View Full Version : Cocker e-blade resources/buying.........

06-06-2008, 03:55 PM
OK, outside of Ebay or sales forums, does anyone have any good resources for e-blade parts (E2 boards specifically, would settle for E1, not looking for select fire)? As in total package (grips, boards, solenoids, etc.) or individual components.

I know it's a long-shot, but I would love to find a good site that still has stuff in stock.

Big-Evil hit me up months ago for a place to get E2 boards, but the best I could come up with is Ebay. If anyone has any better suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Ohhhhh, I also am looking for mq valves, so if anyone knows of a dealer/website that actually has some, I would be very interested also!


I am still infatuated with what I always considered the "BIG TWO", mags and cockers..........new guns=meh........

06-06-2008, 04:10 PM

They have alot of good replacement parts

06-06-2008, 04:25 PM
Airsoldier has both e1 and e2 cocking noids and gaskets.

Isnt there a Tadao board coming out for the eblade? I think I will have to pick one up 'just-to'

06-06-2008, 04:43 PM
Airsoldier has both e1 and e2 cocking noids and gaskets.

Isnt there a Tadao board coming out for the eblade? I think I will have to pick one up 'just-to'

I know there is a Scenario Dreams t-board avaialble. The last time I tried to get to airsoldier, I got a permission denied page come up. And I can't find any e-blade stuff outside of eye covers or triggers on Compulsive.......


06-08-2008, 02:29 PM
yeah, Tadao announced they are making a board but no ETA or release date that I know of. the link to the initial announcement is http://www.tadaotechnologies.com/news/templates/template.aspx?articleid=54&zoneid=2

06-08-2008, 06:06 PM

Sounds good! Hope they follow through :D

Why didn't I just stock up on E2s and MQ when they were plentiful? :(
(hmmm, money perhaps :tard: )

06-08-2008, 07:30 PM
Just go poke around customcockers, best you can do aside from the aforementioned sources. Moody PB may have MQs in stock as well.

06-08-2008, 08:33 PM
Just go poke around customcockers, best you can do aside from the aforementioned sources. Moody PB may have MQs in stock as well.


Good suggestion though. I always forget about Moody for some reason. I'll have to drop the a line sometimes. Thanks for the suggestions!

06-09-2008, 12:43 PM
i know where there are some mq2's...hehe....also good luck finding the eyes...those things are like gold these days

06-09-2008, 01:56 PM
It is a shame what Eclipse and Race both did...just forgetting about their product lines. Now Race is a whole other ball of wax, but Eclipse was rather shocking to me. The Zero B was as far as I was concerned a great step in the eframe arena for cockers. And just about the time they were around, all support dropped and that was that. No parts, no repair, just SOL.

I guess the unpopularity of cockers really put eveyone in a bind. Its becoming commonplace with all the older markers that what really drives us to buy new equipment is the inability to find repair parts for the older ones.

06-09-2008, 05:20 PM
That is not why eclipse stopped making cocker parts....with the release of the ego line, builiding eblades kept the cocker in direct competion with their own new marker line...eliminate eblades and one more part of the competition gone

06-09-2008, 08:54 PM
i know where there are some mq2's...hehe....also good luck finding the eyes...those things are like gold these days

MQs you say.....

I replied to your follow-up PM....

I don't think it was the unpopularity of the cockers so much as the hype behind all of the new electros that were coming out (maybe I'm just splitting hairs at this point :tard: ). I remember lots of the cocker guys poo-poo'ing the Shocker when it first came out. They kept complaining the ROF was too slow :rofl:, and if anyone has handled a stock gen-1 Shocker they know what I'm talking about----ping...ping...ping...ping. When the Angels came out however, peoples jaws were hitting the ground. Also, cocker guys need to have some degree of patience, and at times a PHD in Voodoo helps, if you need to tech your cocker. Kids these days are from that (except for the random kid that can't get enough-and they are sometimes to smart be socially well adjusted). I actually once heard a kid say "Cockers are too hard to troubleshoot....now can someone help me get my Timmy to turn on?"
