View Full Version : Pneu vs emag

05-22-2008, 05:28 PM
Hey all.
I'm sure it's been discussed before, but what do most people prefer? What are the advantages of both. I'm going to be either building/buying one in the next month or so and need some advice. Here's how I see it

Pneu - Difficult to set up, but will be nice to only rely on air. I wouldn't need the shooting modes (or so i think) so semi would work well. very conceiled and would work well since i'm planing on making the gun a bit smaller. Concerned that it might steal some air and make the gun even less efficient.

Emag - Battery life is a long time, so don't have to really worry about running out of battteries. If i do, theres mech mode. Easy to swap around parts in the future. Easy set up. More expensive. Bigger gun profile.

Anybody wanna help me out?


05-22-2008, 05:39 PM
IMO, pneumagging is super easy. I just built one in under 20 min (and this was my first time ever doing this mod)

I am also in the process of building an e-mag with a morlock board, and to be honest, it can be confusing if you are retarded around chipsets and wiring schematics like i am.

05-22-2008, 05:41 PM
Pneumags do use more air. Not a ton, but I found myself losing about 10% of the shots out of my tank. I think it is all about preference though. personally, I just like straight mech. lighter, more efficient. But that's not an option, so I won't vote. LOL Good luck in your decision. :cheers:

05-22-2008, 07:50 PM
pnuemags can be alot lighter than any emag, and conceaked to look like a straight mech, with a very light trigger :clap:

05-22-2008, 08:04 PM
Price can be about the same depending on your set up. A sleeper mod isnt cheap to have done and then you still need to get a frame, CP direct mount, and LPR... To have it done right it will cost pretty much the same. Now if your looking for speed well i'd say they can be the same also. Now if you get Xmod on a set of emag lowers you will have ramp and stuff (Cheating in my book) if your into that style of play. All in all i'd say its more personal preference than anything else. Try and locate some one with and emag and a pneumag and shoot them both to see what you like better about either gun...


05-22-2008, 09:21 PM
Pneumags do use more air. Not a ton, but I found myself losing about 10% of the shots out of my tank. I think it is all about preference though. personally, I just like straight mech. lighter, more efficient. But that's not an option, so I won't vote. LOL Good luck in your decision. :cheers:

stayhuge - I love mech, but i'm going to try and get on a team in a few weeks and i'm pretty sure the mech version of my rt pro is illegal in tourneys? so i though i'd get one of the two and be set

05-22-2008, 10:00 PM
Honestly I couldn't be happier with my Pnuemag. :D I never thought a classic valve could shoot that fast and be that nice. I'm debating whether or not I want to do the magnet mod, but for now I am utterly satisfied with it.

That being said I'm sure I would love an emag too, but I can look at the pnuemag and think, "That started out as a pretty stock, simple, old gun and I turned it into a ULE bodied, Warp fed monster of my own creation."

The satisfaction of having evolved this thing myself is more than I could possible have with an emag.

....unless someone wants to give me and extra one they have just, you know, laying around....

05-22-2008, 10:04 PM
the magnet mod on pnuemags is so awesome, very snappy trigger pull, nice and crisp :headbang:

05-22-2008, 10:51 PM
the magnet mod on pnuemags is so awesome, very snappy trigger pull, nice and crisp :headbang:

I second this motion!

Pneumag all the way, fast, light, and tight....

....so, who wants to buy my emag lowers? :D

05-23-2008, 06:02 AM
Pneu all the way. Ive had quite a few E-mags/e-tacs/x-mags. I sold them all and kept my pneumag. 'nuff said.

05-23-2008, 07:56 AM
technically i own both, but have nither in my posession right now. i've never shot a penu mag, and i've never shot an emag in emode. really this post is no good to anyone.

05-23-2008, 08:32 AM
i love my emags, when i wanna throw alot of paint, hell i dont think my semi has a true "semi" one shot per pull mode, lol, she spews paint and thats why i like her, but on days when im not trying to shoot 2 cases of paint, ill use the pnuemag and still be able to hold em down while i move, with alot less weight :headbang:

05-23-2008, 08:41 AM
Pneu all the way. Ive had quite a few E-mags/e-tacs/x-mags. I sold them all and kept my pneumag. 'nuff said.
So i take it you will keep this one then... lol Cause if you ever sell it....!!!! :mad: Or at least give me dibs....lol :hail:

05-23-2008, 08:45 AM
E-mags are nice, but after a long full day of play the weight starts to get to ya. I'd say pneu if you want a fast mag.

It's all personal opinion.

Or if you really want to be insane, make a e-pneu!

05-23-2008, 09:07 AM
So i take it you will keep this one then... lol Cause if you ever sell it....!!!! :mad: Or at least give me dibs....lol :hail:

Definitely the one Mag Im not parting with. Man I got to rip on it for two days straight at my bachelor party and I was terrorizing fools with it. Once I hit the snake it was all over. Plays sooooo tight! :shooting:

And its worth noting that the magnetig trigger is like butter. Thanks again! :hail:


Empyreal Rogue
05-23-2008, 02:14 PM
I think the real comparison here would be the E-Mag vs. Electro-Pneumag. Pneumatics or not, the pneumag is still mechanical, and we all know comparing electronic to mechanical is quite a silly thing.

I guess I'm fortunate in that I have one of each right now. Well, soon to have one of each. My silly E-Mag project is taking far too long to complete. :(

05-23-2008, 05:51 PM
Actually the comparison is not silly. A pneumag can keep up just fine with an electro in semi mode. It's just as fast when configured properly. The comparison only ends when you start factoring in electronic firing modes that are illegal at 99% of fields. They're an Ion's worst nightmare.

