View Full Version : Shirt Production Opportunity

05-25-2008, 01:29 PM
Through an interesting turn of events, I have just acquired a room in a house near Georgia Southern Univ. where I attend classes. And turns out Young, my first roommate, is a graphics design major with a minor in marketing. And Clayton, my second roommate, is also a graphics design major, but he is a bit further into his major classes.

Oops forgot to mention that Young runs a small t shirt design and printing business to help pay the bills. So I saw some threads on here about shirts and thought this would be something that could possibly keep me busy... Idle hands and all right? :nono:

So if there is sufficient interest in an AGD logo shirt, or print on back and front with logo, or whatever else, we can get it done. We need at least twenty seriously interested potential buyers to do a first batch, and then after that we can regroup, re-asses, and possibly re-design.

An Estimated price without shipping (shipping will be done on an individual basis based on zip), for a solid color shirt with front and back writing and logo will be between $10-15 U.S.

Now the hard part, there needs to be at least a general agreement on what is wanted. So if someone has a design to submit or propose please fill out the following form. Be as specific with colors, text style or font, logo size and placement, etc. as possible. Pictures and examples of colors and logo are a profound help. When an agreement is made I can take all of that to my guys and come back to you all with some examples.


Color of shirt -
Text on front -
Text on back -
Logo placement (back, front, center back, left pocket front, etc.)
Text font/style -
Text Color -
Other suggestions or requirements -

Email any pictures or examples to [email protected] with the subject heading "AGD Shirt"


1. Lidocaine (2 Large)

05-25-2008, 02:36 PM
I would like a black T-shirt with a large AGD Lion Logo on the front. Simple, typical, nothing fancy. Here is an example:
The back could be the silhouette of two mags with the barrels crossed or something. Oldschool backbottle mag and an X-mag would be cool.

I would also take an AO shirt, with the logo, whatever it is, also large:

Or a shirt that has the Automag RT logo, the one where it says Automag all oldschool and then the big red RT written over it. That would be cool.


05-25-2008, 03:46 PM
Ok we would need to pursue one best option for the first batch.

Both of those seem to be very do-able, but for the first shirt why wouldn't we use the classic logo(http://www.tomkaye.com/images/agd-logo_sml.jpg)? If we could get Tom's permission?

And if someone were to provide pictures of two mags we would want to silhouette I could make this one of the possible designs.

We could also do the AGD classic logo on the back with a small silhouette of two crossing mags on the breast pocket area. The words "Original Gangster" could be on the back of the shirt, on the shoulder blades jersey style.

05-25-2008, 04:04 PM
Pencil me down for 2 large :)

05-25-2008, 04:08 PM
This shirt is perty good


mr doo doo
05-25-2008, 04:26 PM
i'd be down for a simple AGD shirt, or an Automags.org with hex logo on the front.

05-25-2008, 06:35 PM
Ok I can start working on a simple AGD design or AO shirt, but I'll need to contact Tom and someone on the forum to get the green light.

05-25-2008, 07:19 PM
AO South 2008 is coming up later on this year (date yet to be set) in Rome Georgia.
Maybe you can get some action from that.
I think about 30 people showed up last year (I unfortunately missed it) .
Its AO member Kruger's field . He had some left from last year.
Maybe he can get you some pics of the design.


05-25-2008, 07:24 PM
Awesome since I'm in GA eh?!

Thanks man!

05-25-2008, 08:50 PM
Black shirt with this logo as big as possible and nothing else:
Airgun.com has a hi-res.

Don't put anything dumb on it (like "thug/gangsta" stuff), just a simple, full color AGD shirt in black for $20 or under shipped and it will sell. Dunno why that hasn't been done yet, that's all I'm waiting for. I would be down for one of these, but I'm going to need to see one first - last time I went in on one of these it was really delayed and not at all satisfactory when it finally came.

05-25-2008, 08:54 PM
I was talking to my buddies and they were thinking The lion logo on the back (big) and the AO hew over the left breast area.

I would prefer some lettering across the shoulders on the back though, nothing crazy. Something simple would be good though I think. But if not we will do what is stated above I believe.

05-25-2008, 09:07 PM
I was talking to my buddies and they were thinking The lion logo on the back (big) and the AO hew over the left breast area.

