View Full Version : Let us revisit an idea about a paintball "sniper"

05-21-2008, 10:21 PM
In the true sense of the word, there is no paintball sniper, so do not think that the idea is that I, or anyone else, is going to sit back well out of range of the common baller and pick people off at will. Let us just go ahead and get past that impression.
What my though has to do with is more of an ambush type position. Lying in wait quietly and letting some poor sap come by so I can whack him from under a bush.

Given my current mobility issues, and thinking ahead to next woodsball season, I was thinking heavily about working up a new game plan. Perhaps I am going to be a "sniper" within the confines of my equipment. No I am not thinking of getting some 22" barrel...well unless it is insane quiet....and a tripod and all that mess. No, I was thinking along the lines of a well made guillie suit, a very quiet marker,and a light setup that I can go to ground, find a good spot and ambush people from a high traffic area.
I will not be able to run and get away. I will not be able to change positions enough to keep people at bay, so I thought I might just try to be a sneaky bastage and play a little hide and seek.

Not that I really expect any advice or whatnot...I guess the only "question" I really have is whether you think I should buy or make my own guillie suit. If I buy one, where would be a good place to find one that blends into the southern foliage.
I also remember someone linking to some really good new type of camo for the south eastern US area, and cannot recall what it was.

05-21-2008, 10:24 PM
Making one is probably your best bet, though by and large I think they are over rated. If I were wearing a giant, fuzzy, padded suit I'd be more at home in the thick of things where I am catching bounces everywhere than trying to find an area where I don't stick out like a sore thumb.

05-21-2008, 10:30 PM
The paintball sniper is really just a state of mind. No, you are not gonna get 100 yard shots on poor little waifs walking the rice patty trail. But, the mind set is the same. In sniper school, the shot is the easiest part of all. Prep is where all the work is at. Movement, cammo, using the terrain to your advantage is what you should be thinking about. Lots of guys like to "look" the part and their gear reflects that. We all know that the markers are all pretty much equal.

Make your own gillie suit. The ones that you buy are way too expensive to buy, and the materials are easily found locally to make one. Burlap is the most common base material, and you just add to that.

Toll: just some info for you. If you wear a gillie suit, then any hit is considered a kill. Doesnt have to break to be a legal hit.

05-21-2008, 10:36 PM
Making one is probably your best bet, though by and large I think they are over rated. If I were wearing a giant, fuzzy, padded suit I'd be more at home in the thick of things where I am catching bounces everywhere than trying to find an area where I don't stick out like a sore thumb.
Ghillie Suits actually work very well in some of the woodsball fields in the Pacific Northwest where I'm at.

05-21-2008, 10:53 PM
You're not going to be a sniper, more of an "ambusher" or generalized commando-type dude. Try something a little lighter than ghillie, it just makes you a bigger, uncomfortable target. Try sewing webbing or loops on to a camo jacket that you can stuff brush and foliage into instead.

05-21-2008, 11:02 PM
to be honest, if I were gunna buy a ghillie it would be the action ghillie from Special Ops paintball..

05-21-2008, 11:21 PM
i have a`g and love it im also thinking of picking up the omnipat s`o camo style since it blends in well and no bounce issues ;) then again i play with a longbow too LOL

05-21-2008, 11:48 PM
to be honest, if I were gunna buy a ghillie it would be the action ghillie from Special Ops paintball..

Those are really nice. A guy had one at the last scenario i was at.

The dude was waiting in a high traffic area, and 4 of the bad guys came strolling down the path. The "sniper" lifted out of teh ground like swamp thing and i swear you could see the "holy ::you know::" on thier faces.


05-22-2008, 12:13 AM
isn't that what everyone does anyway?

find a good spot and ambush people from a high traffic area.

05-22-2008, 12:23 AM
A flatline barrel makes the ball travel really far, it's almost unreal. Although they don't break at extreme range it's still really nice. Does anyone make a flatline for markers other than Tippmann?

