View Full Version : mucho mag problems

dark blade
06-07-2008, 03:54 PM
i just got a tac one from a trade and i am loving it... ive always loved mechs, however i cant get it to trigger bounce

let me explain the journy of this mag first...

once upon a time there was a mag that was "factory tuned" as the owner said, and it arrived in a very poor condition... so the new owner (by the name of dark) took it and took it all apart

He looked at it and said "sweet... a mag!" and put it back together for testing... upon firing it up the foamie shot off and the powertube tip broke off.

Now, Dark was not very happy so he took the gun apart and realised that many things were not correct (after a very close inspection)... there was a shim under the carrier inside the powertube and the powertube tip was extremely tightly attached (aside from broken) and that there was a very poorly tuned sear pin length, also the previous owner had apparently lost the bumper oring and had the lvl10 slamming into the powertube/valve... so after all this Dark decided to take all the parts and fine tune everything to specs.

He took the lessons from Zakvetter.com and made them his own
however, he is still not pleased.

Main lesson of the story is... MY MAG STILL WONT TRIGGER BOUNCE EVEN AT 1200 PSI!!!

help guys, i really want this thing to rip, the on/off pin is .750 and the sear rod (name?) is 1mm from the trigger when it is pulled all the way forward and gassed up... i have yet to replace the powertube tip and/or get a bumper o-ring/washer but i have gassed it up with just the back half of the powertube tip screwed in... however it will still not bounce.

someone please help me!!! im sooooo uberly confuzzled.

does the broken powertube tip and bumper o-ring have anything to do with this? It shouldnt right? because all the RT pressure comes from above the on/off and it took 2000 psi before i could get it to trigger bounce

06-07-2008, 06:00 PM
If you very carefully shorten the on/off pin with a file (dont go under .712) that will help you get RT

dark blade
06-07-2008, 06:02 PM
is this the only way? and is this a sure garaunteed way to fix this? because i do not want to have to buy another on/off pin

I have also just considered buying a ult but i wanna know wats wrong first.

come on... someone has to be able to help me here

06-08-2008, 02:04 AM
You may have the clevis (not far out enough or too far out)clevis is the part of the sear that can be made shorter and longer, if you want to go fully RT always make the clevis stick out (when on/off is charged) mayby 3 mm, just enough for your trigger to activate the on/off and it should just bounce off your trigger if held down, (its called sweat spotting it) if you have it out longer to shoot semi and RT, try both fully back and almost fully front not touching trigger barely. then go in the middle of that and squeeze slow, you will pop 1 round, for the first small part of your pull, then keep pulling, at some point it will start bouncing off your trigger (RT sweetspot) it usualy is'nt at the verySite to walk you through makin your valve go RT (http://www.zakvetter.com/pages/paintballs/automag_info/rapidfire/rf_disclaimer.html) begining or the very end
Hope this helps