I would prefer some lettering across the shoulders on the back though, nothing crazy. Something simple would be good though I think. But if not we will do what is stated above I believe.
My concern with the lettering would be that it would make fewer people buy the shirt - for instance, I know I won't wear something that says "gangster" on the back, but the people who want a "gangster" theme would probably buy the shirt without it. I think the more stuff you put on it the more potential customers you'll lose. You can sell an AGD shirt here, on MCB, SpecOps, etc - you put an AO logo on it, you can only sell it here. Take it a step further and put some "gangster/thug" theme on it, and you can only sell it to the gangster/thug wannabes here. See what I mean?

EDIT: The rest of that sounds good, though. Print a sample of that on a black shirt, and if it's ≤$20 shipped I'd buy it and I'm sure a lot more of us would, too.

05-25-2008, 10:51 PM
black shirt, huge!!!! agd logo in white, simple as that

05-26-2008, 12:49 AM
Black shirt with this logo as big as possible and nothing else:
Airgun.com has a hi-res.

Don't put anything dumb on it (like "thug/gangsta" stuff), just a simple, full color AGD shirt in black for $20 or under shipped and it will sell. Dunno why that hasn't been done yet, that's all I'm waiting for. I would be down for one of these, but I'm going to need to see one first - last time I went in on one of these it was really delayed and not at all satisfactory when it finally came.

I would like the logo on the front. If it were a jersey I would want it on the back, but on a shirt, the front is usually more visible. I also don't mind if it is black and white or in color.

05-26-2008, 05:17 AM
I was talking to my buddies and they were thinking The lion logo on the back (big) and the AO hew over the left breast area.

That would be perfect for me. Definitely would get one or two depending on price.
By the way I am in Metter so no shipping I'll just pick them up :).


05-26-2008, 05:43 AM
I am definitely in. 1 size Large, please.

Also, as the others have stated....less is more! (lion logo on back, X-mag silo. on front left corner)

05-26-2008, 08:56 AM
I'd be in for at least 1 XL... pending final design. Personally, I'd like a dark grey shirt (dark heather).

05-26-2008, 02:59 PM
Full color is a must IMHO - if it's not full color, it won't be any different from past AGD shirts sold here, and it won't stand out from the crowd. I know I'd pass on it if it wasn't full color, and probably others would, too.

05-26-2008, 04:00 PM
Am I the only one who wants the large lion logo on the front?

05-26-2008, 07:36 PM
Ok heres what I am getting:

Color of shirt - Black
Text on front - AO hex logo either across chest, or smaller on left breast pocket.
Text on back - None
Logo placement- AGD Logo large on back
Text font/style - Standard blocked lettering
Text Color - White or grey?
Other suggestions or requirements - FULL COLOR LOGO

Maybe its just being from Atlanta but the thought of any of the "gangsta/thugs" I know wouldn't wear an AGD shirt no matter what I wrote on it lol... I wasn't suggesting we get anything going to try and push Phat Farm out heh.

Lets work on this guys, what changes should be made from here?

OH! And I asked about personalizing them with whatever names you want on the back. He said he would work the numbers and get back to me but it could jack the price up. Someone pme'd me asking about that option so just wanted to address that.

05-26-2008, 09:42 PM
Am I the only one who wants the large lion logo on the front?
Nah, I'd prefer just a large color AGD logo on the front on a black shirt, but the logo on the back with an AO hex on the breast is fine, too. Not a dealbreaker like single color ink or gang/thug symbolism would be.

As for names, I say don't bother - these are t-shirts, not jerseys.

05-27-2008, 01:36 PM
Large lion logo on the back, with "because quality always shoots straight" motto somewhere on it would be cool too.

05-27-2008, 04:37 PM
Well, I'm in for a black T-shirt with the lion logo on back, something AO on front.
lidocaine, i think the lion logo that's being referred to includes the "because quality always shoots straight" motto.
I am psyched about this shirt! I've always wanted a lion logo shirt.

Hey, I don't know how your friends are going to be doing this, but if they're screen printing it themselves, do you think they could do custom-positioning of the images? I mean, they could just print the lion logo on the front for a couple of T-shirts? I would even pay a few bucks more for this, lmk what they say about it.

05-27-2008, 05:11 PM
I'll ask about the custom placement, more than likely it will be easier to just re-do another run next with the Lion logo on the front, with the AO logo under the base of the neck hole on the back.

05-28-2008, 03:29 AM
I'll ask about the custom placement, more than likely it will be easier to just re-do another run next with the Lion logo on the front, with the AO logo under the base of the neck hole on the back.
That sounds even better. That would be my first choice, with the lions on back and AO on the breast as my second choice.

