View Full Version : anyone be interested in anno jobs?

matt smith
06-11-2008, 09:06 PM
well i have latly been thinking of rebuilding my anno shop. I am just curious if anyone out here would be interested in getting there stuff done at a very reasonable price. if i find that there is enough demand i will bring my shop back to life and post some samples of my work. just post here if you guys would be interested in this service and how much you think is reasonable for say a whole marker anno job. this includes the barrel,body, and trigger frame.

06-11-2008, 09:07 PM
The prices out there widely vary. May we see some of your work?

There are a few other anodizers here on AO. :headbang:

06-11-2008, 09:10 PM
if your prices are low you can get alot of buisness.

06-11-2008, 09:13 PM
if your prices are low you can get alot of buisness.

Yeah, take notes from Mr. Walton. I have some ugly bodies that I'd get redone real quick if it was cheaper than it is now.

06-11-2008, 09:16 PM
I know of other places that cost:

20 for frame dust
20 for body dust
and 8 for every other peice dust

I think its 25/10 for gloss

So a mag would cost me a total of 96$ to get done including a barrel.

Body 20
Trigger Frame 20
Barrel 8
Rail 8
Vert ASA 8
Gas through 8
Feedneck if nessisary 8
ASA if nessisary 8-24
Valve if nessiary 8-16

I am actually intrested in getting a mag annod, only problem would be 1 what color, black just looks so good and 2 anyway to keep the x logo on the valve?

matt smith
06-11-2008, 09:22 PM
i unfortunatly dont have any pics of my old work. its been a couple years sence i last did some anno work. if i find that i can get enough work to make starting again i will gladly post some pics of work. ill try to get some old bodies and such to anno in the next couple weeks to give you guys an idea of what i can do.

as for colors and such for a woodsball mag i would always stick with like flat blacks or flat greens or maybe a green to black fade(flat). i have never done that particular combo but i think i might have to try that.

for rec play i like reds and red black fades. idk why i just think there awsome.

06-11-2008, 09:29 PM
i unfortunatly dont have any pics of my old work. its been a couple years sence i last did some anno work. if i find that i can get enough work to make starting again i will gladly post some pics of work. ill try to get some old bodies and such to anno in the next couple weeks to give you guys an idea of what i can do.

as for colors and such for a woodsball mag i would always stick with like flat blacks or flat greens or maybe a green to black fade(flat). i have never done that particular combo but i think i might have to try that.

for rec play i like reds and red black fades. idk why i just think there awsome.

ever do anything fancy like acid washes splashes etc

matt smith
06-11-2008, 09:36 PM
ive done a few splashes an started to try the acid wash but then there wasnt any demand anymore and i ended up closing shop. i have all the instructions for doing this still so i would be happy to do up a sample pannel of a bunch of different things once i find that i have a number of jobs to do. i did alot of one color jobs and some fades. ill have to check my other computure to see if any of my old pics are still on there.

what are most people charging these days for an anno job? it used to be pretty pricey thats why the demand was so low.

06-11-2008, 09:39 PM
Well I posted some of the cheapest prices up there. I have also heard of 125 for a full marker.. Fades aren't in anymore and splashes are..

06-11-2008, 09:40 PM
well if you open your doors again I have a old 98 led that needs some love.


matt smith
06-11-2008, 09:55 PM
well if i can come up with about 5-6 more people that would need stuff dont then i think im going to go ahead and get this going again. so heres the deal it will probly take me about 3 weeks or so to get everything going again and get some samples up. maybe a little longer so i can get some bodies in to do. thouse of you that have expressed some interest will find another post here when things are ready to go and i would be glad to give the first 10 full marker jobs a 10% discount from this site. i will also be doing this over on spec ops. i will also post prices when i get to that point. feel free to pm me if you guys want to get on a list for work done and ill pm you once everythings good to go

06-11-2008, 10:25 PM
I'm interested in just getting some parts done, but not a whole gun. trigger and barrel for sure, maybe a ule body and asa

06-12-2008, 03:26 AM
i have an idea for my x mag but i would have to see some examples of your work and i want a gloss/dust sort of fade done. do you think you can handle that?

06-12-2008, 04:07 AM
May be an odd idea, but I always wanted to do a anno a macbook pro. Im pretty sure they are aluminum. Is this possible?

06-12-2008, 05:06 AM
Matt not to be a stick in the mud but , anno prices usually revolove around quality of work ; the better the work the higher the price this goes hand in hand with the complexity of the work , more complex ; more money
again not to be a stick but , who are you ; why should I trust you with 100's of dollars worth of my Mag parts
It REALLY would be nice to see some pic's of your work
Now i'm not asking just to be a buthead , at this point I have a complete Pheniox E Mag project that is just about ready for anno , a Ripper project i'm working on 7 an old RT Pro i'd like to get done ( it's 4 diff shades of green right now )

06-12-2008, 08:00 AM
i just sent out my 13 piece automag to get anno'd dust black. mkrieg on pbn charged me $100 with return shipping

06-12-2008, 08:03 AM
May be an odd idea, but I always wanted to do a anno a macbook pro. Im
pretty sure they are aluminum. Is this possible?

it is possible, but it probably wont happen. taking apart a macbook is a b, getting it put back together is a b. apple stores won't dissassemble your book for anno.

06-12-2008, 08:22 AM
Valve if nessiary 8-16

I am actually intrested in getting a mag annod, only problem would be 1 what color, black just looks so good and 2 anyway to keep the x logo on the valve?

I HIGHLY suggest that you NOT anno your valve unless you are willing to buy another. It is very common for the process to change the tolerances enough to ruin the valve.
And the "X" logo is lazer engraved by the way.

06-12-2008, 08:31 AM
It would probably be best that before you ask about intrest in work that you have some examples of your work.
As was stated before, there are several long time members here who anno. And at least one of them who is really inexpensive. There is most certainly a market for it, as a lot of the bigger and better anno shops have quit doing paintball markers alltogether.

I second what maniacmechanic had to say. Being unknown is not going to play well for you at first, so be ready to do some "gimmie" jobs to build a rep both as a decent anno-er and for getting product back in the owners hands in a timely and functioning manner.
And I will give you a quick heads up as freindly advice. AO'ers have no tolerance at all for missed deadlines, and such BS. So make sure that when or if you give a timeframe for your work being done that you can meet it.

matt smith
06-12-2008, 12:48 PM
i completly understand where you guys are coming from. maybe the way i said it came across wrong. i wasnt totally offering a service right now i was just figuring out if there was enough demand to repurchase some of the materials and offer it some time down the road, i of course wouldnt expect anyone to send something away to me without first seeing work samples. i wouldnt do it so i wouldnt expect someone else to do it. on that note i am going to be buying some materials in the next couple weeks to do up a couple bodies and such to give you the idea of what i can do. once i get my dyes in and everything setup i will post about wanting to get some bodies. if anyone at that point would like to send any spare bodies to be annoed for samples i will do it at cost of dyes if i dont have that color or next to nothing other then shipping charges. that will be later down the road. thank you everyone for your input as it is valued in making this a possiblity.

06-13-2008, 12:10 AM
I would be interested in getting an anno. As long as the price is reasonable, I'm up for it.

06-17-2008, 12:35 PM
I am just starting out, but already have a couple of guns that would luv to have custom to colors I like. so yeah i would be up for some complete guns been done.

06-17-2008, 05:23 PM
yeah if I see some pics I may send my beloved tac one in