View Full Version : FN - 900 PSI operation or on ball pressure

05-22-2008, 11:43 AM
Seems to be some confusion in this artice, ide assume they like many others got operating pressure confused with on ball pressure.


05-22-2008, 12:09 PM
Seems to be some confusion in this artice, ide assume they like many others got operating pressure confused with on ball pressure.


I'm surprised that nobody has gone in there and posted that it's essentially an AIR valve and was designed by TK and that it's not a VM. But whatever.

I like how everyone's saying "zomg, 900 PSI will hurt sooo much more," when people like us run 1000psi into our Mags. And that's definitely a small HPA tank, not a CO2 tank.

05-22-2008, 12:20 PM
One spec said it was a 200 bar tank (3000 psi). It still shoots 280-300 fps.

Here's the velocity and ammo FN303 spec. (http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2002infantry/rankin2.pdf)

05-22-2008, 01:46 PM
zomg 900 psi will totally kill people...

lol I like how they are saying the fn303 has already killed people in 2004 during some riot but I cant find news stories to back up that claim...

05-22-2008, 01:57 PM
zomg 900 psi will totally kill people...

lol I like how they are saying the fn303 has already killed people in 2004 during some riot but I cant find news stories to back up that claim...

2004, after the Red Sox World Series victory. Girl took an FN303 round to the eye.

http://media.www.dailycollegian.com/media/storage/paper874/news/2004/12/13/News/Umass.Police.Clear.The.Air.While.Emerson.Takes.Act ion-1557896.shtml

there's more, that one just actually mentions FN303

Old School 626
05-22-2008, 02:19 PM
Great quotes from that thread:

"Oh no I'm pink! Nooo! Pink is gay! I'll stop rioting now..."

If they are full of bismuth, can they be used to stop diarrhea? Hook me up after a weekend of beer and burritos, please.

IMHO: Pulleaze quit it. If OUR people are going over and are being killed by *insert name here* then let's try something more than lethal instead of less. Armies are meant for war and in war you kill people and break things. This half assed "police action" and the less than lethal mentality that goes with it will only weaken our position globally and invite more third world countries and terrorists to attack us.

Crap like this makes me think the Gloria Alred's of the world with their "shoot to wound" mentality should become the tip of the spear and be the first people to learn about how the other side is playing. And then, they can tell us about less than lethal.

05-22-2008, 03:11 PM
Crap like this makes me think the Gloria Alred's of the world with their "shoot to wound" mentality should become the tip of the spear and be the first people to learn about how the other side is playing. And then, they can tell us about less than lethal.
Hmm... I generally think this way also. However, in the land of 'an eye-for-eye', where blood feuds are the rule, less-than-lethal might actually be useful. I wonder if getting 'pwned' with bismuth is enough of a disgrace to require someone's death or if you have to stick to rock throwing.

05-22-2008, 04:34 PM
IMHO: Pulleaze quit it. If OUR people are going over and are being killed by *insert name here* then let's try something more than lethal instead of less. Armies are meant for war and in war you kill people and break things. This half assed "police action" and the less than lethal mentality that goes with it will only weaken our position globally and invite more third world countries and terrorists to attack us.

Crap like this makes me think the Gloria Alred's of the world with their "shoot to wound" mentality should become the tip of the spear and be the first people to learn about how the other side is playing. And then, they can tell us about less than lethal.

Not everyone in a crowd, even a rowdy crowd deserves to be shot with a firearm. I think the vast majority of a given crowd, even one out of control can be brought back under control with far less force than lethal force.

I believe the term is "less lethal" not "less than lethal". There is a huge difference.

05-22-2008, 04:49 PM
I believe the term is "less lethal" not "less than lethal". There is a huge difference.
One of the FN specs actually had the probabilities for various injuries including torn eyes, lung contusions, death etc.

I think riot control should be a training category in itself (not necessarily military). Less lethal or less than lethal force is just an inherent part of riot control, and riot control is just one use of LL or LTL.

05-22-2008, 07:32 PM
It's 3k PSI out of the bottle straight to the valve. Naturally, like all other AGD designed valves, it has an integrated regulator.

Gizmodo also referenced this Wired article:


Old School 626
05-22-2008, 10:01 PM
Spider and Hexis, you guys don't get it. The mere presence of our army should be deterrent enough. The fact that they are there should show the escalation and seriousness of the situation.

Moving our armies into foreign countries makes a large target and we're going to retaliate with "less lethal" weapons? I'd rather see us use lethal weapons that leave nothing but their fillings on the ground in a very violent and flashy manner so that the next bone head that wants to start something thinks twice and choses to move along rather than kill and maim our sons and daughters.

05-22-2008, 11:10 PM
Less Lethal weapons are not weapons of war, they are weapons of compliance. Killing anyone that disagrees with you is a pretty crazy way to go about much of anything.

05-23-2008, 10:27 AM
Spider and Hexis, you guys don't get it. The mere presence of our army should be deterrent enough. The fact that they are there should show the escalation and seriousness of the situation.

Moving our armies into foreign countries makes a large target and we're going to retaliate with "less lethal" weapons? I'd rather see us use lethal weapons that leave nothing but their fillings on the ground in a very violent and flashy manner so that the next bone head that wants to start something thinks twice and choses to move along rather than kill and maim our sons and daughters.

Ever seen the movie Red Dawn?

Do you think that America would roll over and let any country occupy our land for any reason? Noooooo.
Why in the hell do you expect anyone else in the world to do the same?

You don't get it.
Our army shouldn't be over there.
Our army should be at home
Working real jobs and progressing the world in a positive direction. Not overthrowing governments under the guise of democracy.

I'd rather see the lethal weapons used on blood thirsty poop like you.

05-23-2008, 11:09 AM
You don't get it.
Our army shouldn't be over there.
Our army should be at home
Working real jobs and progressing the world in a positive direction. Not overthrowing governments under the guise of democracy.

I'd rather see the lethal weapons used on blood thirsty poop like you.


iirc we were doing just that (Working real jobs and progressing the world in a positive direction) when we were attacked by freedom hating people from the middle east.

kids these days. :tard:

Old School 626
05-23-2008, 05:06 PM
Ever seen the movie Red Dawn?

Do you think that America would roll over and let any country occupy our land for any reason? Noooooo.
Why in the hell do you expect anyone else in the world to do the same?

You don't get it.
Our army shouldn't be over there.
Our army should be at home
Working real jobs and progressing the world in a positive direction. Not overthrowing governments under the guise of democracy.

I'd rather see the lethal weapons used on blood thirsty poop like you.


Did I ever say our armies should be there? Did I ever? No, I never said anything either way. Show me where I said I was in favor of occupying other countries and overthrowing foreign governments. That is why I used "*insert name here*" rather than naming any country or faction. Quit trying to put words in my mouth.

That's some poo for you,

05-24-2008, 12:26 AM
Ok boys and girls, keep it ON TOPIC so I dont have to do that Mod thang. :argh:

05-24-2008, 07:05 PM
Ever seen the movie Red Dawn?

Do you think that America would roll over and let any country occupy our land for any reason? Noooooo.
Why in the hell do you expect anyone else in the world to do the same?

You don't get it.
Our army shouldn't be over there.
Our army should be at home
Working real jobs and progressing the world in a positive direction. Not overthrowing governments under the guise of democracy.

And i only say this because the whole Iraq thing, they're not the ones that attacked the WTC, those people are about a country further to the east.

Anyway, i'm surprised to see those being used over seas, although with how everything is over there it seems we're now acting more like police and stuff, but whatever, at least now there's less chance innocents will die.