View Full Version : Superbolt Porblem...

01-20-2002, 11:08 PM

Superbolt worked flawlessy for a couple of cases of paint. Just to be on the safe side I decided to boil my bolt and sand down the sides where that step is.


I was finally able to test the modified superbolt. The results were not pleasant. I gassed up the gun with the quick slide of a slidecheck. Nothing wrong yet. I fire one shot, the ball chops and air is leaking violently down the barrel. I quickly slide the slidecheck in the off position and disconnect the airline. I then replace the bolt and have no problems the rest of the day.

My Question:

I would like to know what caused the problem? Could it have been the wrong size PT spacer, or some defect with the bolt? I have never had problems with PT spacers so I wouldn't really know what a incorrect PT spacer length leak would sound like. This leak was an incessant stream of roaring air.

Any one care to shine some light on this? My superbolt is version 2.0 with the concave face. I never got around to attaching a foamie and my bolt was not .015 too long.

01-21-2002, 12:29 AM
Boiling the superbolt probably swelled the sleeve enough that it caused it to catch on the spring or in the barrel and not go back all the way. Thus causing it to leak like it did. Make sure it's real dry and if you need to, sand down the outside a bit to get it so it doesn't fit too tight in spring or the barrel.

01-21-2002, 12:43 AM
I think I might as well send my bolt back to AGD on monday. Thanks for the help.