View Full Version : Anybody getting burnt out on Paintball?

01-20-2002, 11:46 PM
I think that the biggest threat to paintball has got to be people just burning out on the sport. I mean..paintball takes a lot out of you..physically, emotionally, and financially..and sometimes i think i've gotten to the point where i don't care anymore...some people say that you don't get burnt out on it if you don't love it...but usually that's just the people who have really realized what burning out is..I mean..I wonder how TK is able to stay so true to paintball after all these years...does it take having other hobbies so that you don't become so transfixed on paintball that eventually you just can't take it anymore...does anyone else feel like this sometimes?

01-20-2002, 11:55 PM
I will be burnt out on paintball soon... but only financially. I've already been burnt out on paintball emotionally tring to get to play. I always pick back up though. This forum aids in me staying true to paintball... And I barely even play...

01-21-2002, 12:05 AM
i burnt out awhile ago, left the sport for a couple of years. recently i came back to the sport and it has never been better.

01-21-2002, 12:14 AM
I know exactly what you mean. You start to think, whats the point? Why am I spending this kind of money, time and strength on this? Then you go and play again, and realize this is the best sport out there, and there is nothing else that welcomes you back quite like it does.

Goldie D Pimp
01-21-2002, 07:52 AM
I was thinking about this one the ohter day. In a good year, I might get to actually go out and play once, MAYBE twice a month, but then not at all when it's cold. So I may actually get to play 12-15 times a year. How crazy is it that I've got thousands of $$$ worth of equipment that only gets used a few times a year???

01-21-2002, 08:02 AM
Everytime after im done playing,i am really burnt out.i just wanna go to sleep,but i get back on this site,and reminds how cool paintball the game is,and how cool the paintball players are.I would never leave paintball though,i can hardly stand waiting until the weekend,maybe next weekend.

Tony Arrivo
01-21-2002, 08:22 AM
I don't thinhk I'll ever burn out on paintball. Hehe, just ask Mountaindud or AllAmericanMag, they know. Tom Kaye in my opinion has the sweetest job ever, I'd take it in a heart beat.

01-21-2002, 09:17 AM
I played paintball for a LONG time before entering graduate school. During grad school, I didn't play even once; didn't have the money and didn't have the time. Once I got out, got a job and started playing again, it was if I had more energy for the sport than before.

01-21-2002, 10:20 AM
I haven't played in months, mainly becuase of feild location. I really don't wanna have to bug some1 to drive me 50 miles to the nearest feild. If there was a feild in a city near me, I could gaurentee myself I would go every / every other weekend. I am not worrkyign about upgrading to another gun till the Mega Meet nears... which hopefully will jump start soem of us to practice.. dont wanan be the worst AO paintballer now do ya?

01-21-2002, 10:24 AM
I started playing back in 1992 and played up until 1995, where I was traveling the southeast playing tourneys. My team took 17th in the Indoor National Championships as one of our first tournaments. Long Story Short... I got burnt out on the politics, and the egos, and it was just darn expensive, so I quit playing. I started playing again this past summer and still have it in my blood. Besides you gotta do something with all those guns sitting there right?!!!

PS. DiRTyBuNNy did you have a chance to send my Crown Point Barrel yet? LMK thanks!

01-21-2002, 10:31 AM
Thats perfectly normal I think. I get on kicks of hobbies and then burn out all the time. Its like a cycle. Most times you just over do it and then burn out a bit on it. If its not fun anymore just pack it up for a while and take a break. eventually you will get the fever to play again. as they say..."Absence makes the heart grow fonder..."

01-21-2002, 11:34 AM
I've yet to burn out on the sport. I've got around $600 into my set-up, that took a dent to the wallet, but I still continue. Sometimes you ask, why am I doing this? Then you get out there and play, and have the adrenaline rush that only such a sport can provide you with.

There are always those moments where you think...Man, that's alot of money to be spending, then you pack up your gear to go play, and tell me, has it ever popped into your head ONCE on the way to the field? Didn't think so, that's why I've yet to be burnt out on the sport.

01-21-2002, 11:43 AM
Yeah I have been burnt out for a while now... back when I first got my classic mag I only played like 4 times all that year. Then I didnt play for the entire next year. The main thing is the cost. I just can't afford it. Why does it have to cost so much? I know it is a lot better than what it was 10 years ago but still. I love to go with my friends and play but it is hard to get 5-8 guys to go play because most of them dont have a lot of money. When I go I spend around 35-55 bucks. That is a huge chunk out of my wallet. I truly think that if the paintball industry lowered their paint cost more people would play. Cause if I could go out and only have to spend 20 bucks to play I would go all the time.

Mild 7
01-21-2002, 12:01 PM
I get burnt out when I get my *** shot out 6 out of 7 game consecutively. Then I go home, and hate myself.