05-22-2008, 12:47 AM
nope mags have the zbody though same concept and there is the apex but thats a lil differant

05-22-2008, 01:04 AM
a great tactic that works wonders is to find a place you know they will come, that is not far from the front lines. but this place MUST have an exit route where they cant easily shoot you. when some one or a group comes, pop off 3 shots at the first person and get out of there and retreat 20 feet and repeat.

just dont get shot in the back :) and not sure how great the shoot sprint hide repeat would work with the issue you have. but its always worth a shot.

05-22-2008, 01:44 AM
This reminds me of the one time that we played with a Navy Seal. I forget his name, but I'll never forget what he did. We played three on one in the open woods against him, and we lost every single time. No matter what we did, stick together or spread out, he would pop up in different spots and take us out, one by one. We never heard him move, and we barely ever saw him, and he would always only take one shot. I think he missed once.
One of the few times we did see him, and managed to get a shot off was when he was in a tree. What was really freaky was that he jumped out of the tree and just disappeared. I poop you not, he was just gone. It was very impressive to see him in action, and it left three experienced rec ballers humbled and in awe.
So I would agree that there is no true "sniper" in paintball, but if any of you have the chance to go up against a Navy Seal, get ready to be taken down in a very sniper-like way.

05-22-2008, 08:48 AM
isn't that what everyone does anyway?

Actually no, in my "other life" I was actually more along the lines of attack recon as it were. If I heard you I went straight for your position. When I got within range I would go low and start trying to flank my opponents to maximize a position in which I could take out the most opponents and still have a resonable chance of hoofing and escape should I be discovered.
Later I relied more on my skill as a shooter and would often opt for the straight on attack and overwhelm the opponents with "OS!" factor. It is amazing how few people can shoot stright while they are being attacked. Speedball skill sets do translate to the woods for certain things..... :D

05-22-2008, 09:15 AM
im from NC so during the colder days, i had an 18" superstock cocker and my gortex jacket and pants. it's thin so it's light yet keeps you warm. it's military issue so it adheres to the woodland camo design. the hood is awesome because it was made with gas masks in mind so it's big enough to encapsule my goggles. i say you dont need to be laying down to snipe. just blend in and shoot.

05-22-2008, 01:36 PM
I would buy a kit and make a poncho or an over coat stlye of Ghillie that way you can set it up as a hide if you feel like and maybe stay alive using it as cover. Or if you keep getting spotted or people are hunting you just set your ghillie up as a distraction and take a defensive position and watch people shoot it thinking it's you.

They are exspensive though.... Might want to buy some bdu's or a poncho and dye your own burlap and make . I don't know how much work you are willing to put in or how much your time is worth though so you may want to go the premade ghillie or the assemble yourself kit that comes with all the dyed yarns and stuff pre packaged.

I made one with a friend one time and it was kinda of a blanket style it worked well and we got pretty creative with it's uses but our craftsmanship was poor in junior high and it only saw a few months of use before it was coming apart and was going to need alot of repairs so we chunked it.

05-22-2008, 02:21 PM
Don't forget to call in an airstrike :rofl:

05-22-2008, 03:26 PM
Well, if you're not planning on moving much, you might want to think about a ghille blanket. Make one, stuff it in the smallest pack you can find, go find a hiding spot, lie down and drape it over you. Plus you don't have to sweat your butt off when you don't need it. Also, long barrels aren't a bad idea - you can poke a 22" barrel quite a distance through bushes, so you'll be better hidden and harder to shoot. Also consider a "long and low" setup, since you'll probably be prone while shooting.

In terms of strategy, the best idea is to wait a long time before shooting. They're expecting you to shoot at them as soon as you can, but a much better idea is to let them get past you and engage the bulk of your team before popping them in the back. Even if your team isn't there to engage them, wait anyway - once they start tanking fire, people often take cover from the direction that they're traveling, leaving their backs open to you. Also, a properly calibrated red dot sight will greatly help your aim (especially if you zero it for the distances you'll be shooting at), and a scope can be great for spotting people through the brush.

By the way, my dictionary defines "sniping" as shooting at someone from a hiding place. So yes, there are paintball snipers. :D

05-22-2008, 04:14 PM
Make sure you pick up UAV jammer.

05-22-2008, 04:32 PM
A flatline barrel makes the ball travel really far, it's almost unreal. Although they don't break at extreme range it's still really nice. Does anyone make a flatline for markers other than Tippmann?

