View Full Version : GFOA in Athens, GA

06-14-2008, 03:10 AM
Wish me luck boys. Heading off to Athens to whack some fools.
We are in 4th overall and should come out of this event third overall if not second.
And no, it's not really a matter of being that good, it's that we have made all the events and therefore will pass those that don't show up in the standings.... :D

Actually the team is mostly made up of greenhorns for this event. Several of our experianced guys couldn't make this event. We are more hoping to just hold our own, and are playing in the open division...lol.
Yup, all the luck we can get.

06-14-2008, 03:17 AM
You know, using your mag would bring you better luck. . .
You could always have a new guy fill your tank for you. "It'll build character." :)

Good luck, whatever gun you use! Give 'em some from AO! :shooting:

06-14-2008, 03:24 AM
You could always have a new guy fill your tank for you. "It'll build character." :)

Oh you know that is the game plan. Newbs are air and pod *****es all day long.....lol.

Work newbie, WORK!!!


06-14-2008, 11:21 AM
good luck PC , show em what a 1legged man can do

06-15-2008, 08:58 AM
WOW guys....we got the SMACKDOWN. I am talking about beat in such a way that I have never experienced. It was horrible.

Our first game was just under 11 seconds, the second one went just under 9. The third game may have gone thirty, and after some serious rearrangement we managed to pull about a minute and a half on our last two.
We got 30 points for the entire day, and ten of that was a two for one penalty for a guy shooting our last player after he was hit.

Two players on the team had not even played a tourney before this one. One of the guys hadn't even played paintball in about a year. Our veteran corner guy blew out his shoulder on a dive in the first game, never even fired a shot. I only played two, I got greedy in the first game and got eliminated quick. In my second I held down the corner pretty well from home and caught a rogue bounce off a bunker top and was hit in the chest while behind my bunker.

I have to say that the improvement in several of our players from the beginning of the day to the end was commendable. They got over the nervous and timid feelings and went on to actully make some moves and do some work by the last two games.

The plan is to have three hard team practices this coming month and see if we can work with what we have. I have really got to work on my snap shooting skills and polish back up. I was unable to get my marker up fast enough to catch people in lanes to the corner and didn't make some shots that should have been mine.

Next month is OTP back in Macon. Hopefully we can do some work and come out better.