View Full Version : Does growing elitism bother you?

06-16-2008, 10:06 PM
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"
-Declaration of Independence

I guess this sounds good, but is only true until you make enough money to be treated better.

I find it bothersome the trend in being able to buy premium services in order to gain preferrential treatment. I just hear a news report that the Atl. airport is going to allow passengers to pay for a service that allows them to bypass the security checkpoints.
Several parks like Disney, and Six FLags allow for elite service that you can pay to go straight to the head of the line.
Several ticket boxes allow you to pay for a service that gives you the ability to have first pick on the best tickets without waiting for public release.

I am sure there are dozens more examples, this is just what comes to mind.

I guess its just the fact that I cannot afford such premium services that I find it chapping my rear a bit. If we are to believe such a noble proposition that we are all indeed equals regardless of station in life and financial success, then shouldn't everyone find themselves in the same sweaty cue line at Six Flags? Just as an example of course....but ya know, if you can afford to ride home in a Bentley, then good for you. As far as I am concerned I would rather put my remaining good foot straight in someones butt for paying to cut in line in front of me, like they are something special above waiting their turn like everyone else.


06-16-2008, 10:29 PM
All men are created equal. Doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.

That’s what I feel our society in America should be and should continue to be built upon.

Those who are able to be successful should be able to enjoy the benefits of doing so. I think that’s fair. Thus why I am not a big fan of Tax the rich, programs. Or like wise well-fair or social security programs.

It’s just who we are, and I honestly like that. I like knowing that if I do well in my job or develop some new technology that I will be rewarded accordingly. That I will be able to go buy an airplane, retire early, have my horse ranch, and ensure my family's future. That’s a major driving force in my life.

If all men are created equal... and have to stay equal... that’s not a world I want to live in.

-Don’t get me wrong… I totally understand where you are coming from with my $8.75 sitting in my checking account until I get paid on Friday… but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

06-17-2008, 03:03 AM
Sounds like you'de like a communistic economy. Everyone would share everything. Everyone would be equal. We live in a capitalistic society, but one with some government control. I am a firm believer that neither extreme is acceptable. At one end, everyone shares everything, leaving those who administer the sharing with all the power, and at the other end, a select few own everything and therefore are able to dictate everything. In the middle, the people have the power to take personal control of their own lives, but not the power to take over the lives of other people.

The phrase "all men are created equal," I believe, refers much more towards given rights. Your examples of six flags and movie tickets are both luxuries. If someone is successful in our capitalistic society, they may indulge themselves in luxuries. Nobody is infringing on your right to grumble about them on these boards. See the difference?

06-17-2008, 03:29 AM
"You get what you pay for."?

06-17-2008, 04:40 AM
I don't think those examples fit into the meaning of the constitution. All men are created equal - yes, but do all men apply themselves in the same manner - no. I think our for-fathers where saying all were created with the same opportunities. All of us CITIZENS are allowed to vote, are allowed to own property, etc.

What REALLY chaps me is that according to recent figures the government spends 58% of it;s budget on welfare, entitlement programs etc. That money comes out of my paycheck. After I pay my share in taxes and then my property taxes, I'm left with roughly 2/3 of my actual income. Then you have to start taking income tax out of that!

I guess I don't feel left out from the upper class. I feel like I'm being taken by the "poor"-who STILL don't apply them selves.

Of course there's A LOT more to it. But that's about what I can post without loosing my audience.

06-17-2008, 06:00 AM
Yeah, I think you are confusing capitalist free market with Constitutional equality.

06-17-2008, 06:10 AM
I also think you are confusing economics with other ideals. That being said you also imply this is a new and growing trend. The wealthy and powerful getting preferential treatment probably goes back to when Ug had his cave near the stream and a servant fetching his water.

06-17-2008, 08:41 AM
I don't think those examples fit into the meaning of the constitution. All men are created equal - yes, but do all men apply themselves in the same manner - no. I think our for-fathers where saying all were created with the same opportunities. All of us CITIZENS are allowed to vote, are allowed to own property, etc.

What REALLY chaps me is that according to recent figures the government spends 58% of it;s budget on welfare, entitlement programs etc. That money comes out of my paycheck. After I pay my share in taxes and then my property taxes, I'm left with roughly 2/3 of my actual income. Then you have to start taking income tax out of that!

I guess I don't feel left out from the upper class. I feel like I'm being taken by the "poor"-who STILL don't apply them selves.

Of course there's A LOT more to it. But that's about what I can post without loosing my audience.

You need to research actual percentages spent on entitlements and who they go to.

err unless you feel social security, Medicare, student loans/grants and pensions for Military veterans as entitlements to the poor :rolleyes:

06-17-2008, 08:56 AM
Use the capitalist system to your own advantage. Just stop going. If these companies manage to piss enough people off, they will feel it in their bottom line. I agree that it's upsetting to see them Rich folk cutting to the front of the line, but it's the reality of things. Just look at our legal system and medical system, for example...

06-17-2008, 10:58 AM
err unless you feel social security, Medicare, student loans/grants and pensions for Military veterans as entitlements to the poor :rolleyes:

Actually they are entitlements to the poor.

06-17-2008, 11:56 AM
Back to the grindstones, peons!!1

/stop buying stupid stuff
//LLC/Self-funded IRA/Roth/Real Estate Investment ftw

06-17-2008, 12:20 PM
Actually they are entitlements to the poor.

Poor and middle class, at least initially.

06-17-2008, 12:21 PM
Back to the grindstones, peons!!1

/stop buying stupid stuff
//LLC/Self-funded IRA/Roth/Real Estate Investment ftw

I'm not buying stupid stuff, I'm supporting the economy and preparing for Obama to be our President.

I NEED an elephant gun.

06-17-2008, 01:09 PM
I'm not buying stupid stuff, I'm supporting the economy and preparing for Obama to be our President.

I NEED an elephant gun.

Thats where I thought you were going with that other thread...
I plan to buy my AR a Beta C-mag while I still can.

06-17-2008, 03:06 PM
You need to research actual percentages spent on entitlements and who they go to.

err unless you feel social security, Medicare, student loans/grants and pensions for Military veterans as entitlements to the poor :rolleyes:

www.justfacts.com for all your non-biased information needs....

06-17-2008, 03:21 PM
I'm not buying stupid stuff, I'm supporting the economy and preparing for Obama to be our President.

I NEED an elephant gun.

Careful here Lohman. Altho, I and everybody else here know that you are talking in jest, others will not take it that way.

06-17-2008, 03:28 PM
Yeh, those were two seperate remarks entirely, and made in jest :). I hope noone draws the line of inference I think you might be thinking of. The line of inference is its not stupid to buy an elephant gun :).

I'm buying an elephant gun before its made illegal :). That was the inference I intended on the Obama remark. Though truthfully its a knee jerk comment made in jest, I have no clue on his stance on the issue.

06-17-2008, 05:07 PM
Yeh, those were two seperate remarks entirely, and made in jest :). I hope noone draws the line of inference I think you might be thinking of. The line of inference is its not stupid to buy an elephant gun :).

I'm buying an elephant gun before its made illegal :). That was the inference I intended on the Obama remark. Though truthfully its a knee jerk comment made in jest, I have no clue on his stance on the issue.

knee jerk comments are awesome! Unfortunately they so often end with the proverbial foot in mouth.

I love threads like this, these are the good 'ol times!

06-17-2008, 05:20 PM
he does have large ears

oh wait the libs will have me shot for that

06-17-2008, 07:09 PM
Boy, it didn't take you guys long to devolve this one...