View Full Version : Loctite problem – need advice

01-21-2002, 12:45 PM
I seem to have been a little overzealous with some Loctite Red and have bound a pin in an on/off valve.

Is there a solvent out there that will remove the Loctite?

I really don’t want to can this valve.


01-21-2002, 12:47 PM
boil it in some water for like 10 min. I beleve that this works quite well. Try it and get back to us.

01-21-2002, 12:57 PM
I am a Machinist. I use loctite all the time. I can help you but first I just have to know what were doing putting RED loctite anywhere near your valve???? I just cannot imagine what you were trying to do :confused: You have to heat red loctite over 400 deg to turn the loctite back into a liquid. My advice is to use a torch for about 20 seconds and then grab the pin with a pliers and pull it out. You will need to buy a rebuild kit because this heat will destroy all of your o-rings in the valve and reg.

01-21-2002, 01:22 PM
The loctite red was what was originally used when the valve was installed on the drop forward, which was installed on my marker.

The fitting started to leak so I backed it out, reapplied the same type of loctite and put it back together.

I will try the boiling water.

I might have to can this valve.

Here is the valve in question:


Mine is the one all the way to the right.

01-21-2002, 01:39 PM
I had the same problem, but instead of Loc-tight, heres what you do:

Get a small socket wrench, small enough to fit the on off Pin.

Also, find yourself a jar helper opener thingy (the rubber ones)

Put the socket on the on/off, and use the rubber opener to hold the On/Off twister.

Next time, only unscrew the On/Off to where is gets hard, not any farther.

01-21-2002, 01:49 PM
I will try that out. I didn't think that she could just have been screwed in too tight. I hope that this will be the correct solution.

01-21-2002, 02:16 PM
NEVER use redloctite on a paintball marker... ever ever ever :)

01-21-2002, 03:30 PM
Hey we all have to learn some lessons the hard way. I was used to using regular teflon tape. But I read that people were getting away from it because there is a change that excess fibers can work their way into your marker.

I will most likely use liquid teflon from now on.

01-21-2002, 03:48 PM
I hope you didn't think I was refering as to how to get it off :( I was telling you what I did to prevent it from getting to the point where you needed loctite.

01-21-2002, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
NEVER use redloctite on a paintball marker... ever ever ever :) Never? I use it all the time. 545 is the greatest stuff since the wheel!:D :D :D

01-21-2002, 04:16 PM
Nah the fitting that the loctite was applied to comes off of the side of the valve. The extra loctite ran down into the pin.

I think I will allow the loctite to dry some before I screw in any other fittings.

01-21-2002, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
Never? I use it all the time. 545 is the greatest stuff since the wheel!:D :D :D

Well, if that's the case, Loctite 592 PST reinvents the wheel. ;) In my experience, 592 is much better than 545 in terms of getting a good seal and easy cleanup. It doesn't dry like 545 so you don't have to worry about it flaking and getting pieces in your fittings/lines.

01-21-2002, 05:37 PM
545 has never flaked on me but I think I'll go to grainger and see about getting some 592 PST. Is 272 the red threadlock?