View Full Version : pneumag qev mounting

05-30-2008, 02:33 AM
So I decided to spring for some qev's.
Since a pneumag is essentially running like a cocker in the grip frame it should help, right?

Anyways, here's the real question. I'm planning to mount one to the msv2 out and one onto the mpa3. I've seen them mounted to the msv2, the mpa-3, in between the msv2 and the mpa3, and a few others. So which location or locations would achieve optimal performance?

thanks in advance

05-30-2008, 02:42 AM
on the mpa, its neglible tho in comparasion to a cocker

05-30-2008, 03:33 AM
cool thanks, so only one on the mpa3?

After the top hats and stainless steel barbs arrive, the qev's are the last "useful" mod I'm at so I thought I'd give it a chance.

I'm at the point where I'm buying color matching screws, fittings, detents, and hoses so even if it helps a little bit I think it would be worth more than all the color matching in the world will get me :p

05-30-2008, 03:49 AM
just think about it this way,, you want the gas to escape to move the actuator back, so you want the exhast to be as close to where you want the gas gone.

However since the sear depresses the actuator and the actuator has a spring in it for return, a QEV should have little seeable benefit due to the already lightning fast return.

Cockerrams are returned by pressuring the other side only. so having the other side already empty is a big buff.

05-30-2008, 10:30 AM
However since the sear depresses the actuator and the actuator has a spring in it for return, a QEV should have little seeable benefit due to the already lightning fast return.

Yeah.... I don't have a QEV on my pneumag, and I can hit 13bps in bursts. So, unless your fingers are always insanely fast, a QEV really isn't necessary.

05-30-2008, 11:19 AM
Yes I am that insanely fast :rofl: jk.

Gotcha, thanks a lot