05-28-2008, 07:37 AM
But I'm only doing this is we can have some explicit gang symbolism :ninja: ... or else its no deal!

05-28-2008, 11:13 AM
black shirt, huge!!!! agd logo in white, simple as that


06-01-2008, 08:02 PM
PM'd you

06-01-2008, 08:09 PM
custom names on the back would be awesome, id pay a couple extra bucks

06-04-2008, 03:47 PM

Should have visual examples soon enough, then when its ready to print turnaround should be two weeks for 50 shirts.

It will be a black shirt, with FULL COLOR lion logo on the back, and the AO Logo across the chest.

Because of the full color these shirts will be more expensive than if they were simply one color. I need to know if everyone is still comfortable with moving forward as I will be funding this up front out of pocket.

Single shirt price - $18.00 Shipped and PayPal'd

Sorry about it being high, but packaged the shirts weigh about 12oz+ and the average shipping cost will be 2.50-3.50 so that is a hefty chunk of it. Hopefully they will come out to be cheaper than that, or possibly in later runs (assuming there are later runs).

06-04-2008, 04:16 PM
I'm definitely in. I'll see if I can get a couple friends to get some too.

06-04-2008, 05:52 PM
Black shirt with this logo as big as possible and nothing else:
Airgun.com has a hi-res.

Don't put anything dumb on it (like "thug/gangsta" stuff), just a simple, full color AGD shirt in black for $20 or under shipped and it will sell. Dunno why that hasn't been done yet, that's all I'm waiting for. I would be down for one of these, but I'm going to need to see one first - last time I went in on one of these it was really delayed and not at all satisfactory when it finally came.
I would definitely buy one of these in medium.

06-04-2008, 06:04 PM
Emert when are these gonna be availabe?

06-04-2008, 06:27 PM
Im in for at least 1 large
Ill check with my mag shooting teammates and see if I cant get them to get in on it also

edit: add 1 XL for my buddy

06-04-2008, 06:42 PM
The turnaround is 14 days, so that isn't the issue. As soon as I scrape together the rest of the money, and I see a design I like I'm ready to roll.

So tentatively I'm shooting to have them in hand by July 5th.

06-04-2008, 09:17 PM
I'd rather pay now so I don't back out when I spend all my money, will you be taking paypals? I'm ready to pay if you can promise I'll get some kind of shirt with the lion logo on it.

06-04-2008, 09:19 PM
I don't know if I am comfortable with pre pay until we at LEAST have a design up, and sizes squared away.

06-05-2008, 12:14 AM
I'll take (2) two XXL T-Shirts.

06-05-2008, 01:45 PM
lion logo on back and hex or something on the front, easy as that, bada bing bada boom lets do it.

Bang and Breach
06-05-2008, 01:57 PM
So did you fellas get AGD's permission to sell shirts with their products on it, or did I miss something?

06-05-2008, 02:08 PM
So did you fellas get AGD's permission to sell shirts with their products on it, or did I miss something?
It's been done before, AGD's cool with it (we're probably their only advertising). Though you should ask them formally for their official permission if you haven't already done so Emert.

06-05-2008, 04:39 PM
Was actually trying to get in touch with him earlier.

The email him link does not work, nor can I send PM's.

Should I send a message through an Admin?

Bang and Breach
06-05-2008, 05:25 PM
Was actually trying to get in touch with him earlier.

The email him link does not work, nor can I send PM's.

Should I send a message through an Admin?

I'm sure he'll see this thread.

06-05-2008, 05:45 PM
Well you could always contact AGD instead of Tom. Tom left AGD years ago, idk if he holds the rights to the lion logo or not, but I would guess he doesn't?

Just how affiliated (financially, officially) with AGD is Tom Kaye?

Tom if you do see this thread: :hail:

06-05-2008, 07:27 PM
put me down for 1 medium

06-06-2008, 03:49 PM
ill take one as long as its black
size small
pm me with payment info when its all up and running

mr doo doo
06-06-2008, 09:24 PM
starting on these shirts already emert? XXL is my size :)

06-06-2008, 11:36 PM

Should have visual examples soon enough, then when its ready to print turnaround should be two weeks for 50 shirts.

It will be a black shirt, with FULL COLOR lion logo on the back, and the AO Logo across the chest.

