View Full Version : Q' about APE customer service

06-01-2008, 05:49 PM
I have been a faithful customer of APE products (mainly their rampage board), and for the first time ever since owning a rampage board, mine for some reason fried. It seems to be the capacitor i believe.

I am curious if anyone here knows whether APE would help me out, since i do not feel like springing for a new board, since its for my ION (quickly puts on my flame retardant suit and hides :ninja: ) For an example...do they have a warrantee program where i can purchase a warrantee long after a purchase of their products, etc?

06-01-2008, 06:38 PM

When in doubt, try going to the source! :D

06-01-2008, 07:12 PM
yes, but they say you must buy the lifetime warranty within 30 days of purchase. Ive owned this board for over a year now..

06-01-2008, 07:28 PM
AO member JimatAPE is an APE rep.
Dont know if he can help but maybe try PM'ing him ?


06-01-2008, 09:00 PM
ill give him a shout and see what he says. Thanks goinghome

06-02-2008, 04:33 AM
AO member JimatAPE is an APE rep.
Dont know if he can help but maybe try PM'ing him ?

REP yea i guess he is a rep :rolleyes: :D

06-02-2008, 04:42 AM
Im not sure if Jim is with them full time anymore, but PM/Email him and the other guys at APE. They usually are very helpful. I will fwd this thread to Jim.

06-02-2008, 04:59 AM
Hey thaHouse, Im not sure what would have caused your problem. I have never seen it before out of all the ION board we have sold but I suggest emailing support@goapeonline.com with a detailed message about what happened and what it is doing and I am sure support will help you out in anyway they can.

I am still with the company but not in a full time capacity like I used to. Real life took over and I had to get a real job LOL

06-02-2008, 05:25 AM
Thank you gents! i emailed the support gang at ape, and awaiting their reply.