View Full Version : MOTM Records

05-28-2008, 03:06 PM
Post or pm missing info thanks!

Scroll Down for winners!


05-28-2008, 03:07 PM
Place Holder

05-28-2008, 03:08 PM
Aug 2008 Open: NU_METAL
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008augopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008augopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 03:09 PM
Aug 2008 Old Skool: GroovYChickeN 2.o
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008augold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008augold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

July 2008 Open: Kruger
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008julyopen.JPG"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008julyopen.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

July 2008 Old Skool: Nobloodloss
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008julyold.JPG"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008julyold.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

June 2008 Open: Swiss Cheeze
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008juneopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008juneopen.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

June 2008 Old Skool: Duzzy
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008juneold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008juneold.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

May 2008 Open: JP8900
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008mayopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008mayopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

May 2008 Old Skool: Jaan
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008mayold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008mayold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Apr 2008 Open: Madmarx
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008apropen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008apropen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Apr 2008 Old Skool: Mpsd
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008aprold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008aprold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Mar 2008 Open: Bronco 85
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008maropen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008maropen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 03:10 PM
Mar 2008 Old Skool: Pumpmag
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008marold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008marold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Feb 2008 Open: BigEvil
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008febopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008febopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Feb 2008 Old Skool: Army
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008febold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008febold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Jan 2008 Open: Lasrsktr
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008janopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008janopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Jan 2008 Old Skool: automaggerIX
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008janold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2008janold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Dec 2007 Open: mpsd
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007decopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007decopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Dec 2007 Old Skool: Spduca
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007decold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007decold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Nov 2007 Open: AirAssault
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007novopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007novopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Nov 2007 Old Skool: SN toter
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007novold.JPG"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007novold.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

Oct 2007 Open: BAZOOKA Boy
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007octopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007octopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 03:10 PM
Oct 2007 Old Skool: PumpMag
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007octold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007octold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007sepopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007sepopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Sep 2007 Old Skool: Couger20th
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007sepold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007sepold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Aug 2007 Open: zazzoo
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007augopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007augopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Aug 2007 Old Skool: ~W.!.C.K.E.D~
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007augold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007augold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

July 2007 Open:Freebird
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007julopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007julopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

July 2007 Old Skool: Flyingpootang
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007julold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007julold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

June 2007 Open: Loguzzzz
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007junopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007junopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

June 2007 Old Skool: Pumpmag
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007juneold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007juneold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

May 2007 Open: Stygeshores
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007mayopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007mayopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 03:11 PM
May 2007 Old Skool: Jaan
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007mayold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007mayold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

April 2007 Open:OEM Petey
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007apropen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007apropen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

April 2007 Old Skool: GordDesign
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007aprold.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007aprold.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Pre April 2007 There was a Single Class

March 2007: Kruger
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007mar.JPG"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007mar.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

Feb 2007: robinix
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007feb.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007feb.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Jan 2007: MADDBOY32
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007janopen.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2007janopen.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Dec 2006: Nate
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006dec.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006dec.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Nov 2006: chettacheez
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006nov.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006nov.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Oct 2006: Carbon Blue
Images removed by request of owner.

Sep 2006: Sunfishers
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006sep.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006sep.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 03:12 PM
Aug 2006: Pneumagger
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006aug.JPG"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006aug.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

July 2006: eadtf
no pic

June 2006: Loguzzzzzz
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006june.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006june.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

May 2006: Mechanic79
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006may.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006may.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

April 2006: frischtr
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006apr.JPG"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006apr.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

Mar 2006: UNK

Feb 2006: A-Tac-One
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006feb.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2006feb.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Jan 2006: UNK

Aug or Sep 2005: rrfireblade
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005augorsep.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005augorsep.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Older than July 2005 It was know as GOTM, any gun could be entered.

June 2005: RRFireblade
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005june.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005june.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 03:13 PM
May 2005: Phantom Mag
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005may.JPG"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005may.JPG" width="600"></img></a>

April 2005:
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005apr.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005apr.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

March 2005: Dryden
<a href="phttp://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005mar.jpgicc"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005mar.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Feb 2005: CrimsonGhost
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005feb.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2005feb.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Jan 2005: Uthomas
Zebra westwood with 05 race frame

Dec 2004: FreakBaller12
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2004dec.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2004dec.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Oct 2004: wantamag
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2004oct.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2004oct.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

Sep 2004: Aliens 8 My Dad's
no pic

Aug 2004: O_o
no pic

June 2004: ROBAGD
<a href="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2004june.jpg"><img src="http://modmymag.com/images/aomotm/2004june.jpg" width="600"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 03:24 PM
THank you for doing this! Looks great!

05-28-2008, 05:31 PM

not sure if you want to add each winner before we had less categories, but feel free to ad mine for winning best in show :clap:

your also missing all the ones in 05 when we did it

i think digits ran gotm for a bit then dj89 took over, then me for a bit then fireblade

05-28-2008, 05:56 PM
This is a great idea.