Because of the full color these shirts will be more expensive than if they were simply one color. I need to know if everyone is still comfortable with moving forward as I will be funding this up front out of pocket.

Single shirt price - $18.00 Shipped and PayPal'd

Sorry about it being high, but packaged the shirts weigh about 12oz+ and the average shipping cost will be 2.50-3.50 so that is a hefty chunk of it. Hopefully they will come out to be cheaper than that, or possibly in later runs (assuming there are later runs).
Sounds good to me. I'll buy one in medium as soon as I see a sample.

06-06-2008, 11:48 PM
So did you fellas get AGD's permission to sell shirts with their products on it, or did I miss something?

Yup you missed something. :ninja:

It's been done before, AGD's cool with it.

I posted it last time. Its in one of my past posts.

Should I send a message through an Admin?

You just did. Its all good. :cheers: :argh: :ninja:

edit........Doh, see post twenty four here. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=211980&highlight=logo

The sig links still work. :spit_take


06-07-2008, 12:29 AM
I like the one at cafepress. AUTOMAG - Old school balling....

Can you look into printing on Jersey’s.

06-07-2008, 12:42 AM
Okay, ^^that would be awesome. But let's just leave it at the lion logo and AO for now. Maybe next run. :D

06-07-2008, 01:10 AM
Slight setback, my main graphic design buddy just freaked out and left in a coked out tantrum recently...

I have a feeling he won't be involved with this anymore. Frankly the only thing I needed him for was converting the Images in vector, A.I. 7.0, or .CDR files so they can be screen printed on the shirts... My other designing asset can't either, apparently he takes the class covering that next semester...

So I have to grab another designer to shoot a few bucks at to do this now, might take a few days. Really sorry but thought you guys should be informed.

Bear with me boys

06-07-2008, 01:47 AM
don't shoot any bucks til you're sure no one on AO can do that file stuff (pardon my EXTREME ignorance of computer stuff). Is .pdf a vector format? Anyways, my mom took a class on adobe illustrator, and back in mexico my parents ran a screen printing business, so maybe they can help.

06-07-2008, 02:04 PM
Slight setback, my main graphic design buddy just freaked out and left in a coked out tantrum recently...

I have a feeling he won't be involved with this anymore. Frankly the only thing I needed him for was converting the Images in vector, A.I. 7.0, or .CDR files so they can be screen printed on the shirts... My other designing asset can't either, apparently he takes the class covering that next semester...

So I have to grab another designer to shoot a few bucks at to do this now, might take a few days. Really sorry but thought you guys should be informed.

Bear with me boys
Hold up, I have a high-res that might work and I may even have a vectorized version around somewhere. I'll edit this in a few minutes.

EDIT: Couldn't find the huge logo on AGD's site, so I reposted it. http://i25.tinypic.com/jg48l1.jpg
If you don't already have a vector art version I can vectorize that one and send it along - just PM me your email address. Format would be .eps, or I could convert it to PDF or an Adobe Illustrator file. Let me know.

06-07-2008, 02:19 PM
Okay, I talked to my dad. I'm going to try to draw up some negatives for the shirts. I'm going to try to do halftones with the letters. Were you planning on doing halftones? I think I can do it on photoshop.

Were you planning on using one of these?:


The full color one is stretched, how would you guys like the dimensions of the black and white one, but with the full color?

I'll see what I can come up with, I'll get back to you guys in about half an hour.

Just want to let you guys know I'm working on it and it's looking good! :headbang:

06-07-2008, 06:11 PM
Alright guys this thing is really moving.

I was hoping you guys would toss around the idea of maybe using a polyester cotton blend instead of a heavier cotton one. Been speaking with some cyclists recently that have team shirts done, and they say the blended ones breathe much better. Thy also say they are not sure, since they have never played paint ball, but they think it would be possible to play in the blended ones easier.

Just a thought!

06-07-2008, 06:24 PM
So is the black in the logo (the banner border, and the lion outlines) going to be done in a different color, or are you going to do a different colored border around the whole design to seperate it from the black of the shirt?

06-07-2008, 06:28 PM
The logo has been done with a thin outline of white around it.

06-07-2008, 06:31 PM
Im in for a Med, a Lrg, and an XL right now
may need a few more by the time they come up for sale

are you planning on doing a pile of these shirts, because if they are done well youll have a pm box full of requests for them, so it might be a good idea to make a few to keep in stock

06-07-2008, 06:39 PM
Since I'm funding it out of pocket, I have to start with a run of 50, then if demand persists do another of 75. And so on, I am also planning on taking recommendations on another run with a lion logo on the front.