I'll flat out say it: the E-Mag is a brick. The gun is freaking heavy, and there's really no way around it no matter what you do to cut it down. Had AGD developed the ULT kit prior to the E-Mag's release, they could have incorporated it into the design and used a weaker solenoid that didn't require so much current (and thus a lighter battery as well). Sadly, that's was not the order of development.

That being said, E-Mags remain excellent scenario markers due to their ruggedness and versatility, and their oversized battery allows them to go longer without charges. Add XMod into the equation, providing full auto and burst modes, and you have a superior gun that can do all the same things people normally buy Tippmanns for.

If, however, you do not see yourself needing full auto, ramping, or other "cheater" modes that certain people usually turn on just to cause misery, and only need a good, fast semi-auto marker, a pneumag will actually work exceedingly well. It's a lightweight, fast, fully mechanical package. You will certainly be able to compete against electronics.

05-23-2008, 08:25 PM
i dont mean to hijack this thread but if someone could route me to a e pneu guide i would be very grateful. :D

but to put my vote in id say pneumag because i love the idea of being all mechanical, but i havent tried an e mag before so i dont know if my vote should carry any weight.

Empyreal Rogue
05-23-2008, 09:08 PM
It's silly because of the operation. An electronic marker will consistently shoot faster because it's reliant on electronics to pull the trigger, not the fingers and stamina of the shooter. That's the difference between mechanical and electronic, so why would a pneumag be any different? Because it has a pneumatic (lighter) pull? You could modify a Tippmann's sear to have a lighter pull, but would you compare it to an electronic marker?

Don't get me wrong, I love both systems. I own both and love both, after all. I'm just saying this is apples and oranges. Same family, different types. :)

05-23-2008, 09:37 PM
They demoed the G-Force frame being fired with a McDonalds soda straw and a trigger pull of half a millimeter. The pull actually is at electro levels.

05-23-2008, 11:42 PM
stayhuge - I love mech, but i'm going to try and get on a team in a few weeks and i'm pretty sure the mech version of my rt pro is illegal in tourneys? so i though i'd get one of the two and be set

If you are concerned about tourneys, I would be a little leary of the Pneumags too. I believe Cyberave or Pneumagger posted a video in that thread that Rawbutter had up a while ago (Fastest Fingers Contest), of a pneumag that had the RT effect going. I would look into the rules of the tourneys and make sure that a Pneumag will be legit too. I don't think I mentioned it before, but I had my mag pneumagged. I keep switching back and forth. Can't seem to settle on pure mech or pneud. I like them both for different reasons. But I will say this. If you do the pneumag conversion, spend the extra $20 and get the magmod. It makes the trigger feel like an electro. I was soooooo suprised at the difference.

05-23-2008, 11:52 PM
If your lpr isn't set right, a pnuemag can go full auto, but a pnuemag set with the lpr correctly will only shoot one shot per pull, with no bounce

05-24-2008, 12:27 AM
I vote emag, since it is made by the company that made the gun.

chill will
05-24-2008, 12:48 AM
So who offers this service? (New mag and Magnetic trig)

How much should something like this cost?

05-24-2008, 05:08 AM
Cost is about $120 with magnet mod (non sleeper intelliframe) for someone else to do it. Add in the LPR (I bought a Palmers Micro Rock for $50, but LPR's can be had cheaper), and you're at about $170. I bought another Intelliframe, rail, another tank with adjustable reg., and ULE body so that I could just switch the X-valve and have both a pneumag and a non pneued. So obviously mine was significantly more than I HAD to spend. If I can sell my Tac One body I can recoup about $75 of that money.

And yes, it rips with the ULE trigger!


05-25-2008, 12:23 PM
I would say it matters on how much money you have. How lucky you are. I have had a good amount of emags and xmags. I still have a eruo xmag. I have also built a few Pneumatic mags. I must have to say i vote for the Pneumatic mag. Its classic and a sleeper. Plus u can take pride in a guy you have built yourself.

Now on the other hand if you are lucky enough to get your hands on Devilmag frame. I must say they on a whole different level. Those things are what a true Emag should have been. My end vote is a devilmag. If you cant get one of those. then i would go with a Pneumatic mag
Here is mine. She is super light and compact. Plus very very fast.

05-25-2008, 01:19 PM
Now on the other hand if you are lucky enough to get your hands on Devilmag frame. I must say they on a whole different level. Those things are what a true Emag should have been. My end vote is a devilmag. If you cant get one of those. then i would go with a Pneumatic mag.

I agree, with a slight variation, the "devilmag" should have been AGD's Xmag for tourny's and the Emag the way it is for scenario/woods. A regular pneumag is an awesome insurance policy and fun to turn heads.

I miss my ULDM :(

05-26-2008, 05:29 AM
I'm 3 or 4 months new to mags. What exactly is a Devilmag?

Sorry for the noob question.

05-26-2008, 10:36 AM
I'm 3 or 4 months new to mags. What exactly is a Devilmag?

Sorry for the noob question.
If you're new to mags then it's nothing to be sorry about.

A few years back this one guy (forget his name, but he didn't make too many people happy) made electric framed mags with hyperframes and the like and put eyes into them, he basically did a custom job to make mags like newer electros and it was quite pricey (i remember i wanted one back in the day). Well the guy couldn't keep up with the orders, people went without mags for a long time, and i'm pretty sure he ended up going bankrupt or something, basically he couldn't follow through with all of the jobs that he took because he couldn't afford it, and i'm pretty sure the customers lost money. I'm a tad fuzzy on the details because i was always on the outside of those conversations since they didn't really concern me, so if i'm off on anything don't hesitate to correct.