View Full Version : AO Jerseys part Deux

01-21-2002, 11:31 AM
Ok let get to the business...

first the bad... The jersey place I know did not have a fabric like the old JT and diablo jerseys but could try to get it once I can get someone to tell what it says for the composition on the tag or gives me a good url for it. Also there is NO screen printing available at *this* place But... They can make a patch out of anything I watched them its amazing. Unfortunatley I did not bring down a pic of the new AGD logo and have em give it a wirrl, but oh well.

Now the good news... He can lmost any type of fabric and duplicate any jersey style. Price would go down with more orders obviously. They can Make ANYTHING in to a really cool patch. perfect for a large AGD logo and AO Logo's. Lettering is included multi color also.

My thoughts ... It would be far easier if we stuck to a preexisting jersey blank and modify it to our needs. I HIGHLY suggest the new Air-Knit jersey style from CCM it has a double layer of Polyester and this really swag double knit mesh on the sides and underarms. VERY breathable. I highly suggest rolling down to the mall and checking out the new Minnesota Wild Jersey up close. Also dont be stuck on that form he can change it to our needs. take in the slack on the arms and fit it more for shirt only play. Also he can change the neck line to be more like a crew neck. I got a pic of the Wild jersey but you cant see the mesh that well. Up close it looks amazing.

On the issue of designs. I love all the submissions and I will be collecting them all up and putting them all on a webpage for you all to choose from. If any one has any more input please post it. I dont think that I will be able to get find a good screen printer until I head up north so give thought to using patches like a traditional jersey. Plus I think its about time our sport starts getting away from the cheap-0 tie-dye screen printed junk.

Now for the questions...

1 what do we use for a jersey blank?
a Wait and see if we can get the tried and true JT/ Diablo fabric
b Move on and check out the more professional styles as mentioned above

2 All of the designs
a Wait and see if I can find a good 4 color screen printer
b Go with the patches

3 how many do I want?
a four hundred and twelve
b one (you cheapskate)

Gimme some feed back so we can have a really cool jersey in the end. thanks for the help and lets keep this rolling

01-21-2002, 11:42 AM
Some questions of my own:
How much do you think You'll be selling them for? And what sizes will you be makin them in? Will you be making them in multiple colors, like the Tippy and many other types of Jerseys?
I think I want one if they arent too expensive..

01-21-2002, 11:54 AM
i havn't seen the other type of jersey you are talking about. but i think a mesh on the side and under the arms is a must. a patch would be good and probably last longger then a print. lets face it if you play in the thing it's going to get abuse(and washing). if i can afford it i'll probably take a couple (better try to get a range of sizes, small ones for the front guys, xxxl for the fatbacks, and xl for the mid guys.)

01-21-2002, 12:52 PM
If you must know, almost all companies that have jerseys out use PJ Design (if you ever wondered why they're almost all exactly the same, thats why). Go through them, talk to Dick (the owner) and he should set you guys up with something nice, if you want to do a large run. I think DYE has their own place tho, their new jerseys are VERY nice, you may want to try to go through whoever they are for very nice jerseys, tho then most likely they'll be $50+ or so per jersey........

01-21-2002, 12:57 PM
those are the answers for the above questions

01-21-2002, 01:07 PM
Personally I am not a huge fan of the lighter jerseys like the JT. I would lean towards something like a Hockey Jersey Blank. ( Just a note I wore a nerwer Diablo jersey this year and it was ok )

The one problem with patches is they tend to break paint as they are a bit stiff. Let's be honest patches look nicer but when it comes down to brass tax it's about playing for me.

So I would be in for 2 as long as we are under the $50 per mark, and it was a design/shirt I liked.


01-21-2002, 02:53 PM
Cost is highly dependant on the ammount of orders I get. But I highly doubt them to cost over 45 shipped even with only 20 orders. To give you an idea for 50 I can get you a nice letterman jacket shipped with custom lettering and a nifty starter logo on it.

Sizes and colors are highly flexable since each jersey is handmade.

Like I said this place is amazing for shopping.

01-21-2002, 03:08 PM
well to answer the jt question mine says its 100% coolmax whatever that means. It was washing instructions and jt address but thats the only marking it has for material. thats off my 01' jersey. Ok i also have a 99' jersey to look from. it says assembled in mexico.

Made with fabric of Italy Origin 100% polyester.
I would really like to see the jerseys look like all the others without going to patches. I dont have any problem with the jt jerseys i think the material is great. I just wear a t-shirt under and im good to go. Just my opinion

01-21-2002, 03:40 PM

01-21-2002, 08:40 PM
I love the Idea of an AO Jersy. As for the questions you brought up, I have always been in favor of the hockey style jersey more then the JT type. I thing the screen printing can end up looking kinda cheezy if it isn't done right, but I am in favor of the patches.

As for the number of jersies, I would be up for at least one if not two or more in different colors.

01-21-2002, 08:45 PM
b or a(dont matter to me)

01-21-2002, 08:57 PM

01-21-2002, 09:15 PM
hockey jersey
i want a nice durable jersey for recball
long sleeved + breathable

01-21-2002, 10:18 PM
Some patches are OK but a whole jersey is not. I would prefer sublimation to screen printing and be willing to pay for it. I agree that a Hocky jersey blank is the way to go.

01-21-2002, 10:52 PM
Hockey style jersey is good for me. I think patches would be cool and last longer also. but i agree with rob that patches might tend to break paint more. I would be in for two if the price is right.

01-22-2002, 01:05 AM
Hate to be different, but I like the JT jersey material, and the Kapp jerseys, too.

And I also like screen printing.

Having a hockey jersey w/a big AO patch on it would be cool and everything, but I'd rather have a more traditional paintball jersey, with an AO design.

01-22-2002, 01:45 AM
yeah ill have to agree with deded.

hitmanng- that pic is awesome. Did he dress up for it for halloween? Does he play? how old is he?

01-22-2002, 04:56 AM
I would definately like to see something light like the JT jeresey. As much as I love hockey, the problem is that those are designed to keep a person warm while on the ice, not cool while running in the middle of the day. A material that is thin and strong and breathes is definately the way to go.

01-22-2002, 11:26 AM
i can have the SmartParts style jersey Dye impregnated which means it is dyed all the way through, using computer imaging it can be any way you want it. the BEST style out there since there is no fading or wearing out.

01-22-2002, 11:47 AM
Psychomag thx for the suggestion ... now to see if there is somewere that I can get that done in Korea. more to come

I might have to go have one made of each style and post pics to further this project. It will take 2 weeks to have it made. and hopefully I can foot the cash for this endevor ... until then we should stat deciding the universal graphix to go on each jersey.

To address another topic if we went with a screenprintless jersey and stuck totally with patches. I will have you all know that the patches are very thin and plyable. Also on the other concern the CCM style jerseys are designed for wear off the ice but are just as sturdy. Just my 2cents.

01-22-2002, 06:14 PM
CCM Jersies are almost as breathable as most other jersies, I wear Jersies alot and really don't have alot ot problems with being hot in them.