But, we will NEVER put any Thug/Gangster symbolism on ANY of our items! hehe

06-07-2008, 06:46 PM
You guys will be able to see the final images before they are sent to be printed. And if you guys want to change some minor things that can be done. I'll try to have it up by tonight! ;)

06-07-2008, 07:47 PM
Has anyone done AO.org stickers yet?

I could probably get those done as well if there is interest.

06-07-2008, 10:49 PM
I need a hi-res AO logo guys.

The logo we're using is this one right?

I need a bigger one!

And the lion logo is almost done, I'll have it up by midnight, PROMISE.

EDIT: K, maybe not. :tard:

06-07-2008, 10:57 PM
Anyone feel like across the chest the logo might look better minus the online part on the bottom?

That could look better I think. But then it wouldn't be the whole logo.

06-08-2008, 03:22 AM
Okay, here's what I've got so far. It's almost done, it just needs the "Quality Always Shoots Straight" lettering and some final polishing. The color of the lions will be the color of the AO hex on the front. Let me know what you guys think, and if you would like any changes at all, now's the time to speak up!


I hope you like it, I know I do (who doesn't like an AGD logo?!)! :D

06-08-2008, 09:49 AM
Looks perfect to me.

06-08-2008, 03:14 PM
Here it is, complete.

And here's a crappy little sample I did:

Emert I'll be emailing you some files soon.

I emailed the guy who designed the AO website and asked him for a bigger logo. Hopefully he'll get back to him.

Is it just my computer or did they just remove the AO logo from the forum?!?! - 2:32pm, 6/09/08
nvm, it was my other computer

06-09-2008, 10:03 PM
Guys the only thing stopping us from having an example of the shirts and start the run is a hi res version of the AO logo.

We need to get it vectorized in AI and send it to the graphics guy. Questionful and I have looked around and can't find it anyone know where we should find em?

06-09-2008, 11:45 PM
I found out how to vectorize stuff in illustrator and I'm vectorizing the AO logo now. It's not hard, just laborious. I estimate an hour to completion.

Are we doing the "online" under the "automags.org"? I agree it would look better without it. It doesn't make sense, really, and when someone that doesn't frequent AO looks at it they might be a little confused.

EDIT: okay it's going to take more than an hour. I want it perfect. I'll finish it tomorrow.

06-09-2008, 11:53 PM
I found out how to vectorize stuff in illustrator and I'm vectorizing the AO logo now. It's not hard, just laborious. I estimate an hour to completion.

Are we doing the "online" under the "automags.org"? I agree it would look better without it. It doesn't make sense, really, and when someone that doesn't frequent AO looks at it they might be a little confused.

without I think Diego... Go for it dude!

06-10-2008, 05:16 AM
Without seems more sensible.

Thanks a ton Questionful and Emert for pulling this together, I've been wanting AGD swag for a while!

06-10-2008, 09:20 AM
questionful has really come through on this one guys, I'm just doing the initial legwork on the contacts and minor details...

He has put a lot of time into this one too!

Honorary shirt for Diego! :clap:

06-10-2008, 09:32 AM
I would like one in medium if that time ever comes

06-10-2008, 10:57 AM
Gotcha Seng...

Hey guys, if anyone wants me to do a run of stickers for AO I will... It can be the AO logo, or something different.

Let me know if you guys have any interest.

06-12-2008, 12:01 PM
Heh, good luck getting your email addresses to work, Emert... ;)

If you guys need anything from me let me know, but it seems like you've got this one covered.

06-17-2008, 10:29 PM
I'm interesting on the stickers, and the shirt too

06-17-2008, 10:51 PM
Update on the AO logo: I've been procrastinating. Turns out the vectorizing was a lot harder than I initially estimated. Fortunately I have nothing to do tomorrow and will be dedicating the whole day to this. After a lot of messing around with Adobe Illustrator, I've figured out how I'm going to do this, and this way it will be congruous and precise. I know the angle of the slant, and I know the dimensions of the letters. Sorry this has taken so long, but I promise I will finish tomorrow.

Emert, I would be interested in stickers too. What can you tell us regarding the size, price, how many colors, etc. if we were to do a lion logo sticker for example?

In My Sights
06-18-2008, 09:17 AM
What file output are you needing for your vectorized work? I just ask because I work for a screenprinter and do his vectorizing. What all do you have left to vectorize?

