View Full Version : Anyone living in Dover, New Hampshire - I need help QUICK!

01-21-2002, 10:25 AM
Hello all,
Can anyone verify this Address for me?
P.G. Xtreme
356 Central Avenue
Dover, NH 03820


P.G. Xtreme
66 3rd Street
Dover, NH 03820

Smartpages gave me the second address. I want to know which one is the real one, please help!
- Arman

01-21-2002, 10:34 AM
this probably isnt much help but if you go to mapquest.com you can put those adresses into the site and it will show you where they are on the map. Maybe they will have the retailers names of whats at the adress? worth a try

01-21-2002, 10:35 AM
I checked for you (although I don't live there).

I came up with BOTH on my research (and even both in the same listing). But they use the same numbers... you may want to call them (I got an answering machine) and ask them why the two addresses (many business have more than one address in the same town. Some times one is an admin address and the other a store, etc.)

Both numbers were 1-603-742-3456 (just in case you got something different).

Hope this helps.

01-21-2002, 10:40 AM
Thank you so much! The same thing happened to me, I keep recieving 2 addresses. I also called that number last night, and this morning - and an Answering machine keeps picking up. I think that you might be right about the 2 addresses - the Admin one, and the store one. Since I am doing a 3rd party, the person probably gave me the Admin address. Do you think this likely?
Your information helped to relieve some of the anxiety that I am experiencing - :)
- Arman

01-21-2002, 11:09 AM
No problem.

My rule of thumb is as follows….

If I call a business and ALWAYS get an answering machine, normal business hours AND off, I think twice about the business. That is UNLESS I promptly get a return call. Some businesses set their stuff up so that it is all automated, it can save them time…. However, like I said, if I don’t get a return call within a reasonable timeframe….. I look someplace else.

What is reasonable? Well that would depend on the business, and the nature of the inquiry. Normally, I say by at least half a business day (if made on OFF business hours the next actual work day). Again, that is just my rule of thumb… you can easily extend it to a full day depending on the business or situation and still be fine…. taking into account the REASON for the contact. (Some businesses and situations can be a week or more.. but that is FAR from this situation, and one that most people would not even come across.)

As for why you got one address over the other… sure sounds right. If the individual did not physically work at one of the addresses, it would be silly for him/her to give that address (unless they stopped by every day). I however, do not know the full details… and really don’t need to, or want to ;)… you seem like a bright guy, I am sure you can put it all together.

I hope this helps in some way. :)

01-21-2002, 11:15 AM
I enjoy your posts. They are very informative. ;)
Well, this person that I am trading with - lives about a Half hour from the shop in question. Rochester to be exact. He claims that he is sponsored by them, and I have done business with his friend before - and they both seem like really nice guys. His friend is a frequent poster on these boards. I might have to take my chances on this one, since the person that I am doing the trade with was as insisten as I on security, and etc.
Thank you for your post - I appreciate your help.
- Arman