There were some autocockers with a flatline barrel system. Perhaps looking for one of those and then making it a pumpgun would be advised.

Also NEVER underestimate a good sight system.

05-22-2008, 06:24 PM
Don't forget to call in an airstrike :rofl:

Man that would be TRICK!!! :headbang: I can hear the jets coming in low already.


I went snooping around a bit on opsgear a bit today and found a few promising looking guillie kits that I could cover my head and torso with for around 30-40 bucks. It came with the netting, dyed jute and everything. With the addition of a few items from the craft store, or better yet some brushed picked from the field that day that would be on like popcorn. I also think the stuff I was looking for was called multi cam. It rocks.

05-22-2008, 06:47 PM
Its funny

I consider myself a speedballer, and I friggin wear my bright red dye jersey in the woods..

but I kinda want to grab that action ghillie.. really wierd.

05-22-2008, 06:49 PM
i found a scree net (sniper veil) like 12 bux at the local store and just zip tired ag one bag digi green black to it and it worked pretty good for a ghillie viel covers my longbow and me quiet nice verse my whole suit but i did use with my suit as my hood ;)

05-22-2008, 07:01 PM
Its funny

I consider myself a speedballer, and I friggin wear my bright red dye jersey in the woods..

but I kinda want to grab that action ghillie.. really wierd.

I tell ya somethin. Wear something with even the most feeble attempt at camo into the woods one day and try to be a little "sneaky" as it were. If all your buddies are used to you tromping around in red you will devistate that day.

05-23-2008, 12:02 AM
Don't forget to call in an airstrike :rofl:

There was some field (or maby it was a senario game, don't remember the specifics) that had a fly-over bombing run that left a 10 yard swath of paint from one end of the field to the other. :headbang:

05-23-2008, 12:41 AM
I should buy a sniper/longbow setup

just so I can be 'that guy'

05-23-2008, 01:09 AM
Ball on Ball, where the red dot lies, Death machine.


05-23-2008, 08:22 AM
If you use a ghillie especially burlap or jute make sure you spray it down with a flame retardant. They can be a fire hazard in storage or even when in use. Last thing you want is to look like a giant ball of hair on fire running through the woods cause someone threw a smoke grenade your way (and yes cold burning smoke grenades can cause fire too if the weather is dry enough).

05-23-2008, 09:18 AM
A Ghillie Suite will save your ***. If you have more than one type of Camo's MIX them (like a BDU Jacket with ACU pants), it's harder for people to find you when you got three different patterns on.

05-23-2008, 11:55 AM
I am almost finished with my ghillie, although i am only doing my mask and a short sleeve football shirt. Its 93* in florida right now I can't wear a full suit, so this is my solution. (I like being able to eat my cake, what else is it good for.)
I am a competetive runner and I have just recently taken up the flanker type style of play. Sprint up field from the word "go", past the half and l then put my back to the tape line and ambush the first group in a high traffic area and than move. My Rt Pro has become my best friend and I use a short barrel so as not to get tangled in vines while running. Im not your typical "sniper" no bipod not 20" barrel but the right mindset and paitence.
:D Here is the one im working on.My idea was to use strips of burlap and then shread the ends. By overlapping them I get full coverage but this also allows the shirt to vent. I would then add individuals strands all throughout the shirt to make it blend. It is finished being blended but Its coming along. the last pic is me with just my ghillie mask on.

05-23-2008, 05:14 PM
Well, it depends on what you're trying to do, and how heavy a gun you're willing to carry. For an ultra-light setup, this works well:


It is a warp mainbody equipped with Luke's 90 degree adapter Loctited in place so it can use a hopper, and a Palmers 45 degree clamping elbow. The stock is a SpecOps T2W in the Long and Low configuration. You do not need a red dot because the ball detent acts as an excellent sight bead, although you could certainly mount one. The only downside is that it requires a force-fed hopper. A Reloader B is your best choice here because it does not spin when the gun is not firing. It keeps it nice and quiet.

Incidentally, I like that forest green color a lot. It doesn't stand out enough to give you away, but it looks killer both on and off the field.