06-18-2008, 08:13 PM
What file output are you needing for your vectorized work? I just ask because I work for a screenprinter and do his vectorizing. What all do you have left to vectorize?

Um, I really don't know much about what I'm doing. I needed a higher resolution version of this to work with:
So I decided to try to trace over it on Adobe Illustrator 6, which happens to be on my computer.
As a professional, I'm sure you know. . . TOOOOONS (that's an understatement. I didn't even know what the pen tool did when I started doing this) more about this than I, got any tips for me? I don't know how to explain what I'm doing, I'd have to show you on my monitor, but basically I'm entering in the points with coordinates so I can standardize the angles and dimensions of everything. The one thing that isn't going to be theoretically precise are the curves. But they should look identical.

Now that we have you here and you probably know a lot about this, would a .pdf with a layer for each color be something we could send to screenprinting place?
It's like this but I think four times big.
And here's a close-up on the halftone:

06-18-2008, 10:51 PM
Yeah, that's what always stopped me from vectorizing the AO logo - the low res just isn't clear enough to get a good vector image out of. In the end I think I faked one using the Impact font and some Photoshopping.

questionful, how did you vectorize stuff in Illustrator? I haven't managed to find that feature yet. I mean, I can trace images, but that's hardly easy or fast.

06-19-2008, 12:20 AM
Yeah, that's what always stopped me from vectorizing the AO logo - the low res just isn't clear enough to get a good vector image out of. In the end I think I faked one using the Impact font and some Photoshopping.

questionful, how did you vectorize stuff in Illustrator? I haven't managed to find that feature yet. I mean, I can trace images, but that's hardly easy or fast.
Well how I do it is take the pen tool, select the points and type in exact coordinates.

In My Sights
06-19-2008, 07:54 AM
My input is in red!

Um, I really don't know much about what I'm doing. I needed a higher resolution version of this to work with:

This is the chest logo correct? Are you going to keep the drop shadow for this or just keep it a two color? I don't think that trying to do the drop shadow will be a good idea on a black shirt. Just because, when you print a light color on a dark fabric, you normally need a white backing layer to keep the color true (i.e. just a lot more work for the printer and more cost for printing; plus it is just the chest logo and the back is where you have the main focal point). But if this logo is all you need, let me know what file output you are looking for. I'm sure I can knock this out for you in just a litle bit.

So I decided to try to trace over it on Adobe Illustrator 6, which happens to be on my computer.
As a professional, I'm sure you know. . . TOOOOONS (that's an understatement. I didn't even know what the pen tool did when I started doing this) more about this than I, got any tips for me? I don't know how to explain what I'm doing, I'd have to show you on my monitor, but basically I'm entering in the points with coordinates so I can standardize the angles and dimensions of everything. The one thing that isn't going to be theoretically precise are the curves. But they should look identical.

Sadly I don't use Illustrator and haven't in over 10 years. In the shop I work at, we use Corel Draw for all or vector art. Mainly because even the owner can vectorize images with it. But for complex images like the lions logo, I would just use the pen tool and just begin outlining the image by clicking on all the corners (bends in the line). Corel will create a node (anchor point for the next line to start from) and continue around the image. After I have the rough image outlined I would convert what lines I needed to curves and begin to adjust the straight lines to fit the image below them. From there I would begin doing the same thing to build the inner details.

Now that we have you here and you probably know a lot about this, would a .pdf with a layer for each color be something we could send to screenprinting place?

You can... I mean my boss would take it if he had to. But he would preffer a vector image file (he would probably charge the customer a $50 drawing fee and have me build a vector image file of it). When I first started out for him, I provided all my color seperations in a Photoshop file built on various layers. But after getting into the shop and seeing it first hand; providing an image that they can break apart is huge. Because they will be printing the color seperations on velum as black, that will be used to burn the screens. The issue my boss had with printing my Photoshop images was that my... lets say yellow layers, would print out as a stippled grayscale on his velum. But the yellow needed to be a solid layer for the screen. He would then have to dink around with the image and try to convert it to a black so it would print properly. So the issue I see with a .PDF is that the image is not in a format that can be manipulated by the printer.

It's like this but I think four times big.
And here's a close-up on the halftone:

As for your halftone, the way I build halftones is part of my vectorizing the image, I create that piece as a seperate layer (treating it as I would any other color) and when we print to the velum, we control the toning by printing it off in various shades of gray at 300 x 300 DPI to control the toning. Sometimes it takes a little work if you have a couple of different halftones together. But for a single halftone it is fairly easy.