You need to resize the pics for easy viweing.

Also, you should save all the pics in one spot incase someone deletes their pic. You may have already done that.

Here is the code to resize

<a href="Picture URL Here"><img src="Picture URL Here" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

05-28-2008, 06:07 PM
gotm included non mags. was really gearing this for the mag only one.. so who ran it before fireblade so i can searches?

05-28-2008, 06:25 PM
i would also suggest reorganizing the pics from oldest to current. This way you can add the newest winner on the end. Whatever you decide it should stay in chronological order.

05-28-2008, 07:07 PM
gotm included non mags. was really gearing this for the mag only one.. so who ran it before fireblade so i can searches?

check my post

DIgits, Dj89 , Chronobreak , rrfireblade

i think thats the order, though someone else may have ran it for a month or so in between.

i agree with going from oldest to newest, we can always ask a mod to clean the thread up if needed later.

05-28-2008, 09:47 PM
I made a picture thread last year...I'm not sure if you got all these guys but here it is;


05-28-2008, 10:37 PM
newest ones have pics and mags only have won. if ya'll really want me to reverse the order I can

05-28-2008, 10:48 PM
newest ones have pics and mags only have won. if ya'll really want me to reverse the order I can

Dont think that matters as much as using the code to resize. :argh:

05-28-2008, 10:51 PM
Dont think that matters as much as using the code to resize. :argh:

yea going todo that now

05-28-2008, 11:15 PM
THank you for doing this! Looks great!

Hot bananas those are hot MAGS. Fix the broken links. I have some space to host if ya need it.

Need pic July 06

05-28-2008, 11:28 PM
Ruler- I think the order works great this way. But it will be a pain for you to add new winners to the top.

Ask beemer/the mod staff if it is possible to add a post to the top. Maybe every month they could just add an empty post to the top of the thread and bump all the rest down.

05-28-2008, 11:31 PM
Ruler- I think the order works great this way. But it will be a pain for you to add new winners to the top.

Ask beemer/the mod staff if it is possible to add a post to the top. Maybe every month they could just add an empty post to the top of the thread and bump all the rest down.

Im going to move them all to the bottum leaving the top posts open,, can fit 10 winners a post so we will be good for posts for a bit. they can always edit the thread to make it more than 10 pics.

05-28-2008, 11:36 PM
Ruler- I think the order works great this way. But it will be a pain for you to add new winners to the top.

Ask beemer/the mod staff if it is possible to add a post to the top. Maybe every month they could just add an empty post to the top of the thread and bump all the rest down.

Ya right. I am still trying to work out how to do email and you want me to mod a thread. :spit_take :ninja: :argh: Call in the AO mod team. :(

05-28-2008, 11:52 PM
Alright all are located on one of my server and on my hardisk.

edit: thanks for the sticky

05-29-2008, 05:29 AM
Great job!! Well done! That's AO history! :cheers:

05-30-2008, 12:36 AM
added jan 2007

05-30-2008, 06:41 AM
I beleive won sept 07 classic class with my purple pumpmag.

05-30-2008, 06:58 AM
I beleive won sept 07 classic class with my purple pumpmag.

wow i feel dumb some how I misread that poll.

edit: added nov 2006

05-30-2008, 01:27 PM
Aug 2007 Open: zazzoo

You have oem peteys gun pictured.

06-03-2008, 05:51 PM
sep 2007 added

shoot what month did that gun win,. arg i typo'd somewhere..

06-03-2008, 06:18 PM
shoot what month did that gun win,. arg i typo'd somewhere..

If you are talking about my comment - you have oem peteys right. You just have it pictured 2x. Zazzoo's marker is a xm ripper body with a machado rail.


I believe this was for august.

06-03-2008, 06:29 PM
If you are talking about my comment - you have oem peteys right. You just have it pictured 2x. Zazzoo's marker is a xm ripper body with a machado rail.


I believe this was for august.
do a refresh zazzo's was fixxed

06-15-2008, 04:48 PM
added May 2008

07-13-2008, 10:38 PM
added june 08

07-25-2008, 11:51 AM
sorry images will be dead, moving to a new server. Will have new ones up shortly

07-28-2008, 07:32 PM
images are back

07-30-2008, 07:10 AM
Jan 2005: Uthomas
Zebra westwood with 05 race frame


08-05-2008, 03:45 PM
Aug 2006 MOTM pictures.


09-22-2008, 04:47 PM

10-23-2008, 12:40 PM
what no love for me? ;)


10-23-2008, 12:49 PM
not forgotten. havent had time to upload

12-10-2008, 12:57 AM
not forgotten. havent had time to upload

still no time to upload?

If you are no longer wanting to do this let me know. I will save the pics.

12-10-2008, 01:27 AM
arg I am getting lazy,ill update it tommorrow

12-20-2008, 08:16 PM
still no time to upload?

If you are no longer wanting to do this let me know. I will save the pics.

Ya it needs to be updated. :argh: