View Full Version : AO West Side is the Best Side

06-14-2008, 08:50 PM
We had a awesome time. Thanks to everyone who showed up. If anyone else has pics please post them up....
http://img2.putfile.com/thumb/6/16521584272.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic/8297630)

06-14-2008, 09:07 PM

Look forward to some more pics. I'm sure lasrsktr and loguzzzzzz will make sure to rub it in that I wasn't able to make it. :mad:

Thats O.K. Baby sitting is way more fun :tard:

06-15-2008, 12:06 PM
Wow that was a fantastic day. I got back about 10:30 this evening and started uploading all the images and cleaning gear so I am only now getting around to posting. There were a lot of things that could have gone poorly on the trip but I would say it worked out very well!

223MB .zip file of the raw images from Mighty Mike (http://www.zakvetter.com/Extreme%20Paintball%206-14-08.zip)

-Weather. It COULD have been 105 out and instead it was in the high 80's. Sunny but not the "I am dying of heat-stroke please kill me now" kind of heat that would have ended my day of play no matter WHO showed.

-The field. Hey Extreme was great the last times we played but... that was 3 years ago. But Extreme was just like I remember. Several nice laid out fields, relaxed reffing, nice air fills and reasonable pricing.

-The Gear. Everything worked! Sure there were some hick-ups that people had but among the group we have everything that people needed. Right down to that cool little water sprayer that Practice Target had (thank you by the way).

The week leading up to the trip was like a roller coaster. Root canal 5 days before, transportation breaking down 1 day before, most of the paint getting mailed to the wrong address. I'd never had madness like that.

But as soon as we got to the field everything smoothed right out. Everyone was clustered around 2 sets of covered tables with all the cars lined up, we had every type of marker, tool and piece of equipment we could need 5x over.

The gracious hospitality of the Millin family and their puppy is the first thank you that should be mentioned. Cinnaman Toast Crunch for breakfast! Need I say more?

DevilMan once again drug me there and back due to some sort of sensor blowing out on the minivan we were going to carpool up in and though we had some problems in shipping the paint to the right area... I got all mine and that is really all I cared out... (sorry it's true I wanted to see what $$$ paint was like).

Flyingpootang. Finally got to meet you and I must say you are as evil as Carbon with your sneaky appearing out of tiny cracks in the hyperball fields and consistently shooting me when I thought I had the field under control.

Lasrsktr you are vile and scheming individual with that pump thing. I'm not sure how you were able to shoot people when you shot less paint that day than I carried onto the field in a single game. I have learned this however. I need to shoot more paint when I see you on the opposite side and life gets easy when I have you on my team :shoot:

Practice Target. I demand one thing. your EgoMag. Then you may live. thank you. Also I am really happy you got that Viking working. Such a pretty marker like that needs to be shot more.

Eatem Alive. You took that fall like a pro and just remember that not everyone gets to dislocate their shoulder. As the only member of the group to pull that off in a game... I dunno maybe you should be proud? Either way you didn't cry, it was sweat.

I want to write more but with 3am closing in I think I'll cut to the few images I pulled from the shots taken by Mike that I retouched to give them some.. flavor?




06-15-2008, 12:07 PM

Happy Fathers Day to those of you who qualify!

had a great time out there... i am feeling those couple snake rounds today though, haha

06-15-2008, 12:47 PM
nice. Very nice.

Looks like a great time.

Now i'm really pissed I didn't go.

06-17-2008, 11:49 AM
nice. Very nice.

Looks like a great time.

Now i'm really pissed I didn't go.

You should be pissed

It was good.... worth the 700 mile round trip drive :clap:

Eatem Alive
06-17-2008, 02:45 PM
Thanks again for your help, Steve...oh, and Loguzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz also. :cheers:

06-17-2008, 02:51 PM
Great pix...

when was this? Only if I knew :( (olny about an hour or so drive)

next time...

06-17-2008, 03:04 PM
Great pix...

when was this? Only if I knew :( (olny about an hour or so drive)

next time...

They are elitist swine :argh:

06-17-2008, 03:22 PM
They are elitist swine :argh:
He's just grump cause he didn't get to go

06-17-2008, 03:28 PM
He's just grump cause he didn't get to go

This is true.

But also because that event was really only advertised on a different forum. I personally think they would have had a better turnout if they would have also posted here on AO. Which would make sense seeing as how half the people that were there are members of AO.

Just my .02 cents.

06-17-2008, 03:33 PM
This is true.

But also because that event was really only advertised on a different forum. I personally think they would have had a better turnout if they would have also posted here on AO. Which would make sense seeing as how half the people that were there are members of AO.

Just my .02 cents.

06-17-2008, 03:57 PM
Guys... it was mentioned here....


It was just planned more so there. I really meant to start a thread up but figured the one up there was good enough. I guess it wasn't.

It's like saying that we are playing on this date... well a group of folks go Alright that's good.... and it gets settled. Then if its on multiple sites you get the This date is good, this one is bad, can't make it then, have a birthday or something as such.. And then everyone gets butthurt over why the plans can't be made on a time that is good for them.

It was not a meeting to exclude anyone and I hope you all know that. I was expecting to see more folks there as I knew about the thread above and figured it would have been read up on. Sorry if I guessed wrong.

I frankly don't care who shows up as to me it's that many more people to shoot. That's why I go to these things. To trade paint with folks....

Anywho... It was ALOT less of a major gathering and more of a date/time/location where some folks were going to be for a day of play. Everyone got their own paint, paid their own way, didn't have to prepay for anything and such as that. So noone was out any extra trouble.

Not sure when the next gathering will be and I'd love to make the one down south but as it is, I'll be out of state that weekend and back on the east side of the states for awhile.

I'll make sure and cross post/link/make new post for any other gatherings that I know of... just think it's petty all of the "lines" that people have drawn in their heads about things.


06-17-2008, 06:30 PM
devilman- I was not trying to put anyone down. And I certainly wasn't calling you out.

I'm not even trying to put down the site this event was advertised on.

All I was saying is there would have been a better turn out had it been posted up on AO aswell.

Hell if everybody was too busy to post on AO I would have for you. Just to boost my post count ;)

You linked to a thread on AO where it was mentioned. That thread was asking about the next SoCal meet. Which meant no one from any where else but SoCal would see it.

My comment about elitist swine was a joke. At least in my head it was. I read it and laughed. With the new baby here I have been getting about 4 hours sleep at night. So I should obviously not trust my own judgement right now.

Sorry for my comments. I see that I have made you mad and I have received a few pm's from other friends that feel I was also in the wrong.

That wasn't my goal and I am sorry that that was the outcome.

06-17-2008, 07:00 PM
They are elitist swine :argh:



06-17-2008, 10:15 PM
devilman- I was not trying to put anyone down. And I certainly wasn't calling you out.

I'm not even trying to put down the site this event was advertised on.

All I was saying is there would have been a better turn out had it been posted up on AO aswell.

Hell if everybody was too busy to post on AO I would have for you. Just to boost my post count ;)

You linked to a thread on AO where it was mentioned. That thread was asking about the next SoCal meet. Which meant no one from any where else but SoCal would see it.

My comment about elitist swine was a joke. At least in my head it was. I read it and laughed. With the new baby here I have been getting about 4 hours sleep at night. So I should obviously not trust my own judgement right now.

Sorry for my comments. I see that I have made you mad and I have received a few pm's from other friends that feel I was also in the wrong.

That wasn't my goal and I am sorry that that was the outcome.

Man Smooth I have thicker skin than that... I'm a redneck by birth so it'll take a bit to get me fussed up. It's no worries... I got your PM and PM'd ya back and I think there is a new one waiting for me at the moment...

Howz about we STOP callin em AO NorCal or SoCal or NW or SE and such... and just say... AO DAY @ ??? Paintball in ???, CA/KY/TN/WA/NY/NJ/etc.

I know there is a pseudo rift between at least 3 sites... I frankly don't care. I'm no better than the next guy, BUT if it gets posted up as an AO DAY then what about PBL DAY or BEO DAY or DILLIGAF DAY.... meh... not sure man.... I know that AO has the largest numbers.... And I know that some of the other sites don't come here that much and blah blah... so how do ya determine a way to set up the date and such when there are 3+ factions involved in attending????

Anywho... I care not... We're all cool man... and I've not been pissed... and the swine comment??? Hell I thought you were just talkin about Zak!!!! :D

So the next get together will be where??? Can't make the July 5th one... but I guess it comes down to whomever wants to set a date to play paintball at some field somewhere can post it up and go from there.

Coolio man??? Worry Less, Play More!!! And take care o da kiddo!!!

BTW!!! Don't reply to this!!!! your post count is just fiiiiiiiiiiinnnnneeeeeeee!!!


Mighty Mike
06-18-2008, 12:29 AM
All I was saying is there would have been a better turn out had it been posted up on AO aswell.

I actually thought our tunout was perfect. We needed 15 players minimum to have our own referee and play with in our own private group. I think we had 13 players show, but luckily the field owners know Aegis and our NorCal crew and they still gave us private game privileges. One good thing about playing w/ a small group....you have bunkers to run to and not share w/ 3 others. Also, you can actually make aggressive moves. Hard to do that when you have 20+ players on both sides of the field.

Sorry for my comments. I see that I have made you mad and I have received a few pm's from other friends that feel I was also in the wrong.That wasn't my goal and I am sorry that that was the outcome.

There are no sensistive bee-otches up here. I thought the comment was funny. The only way you can wild up the NorCal crew is to bring a coupon to Chevys. Not a good idea. :nono:

06-18-2008, 08:31 AM
There are no sensistive bee-otches up here. I thought the comment was funny. The only way you can wild up the NorCal crew is to bring a coupon to Chevys. Not a good idea. :nono:

What if I brought a chevy's coupon that was............................................EXP IRED :rofl:

I'd have to run for my life :cheers:

06-18-2008, 10:58 AM
What if I brought a chevy's coupon that was............................................EXP IRED :rofl:

I'd have to run for my life :cheers:
That was too funny hearing about that. Good times.

06-18-2008, 12:37 PM
Anywho... I care not... We're all cool man... and I've not been pissed... and the swine comment??? Hell I thought you were just talkin about Zak!!!! :D

Wait... you mean he wasn't talking about Zak!?!?