With that being said, the text that you are halftoning is really supposed to be a white highlight on the "blueish" text. Are you sure you want that halftoned?

I hope all this is understood. But let me know on the chest logo file format if you would like some help.

** EDIT ** I just realized I missed the entire second page of this thread. I got answers to most of my questions. The file types I work in are .CDR

And Questionful, .PDF files are not vector images. Vector images are more in the relm of clipart. PM me, I would like to get you my email address so I can see what you have done for the back image.

xtreme paintball
06-30-2008, 04:46 AM
This thread has been stagnant for a while.

Is the project still alive?

I'm very interested.

dark blade
06-30-2008, 06:13 AM
shirts are gonna be awesome... i want one for sure!

but then again I want an automags.org jersey just like the old yellow one i saw tiger wearing once.

Anyone know if those are floating around anywhere? or if anyone here can make them?

06-30-2008, 02:09 PM
And Questionful, .PDF files are not vector images. Vector images are more in the relm of clipart.
That's not true, I've saved vector images as PDF files before. And vector images don't have to be clip art, you can do shading and full color throughout.

06-30-2008, 07:28 PM
I think he meant that a PDF is not necessarily a vector image.

Anyway, I did what I could with the lion logo, hopefully it's in a format the printers can use. But I gave up on the AO logo, it was too tedious and I have ADD. In My Sights mentioned he might be able to do it, but I never heard back from him. If anyone here can vectorize a very low-res image (the AO logo), I'm sure all the people who want to buy this shirt would appreciate you helping out with it. :) I think it would be really cool if most of the work for this shirt were done by AO'ers themselves.

07-01-2008, 03:46 PM
Just want to thank everyone who is spending their time(and possibly money) to get this done. I had no idea it was this involved but I'm sure they'll look great. Did anyone sign up to spit out some stickers? :clap: :hail: :dance: :cheers:

07-07-2008, 07:48 PM
My concern with the lettering would be that it would make fewer people buy the shirt - for instance, I know I won't wear something that says "gangster" on the back, but the people who want a "gangster" theme would probably buy the shirt without it. I think the more stuff you put on it the more potential customers you'll lose. You can sell an AGD shirt here, on MCB, SpecOps, etc - you put an AO logo on it, you can only sell it here. Take it a step further and put some "gangster/thug" theme on it, and you can only sell it to the gangster/thug wannabes here. See what I mean?

EDIT: The rest of that sounds good, though. Print a sample of that on a black shirt, and if it's ≤$20 shipped I'd buy it and I'm sure a lot more of us would, too.

Couldn't have been said better. Count me down for two in Xl if you do this. It couldn't be simpler to put together or easier to sell.

07-07-2008, 07:51 PM
I think he meant that a PDF is not necessarily a vector image.

Anyway, I did what I could with the lion logo, hopefully it's in a format the printers can use. But I gave up on the AO logo, it was too tedious and I have ADD. In My Sights mentioned he might be able to do it, but I never heard back from him. If anyone here can vectorize a very low-res image (the AO logo), I'm sure all the people who want to buy this shirt would appreciate you helping out with it. :) I think it would be really cool if most of the work for this shirt were done by AO'ers themselves.

Any sign shop should be willing to do the vector image for you for 50$. If you aren't planning on making enough money for that to be a worth while investment then I doubt this will ever become more than a pipe dream.

07-07-2008, 08:41 PM
I'm done with this, I'm unqualified. I did what I could, it might be useful it might not. I just hope we get this shirt made, it's a great idea and much interest has been showed.

EDIT: I found this, it might be useful to someone


07-21-2008, 10:34 PM
So has this been abandoned? I'm about to make myself a few black and white lion logo shirts. . .

07-21-2008, 11:46 PM
EDIT: I found this, it might be useful to someone

Yup. :headbang: :wow:

07-22-2008, 06:32 AM
So has this been abandoned? I'm about to make myself a few black and white lion logo shirts. . .
Hmm, I'd like to know, too. I can take another crack at the vectorization if there's any intent to go forward with this. Let me know...

07-22-2008, 01:12 PM
Well I think Emert can't do it anymore, or he'd have posted in this thread. So unless someone else is willing to pay for this, nothing much is going to happen. Anyone want to take over?