View Full Version : Cocker vs. Mag

05-27-2008, 02:25 PM
Back in the day, what would you say was the iconic matchup of cocker vs. mag? I wasnt big into paintball so I never paid attention then..

The reason I ask is I would like to get a cocker, because I have a classic RT so I would like to have them both for historical value I guess :cool:

05-27-2008, 02:42 PM
I always considered Belsales the awesomest overall cockers, and Kapp flame cockers were my favorite bodies...

I've always felt a blazer was the best shooting "cocker" I have used...

They've always had different places in my heart, the mag's trigger is short and snappy, whereas my cockers have always had long soft triggers. The short snappiness was good for snake quick short ropes, and the long cocker trigger was a bit slower but nicer for "laning"

05-27-2008, 02:52 PM
The Bob Long Autocockers were about $850 and the Automag R/T was about $1000. That was probably closer to the pinnacle of ultimate Mag vs Cocker before electros really took off... '98-'99 if I had to guess.

Back then there was just the Shocker 4x4, Rainmaker, and Angel for mainstream electros. Heck, a Spyder compact, Illustrators, and Prolites were NICE guns to have back then.
Pulling a Mag or Cocker out of your bag back then would be be equivalent to weilding an SL66 by todays standards.

Other than that, the Besales Cocker vs the MiniMag was a common epic battle at fields.
Splash anodized, of course. :cool:

05-27-2008, 02:54 PM
I second Belsales, the Evolution was really nice. To paraphrase: It didn't look like much but it had it where it counted kid. I loved them in gray with black, the P blocked ones from 1994 ish. All the parts were nicely matched and perfectly tuned out of the box. Of course, it might not be that way this long after.

By the way, Smart Parts used to import these and sell them, but they were not actually Smart Parts guns.

Of course, if you want one for historical value, you need a basic black square brick. Those are the ones I remember from back in the day. A lot of them were sleepers.

05-27-2008, 03:18 PM
What about the Westwood Cockers, those were sweet. Ahead of their time as far as body design goes.

The best Mag I've ever owned, and the best gun I've ever had is the Classic RT. :hail:



05-27-2008, 03:30 PM
Back in the day all I remember about cockers was that they were fast and accurate as hell, but needed heavy tuning and tweaking all the damned time. I always wanted a mag because of how small and light they were vs the old skool cockers... in my book that's around '96-'97. At the time all I could afford was a 68 Carbine, and a tigershark pump. :D

05-27-2008, 03:43 PM
I want to see pics of aftermarket cockers from '96 or older. I really don't know much about what they looked like.
I hope to one day own a pre '98 cocker with the stock sniper barrel (long, straight, unported, black-anodized), benchmark frame, and custom pneumatics. I know this is rediculous, but I want the ram and 4-way to have a polished brass inner surface in a stainless steel sleeve. Oh god just speaking of it is making me woozy :drool:

Pneumagger, I had no idea they were that expensive!!!!! Anyone have a scan of a classic RT advertisement?

05-27-2008, 05:53 PM
I'll see if I can dig up some old APG mags when I get home.
Nitrogen tanks were like $400 for 3000psi systems. Heck, even "cheap" paint was $80/case.

And you know what... I'd trade all of paintball's "evolution" for what we used to have in the 90's if it only meant playing with (respectful) people like back then too.

05-27-2008, 06:34 PM
Sorry, AKA made the best 'cockers on the planet. Bar none.

I just so happen to have a couple. :p These are Splat Attack Revenge V2's.





They had in-line 3-ways and used special cocking rods to circumvent several binding issues with typical designs.

05-27-2008, 08:31 PM
I'm partial to my E1 framed 2000 STO cocker myself. Shoots beautifully and much easier on air than my mags.


05-27-2008, 08:35 PM
i love them both.

the most interesting part is the philosophical design differences between the two guns.

while cockers are certainly more fun to shoot IMO, mags are better performing also.

i just love the feel of a good slider cocker, a mag can never replicate that.

but alas, i own two automags, and one cocker, so that just shows my preference.

05-27-2008, 08:58 PM
This thread needs mags !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






05-27-2008, 09:05 PM
sorry to threadjack, but....

Goinghome...where the heck did you get that freak barrel??

05-27-2008, 11:10 PM
Well I have decided the only cocker I really like is a pump cocker so this is going pump... because
This is the only gun I will be playing with for awhile thats semi
Both are lots of fun but I would go with a mag any day :headbang:

05-27-2008, 11:17 PM
life is hard sometimes :cry:

<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v254/trevorjk/yellowcocker1.jpg"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v254/trevorjk/yellowcocker1.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

<a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v254/trevorjk/Picture137.jpg"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v254/trevorjk/Picture137.jpg" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

05-27-2008, 11:51 PM
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/5/13601350096.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/8152896)

http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/5/14711440472.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/8207936)

05-28-2008, 06:33 AM
I hope to one day own a pre '98 cocker with the stock sniper barrel (long, straight, unported, black-anodized), benchmark frame, and custom pneumatics.Of course...the barrel will only be anodized on the outside right? ;)

Basic black is where it's at...

http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/9224/basicblackab1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

05-28-2008, 02:02 PM
The Bob Long Autocockers were about $850 and the Automag R/T was about $1000. That was probably closer to the pinnacle of ultimate Mag vs Cocker before electros really took off... '98-'99 if I had to guess.

Back then there was just the Shocker 4x4, Rainmaker, and Angel for mainstream electros. Heck, a Spyder compact, Illustrators, and Prolites were NICE guns to have back then.
Pulling a Mag or Cocker out of your bag back then would be be equivalent to weilding an SL66 by todays standards.

Other than that, the Besales Cocker vs the MiniMag was a common epic battle at fields.
Splash anodized, of course. :cool:


Pneumagger just described almost all of my 97-98 experiences at any field I went to. I remember when the Jax Warriors had the pre-release RTs at the field I worked at. Cockers and mags were almost exclusively used by "pros"/tourney guys (GO APL!). Shockers were all the rave when they came out, followed by the Angels and Rainmakers. Yes, Spyders and Prolites were lusted after by some (remember the Black Widow kit?).

"Pulling a Mag or Cocker out of your bag back then would be be equivalent to weilding an SL66 by todays standards." :rofl: That's a pretty accurate statement. And this was also when only the coolest guns had any kind of trick anno jobs (splash baby!).

Typhoon owners were considered gods at the fields I played at. Vm68s, Sheridan clones, and Brass Eagle guns were the most common rentals. Compressed air tanks were most commonly found in 114 ci or bigger. AirAmerica were the regulator kings (and the heaviest). Cutting trig guards to put a double finger trigger on was considered "custom". You had to take a cocker almost entirely apart to adjust hammer lug depth or lpr pressure (the hammer lug hole in the top of the cocker was considered an "upgrade"). Oh, and people who owned a Vl2000 had a "high end" loader.

AKA cockers were amazing, but the Evolutions were great too. And it was almost impossible to find AKA guns in my area (Florida), so you would see the Evos floating around the tourney guys. A friend had a P&P Supercocker that was really nice. I found most of the really good cockers were usually put together by home tinkerers. The kind of guys that would spend hours swapping out springs, adjusting lug depth, hammering cocking rod ends to change the timing using the oval hole trig plate, making their own bolts, etc.
