NEVER seen an emag go down and the user switch to mech mode. I'm sure it's happened, I just don't think it's anywhere close to common enough to justify touting the ability as an advantage.

05-21-2008, 08:11 AM
I had 2 emags and traded one for a PBX viking. I really hadn't used the viking much until this weekend as I've been down with injuries. I'd have to say go viking. I ran with a 45/45 tank usually filled to around 3800 due to the compressors and still got 5 pods out of it and a hopper. It was even shooting with the guage showing almost zero. That would not happen with a mag.

It's insanely quiet and has no kick and FAST. My 51 year old arthritic fingers were walking the trigger a lot eaasier than my mag on semi.

My son, who just bought an etek played with it and likes it more than the etek! (no he can't have it)

And btw, I have been playing with an emag and had to swtich to mech many times when I had a bad battery.

05-21-2008, 08:13 AM
And btw, I have been playing with an emag and had to swtich to mech many times when I had a bad battery.

I don't call that so much a failure as a design fault.

05-21-2008, 08:47 AM
Is it (Viking) too quiet for a Reloader B?

05-21-2008, 08:52 AM
I use a reloader on my droid.

It works great, and its the most quiet gun on the field.

I never understood that one...

05-21-2008, 09:07 AM
if you dont hop on that deal, tell me who it is, because i will

05-21-2008, 09:24 AM
I pulled the trigger(no pun intended) on the deal anyhow. I guess I'll just try them both out and see which I prefer. There is a big 24-hr. game here in NC next month so a good test for both.

If interested to see what it came with, go to the AKA og and it's the first post in b/s/t(04 unmilled).

05-21-2008, 09:58 AM
I am a mag head i will admit, I have 2 xmags (1soon), 4-5 am/mm's, a ule xavavled mag, and two emags, I think 8-9 if i figure right, oh yeah and a superb rt with a special ops stock for scenario.

When i play scenarios, i want the best equipment, ie mags, but what i was realizing was i had to come off the field quicker to get air than anyone, There was no need for me to take out more than 3-4 pods cause if i shot threw it i was out of air.

I had an 04 unmilled viking and a sonic cyborg to play with over the last few weeks.

Both of them shot as well or better than my mag and i would seldom have to get air, unlike my mags which is generally every game if i am playing speedball. I was amazed that the viking shot well after the psi no longer showed on the gauge.

So what happened, I have an FSP and a half mill viking coming in this week to even out my collection. You can go wrong adding an aka to your collection but becareful

you will indefinately want more. :rofl:

05-21-2008, 10:09 AM
Like AGD, AKA makes reliable quality products. You deffinetly can't go wrong adding an AKA to your marker selection. They shoot wonderful, feel great in my hands and I have to admit it's nice not to have to refill the tank so often. Along with AGD, I have an AKA fetish also now.

05-27-2008, 11:45 PM
have both an xmag and a viking. and a dm5 but thats not the subject.

The viking is great. its actually not that quite compared to a lvl 10 mag or a matrix but it is fast smooh consistent and they are made to very high tolerances just like the mags. The only draw back to my viking is that its a big gun though mine being a featherlite the wieght isnt an insue.

also its great having a gun i can play all day off of one fill, when im shooting some what conservatively. The only thing i can say is there is a reason alot of the well known maggers on here have gone on to own AKA.