Then I setup a private game, mostly newbies of course. After a day of that, I'm all healed.

01-21-2002, 12:06 PM
i was burnt out for over a year, but to add insult to injury i kept on playing because of team obligations. i didn't enjoy playing, or any part of it, only thing that kept me going was my friends in the sport. when i read justin owens artile on burn out in pgi, i swore it spoke to me. everything he said in the article was everything that i felt and was going through. just recently i'm beginning to emerge out of burn out and slowly starting to play again, and actually enjoy it.

01-21-2002, 12:29 PM
I almost burt out... but then i found my savoir...My AutoMag 68 Classic with Power Feed. And of course AO you guys keep me into paintball during this New England winters.

Iv spent OVER 700$ not including things like paint,gas, field prices, repair prices....ECT. Over 700$ in hardware

01-21-2002, 12:35 PM
i got burnt out. i took almost 2 years off then came back stronger than ever.

maybe you just need a little time. take the rest of the winter off.

01-21-2002, 12:38 PM
I started to get burnt out like 2 years ago......... Then i played a tourney , and realized there's more to paintball then hiding like a bunch of kids. So i started playin tourneys... Now that i do that , i'd love to play em twice a week.

01-21-2002, 02:13 PM
Yeah, im feeling burnt now(cash wise).. not playing in so long, and only having pieces of a mag to look at makes it worse ;) ao keeps me in there

01-21-2002, 02:46 PM
I almost burnt out of the sport this summer because i hadn't got to play because of my job. The only reason i got the job was to play paintball. But then i had to work and everytime i was gonna go something would happen. So i am like i have all this stuff i have accumulated over 3 1/2 years and i cant even go play. WTF? but then i quit my job after 6 months to live with my dad now i have too much time and not enough cash. But my birthday and xmas were a bit ago so im fine for now. unfortanetly its got snow on the ground and very cold. Not only that but we tried playing pirate ball in it. Worst day of my life. The whole field was covered in pricker bushes and it was 20 degrees out plus wind. Then the polar ice paintballs wouldn't break. But when spring comes ill like it. Until then its live on the net. Oh and go to school. boy i hate school.

Wayland Fong
01-21-2002, 03:02 PM
i'm sorry, but i don't really understand. i really doubt i'd ever get burnt out on paintball. love it too much. love the adrenaline rush i get when i play, cause i play very competitively. i'm also a fanatic when it comes to tricking out paintball guns. yea, it really kills my wallet, but i don't care. perhaps i think this cause i take paintball very seriously. i hope to play in the pros someday, and i'm not gonna get there sitting on my butt. i'll probably never make it that far, but rest assured you will see me in the tournament scene soon enuff.

01-21-2002, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Paintchucker
I got burnt out on the politics, and the egos, and it was just darn expensive...

Me too, although I never actually quit. For a long time only played a few times a year. Then an old PB friend of mine wanted to play again and I'm hooked all over again!

01-21-2002, 03:20 PM
I'v done that a million times, between magic cards and paintball. Lucky I signed up for an indiana sight back in the day and got an email in december from a guy that lives by me and wanted to make a team. Low and behold I just bought a mag and played once since then :-p But all the messageboards keep the feelin' strong :-)

01-21-2002, 04:09 PM
Foo-temps, how can you be burned out, your only in the 9th grade. I didn't get burned out untile college, because of money and the lack thereof. I was into paintball for a while but in college had to slack off. Now, however, I'm back into it with my old team. I've build a paintball workbench in my basement, with a test tube to shoot in too.

01-21-2002, 04:19 PM
I can relate, I got burnt out on it 2-3 times and went into other hobbies,i.e; Boating, major money pit there, off-roading, major money pit there too, but after its all said an done I always go back to paintball, I have played since the pump days and have had 4-5 pumps, 3 tippmanns(all semi's) and have owned 3 Auto/Minimags over the years, nothing will beat the Automags performance and they also have a decent re-sale value. Also there is a great comradiery in players all over the world, you can go anywhere, mention the word paintball and kids/grownups will talk on this subject for hours. Its kinda cool too, I met my wife thru paintball, her son tried out for our team, I took him under my wing and made a new friend, then me and mom hooked up, now all three of her boys and me play every other sunday, sometimes mom plays too !

01-21-2002, 05:13 PM
I just dont play all winter, so in the summer, I love it again

01-21-2002, 11:18 PM
Get more hobbies. I ride my motorcycle play basketball, swim all summer, and play paintball when I can. I have to make the time to play so I don't burn out. I am thining of goining a team and that is my biggest fear. Commitment will burn me out.
We'll see

01-22-2002, 12:06 AM
I got burnt out after playing hardcore every weekend for 3 years and finially I just said to hell with it. I probabally totally quit everything paintball related for over 3 months no internet no playing with my gun nothing. My friends always asked me to come and play but I just shrugged them off. Now I'm back and can't get enough some times people just have to take a break from things.

