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01-21-2002, 10:20 AM
i have a kapp drop zone 2 and nothing would fit foregrip wise.... so my friend had a extra Black Ice reg and it fit great with the drop zone... so i have the on right now and need to get some mirco line to configure it.... i am running a crossfire preset at 800 psi out.... if i set the reg at about 700 should i be ok without tripple regging it? or what should i do. thanks

01-21-2002, 10:52 AM
Most regs need at least 200 psi more flowing into them than they put out. You would have to turn it down to about 600. If I was you, and I couldnt find a foregrip to fit it, I would just put some 1/8" NPT plugs in the input and output holes and bypass the reg. Maybe even gut it.

01-21-2002, 11:20 AM
first you should alwase have at least 200psi accross a reg. so if your crossfire is 800psi the black ice should be 600psi output. however a mag realy want's about 800psi input (although 600psi will do the job). at this point you have a few options.

1. run the black ice at 600psi and see what happens. (you may get shoot down though)

2. strip the inturnals out of the black ice reg, and use it as a verry expencive gas though grip.

3. bypass the black ice and run the line form your tank to the back of your valve, and use the black ice as a verry expencive non gas through grip.

4. if your black ice reg is consistant and has better flow then the mag reg (providing you don't have an rt it may) then you can strip the reg seat, reg pin, and spring out of your mag reg. i did this to mine (although i was using a maxflow reg for it) and it cured all the shoot donwn i was getting. however your black ice may not be able to hold a consistan velosity, haveing never used one i don't know.

also you realy should avoid putting micro line on a mag, the line donesn't allow for enough flow. if you insist on using plastic lines then use macro line (just make sure you get high pressure stuff, the shocker line will blow so fast it'll make your head spin.) my preffrence is steel braid. but hey, what ever you want. just don't castrate your mag with micro line.

01-21-2002, 01:03 PM
thx for the advice..... ill see what happens at 600 .. is it not possible to just bacisally turn off the reg by seting the pressure of the black ice at 850 (it's max)....if not i might strip it down... it cost my only 10 dollars so

01-22-2002, 08:36 AM
even if you set it for 850 it will still restrict flow somewhat, however you will be somewhat more consistant using it at 600 providing you don't fire faster then the black ice can recharge. but i honistly don't know how good they are. and hey if it only cost $10 then sell it for $40 and get the forgrip of your choice.