View Full Version : Another fine day of recball

06-08-2008, 10:19 PM
I went and played today for the first time in quite a few weeks. I had such an awesome time. I am glad that I got my new foot and socket combo. It made getting around on the field quite a bit better. I still can't get down very low, but I am actually becoming able to "hobble sprint" along at a bit better speed.

There was a team practice this moring that I caught the very tail end of. I haven't used my Reloader B in about two months if not a little more. I had forgotten, even at 13, just how fast a hopper can go like that. Right off the break I was laning and pulling the "terminator" getting into home and thought something was wrong with my marker...lol I was already out of paint.

After playing one game with them, the practice broke up and I mixed it up in open play. It was really a fun day with a good deal of rec ballers out today enjoying the perfect weather. Well a little hot, but no wind or anything to mess with the game. It was awesome, thoe whole group had a really good time, and I got to see a lot of folks I haven't seen since last year. It was a lot like a reunion of sorts, and it was really good to get some encouragement and bolstering from the folks who I haven't seen, but have been pulling for me.

My mag is going to get mad at me though. I haven't used her in the last couple of times back. Just sitting in the paintball closet collecting dust. I really need to get out there with it and shoot some. I just hate to have to trek over to the air station so much, lol. With a few of my other markers I can carry a load of paint and not have to walk back to the fill station all day. I filled up one time today, as I was leaving just to have air to mess around with. I still had 1800 PSI left on my 68/45 after a half case.....

Anyway, it was an awesome day and nice to enjoy the sport that I love so much simply for the fun of it. I am glad I took the advice given by so many of you just to forget the serious aspect and remember to play for fun.


06-08-2008, 10:22 PM
what marker did you use?

06-08-2008, 10:25 PM
what marker did you use?

I used the G7 today. Probably what will be my primary for some time to come. I keep an Invert Mini in backup status in my gearbag.

Looks like I am going to try my hand at a tourney again next weekend. I will be playing back in the GFOA with Dynamic again as home is a fat man can....lol. My fave.

06-08-2008, 10:28 PM
Good to hear!! Except for the mag part. . . but I'm sure your mag's happy for you too! Just oil it up and fire it some when you get home and it'll all be good between you two. :p

06-08-2008, 10:29 PM
I used the G7 today. Probably what will be my primary for some time to come. I keep an Invert Mini in backup status in my gearbag.

Looks like I am going to try my hand at a tourney again next weekend. I will be playing back in the GFOA with Dynamic again as home is a fat man can....lol. My fave.

I just really don't like stacked tube designs which is why I bought a mini shocker and mag.. Shocker is nice, mini was just TOO light.. Mag is perfect..

06-08-2008, 10:40 PM
I need to get me a stacked tube poppet. . . right now all I have is a nelson, my gunfromgod, and my mag. Oops, listed the mag twice. :rolleyes:

I just watched the 1994 worldcup championship (ironmen vs. all americans), and a lot of them were running a 2-3' braided hose as a remote, and either shooting mags or cockers (mainly cockers :nono: ). Anyway, maybe you could run a remote to a 114/45 or something? Rock a sleeper mag with it, and you'll look just like someone out of 1994!