01-22-2002, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by snowman
Foo-temps, how can you be burned out, your only in the 9th grade. I didn't get burned out untile college, because of money and the lack thereof. I was into paintball for a while but in college had to slack off. Now, however, I'm back into it with my old team. I've build a paintball workbench in my basement, with a test tube to shoot in too.

Well, it isn't money wise but emotionally. I almost gave up on paintball after I played it once. My parents were being soo stubborn and wouldn't let me play again. I got so tired of my parents irrational reasoning that I started to think it wasn't worth it... Then I came upon AO...

01-22-2002, 12:17 AM
Question: Am I getting burnt out on paintball?
Answer: No, but it's my worst fear...lol j/k :D


01-22-2002, 12:34 AM
ill never burn out of mentally paitnball, but my walet might. Thats the problem with the spot, paintprices that are basicaly a joke. i shoot an f5 so that i can use cheep paint. In the long run i can out shoot angels and save money :cool: . Best investment i ever made, has payed for itself already.

01-22-2002, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Goldie D Pimp
I was thinking about this one the ohter day. In a good year, I might get to actually go out and play once, MAYBE twice a month, but then not at all when it's cold. So I may actually get to play 12-15 times a year. How crazy is it that I've got thousands of $$$ worth of equipment that only gets used a few times a year???
yeah but how much is that worth the times you DO get to play?

I KNOW there are guys at my field that would pay me $100 to rent my rig for even half the day, as they get frustrated w/ their stuff.

You see 'em all the time, in the morning, they pull out their Tippys & Spyders and shake their heads at you like you're crazy for spending so much. In the afternoon, it's all they can do not to throw their gun in the trash.

I learned from SCUBA diving, if you're going to play, play hard & don't skimp on gear.

*note* I did not mean to dog tippmann or spyder owners by this post, I'm just saying that good gear is worth it

01-22-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by Goldie D Pimp
I was thinking about this one the ohter day. In a good year, I might get to actually go out and play once, MAYBE twice a month, but then not at all when it's cold. So I may actually get to play 12-15 times a year. How crazy is it that I've got thousands of $$$ worth of equipment that only gets used a few times a year???

and then when u do get to play you shoot gavin 14 times or whatever and he complains about it:)

01-22-2002, 06:16 PM
I guess I never get burned out cause I have a break every year. I play from September through May. By the time may comes around and I'm startin to get pissed at the ****'n wipers (just a couple) that I'm forced to play with, summer begins and it's to hot for paintball. So I spend my free time at the beach during the summer. By the time september rolls around my trigger finger is once again itching to play.

01-23-2002, 03:59 PM
Burnout is definitely a factor. Especially if you do have a decent investment in gear and stuff...I'm planning on selling one or both of my pumps to fund some upgrades to my car (not just for the sake of tricking it out...it actually needs to have parts upgraded), and to just de-invest myself so much. I've done this once before, ended up with just one gun that I used for a good long time, then got back into the cycle of "I need one of these, and one of those, and..." But now that I've got a car that I can tinker with, and a bike to ride on the days that I don't want or can't afford to play, then I think I'll get back into the enjoyment of it. Especially once it starts warming up a bit again.

01-23-2002, 04:57 PM
I, at one time felt burnt out, now I know im only in the 10th grade, but about a year into paintball I began to feel a burn out because of my Spyder's gun quality. I felt that paintball was just a big money making circus and that was where I was wrong. The day I shot my automag for the first time(which was when I dsicovered it in my parents closet) I fell in love with the sport all over again. I felt that the sport could do me no wrong. Now I have yet to actually play with my mag, but I have used up all my n2 and c02 shooting it(lol). The only thing that gets me is when i flip thru an APG or whatever and I see all these people with great looking rigs and such and I feel I will never get to a tourney level. But ya know, all that envy disappears on the feild. I love paintball, I will always love paintball, I find this is MY sport and I was MEANT to play it. God Bless All Paintball Players...

01-23-2002, 05:08 PM
I just got back into the sport back in May after a nice ten year hiatus. I have since spent damn near 7K on toys, paint, gear and the like and am now just getting into tourney play. I think we all burnout, as your level of play will only increase to a certain level should you limit yourself to one style of play. Mix things up some, if you have a pumpgun, use for a while, then switch back to a semi-auto...try different aspects of the sport, my buddy was burnt so now he refs instead.

01-23-2002, 07:17 PM
Well, I definitely will be playing some more. I will always have breaks too. My parents won't allow any winter play so I get to relax during that time and ski/snowboard.