View Full Version : How to tell what level bolt?

06-20-2008, 09:00 PM
So I bought a classic mag off of craigslist and i want to get e lvl10 but i dont know how to tell what level i have now, is there something i have to look for?

thanks alot

sorry if this sounds noobish


06-20-2008, 09:08 PM
Take the valve out of the body and slide the bolt off of the powertube. If the brass cap on the end of the powertube looks like you need a wrench to remove it, it's a level X, if it perfectly round has a slot that you could use a quarter to unscrew it, you don't have a level X

06-20-2008, 09:30 PM
Remove the bolt.

The lvl10 has a chamferred edge with a tip sticking out the back.

lvl 10:

http://img28.picoodle.com/img/img28/4/6/20/f_DSCF5869m_215240a.jpg (http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/4/6/20/f_DSCF5869m_215240a.jpg&srv=img28)

lvl 7 :

http://img28.picoodle.com/img/img28/4/6/20/f_DSCF5870m_a937781.jpg (http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/4/6/20/f_DSCF5870m_a937781.jpg&srv=img28) http://img28.picoodle.com/img/img28/4/6/20/f_DSCF5871m_a47e5ca.jpg (http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/4/6/20/f_DSCF5871m_a47e5ca.jpg&srv=img28)

06-21-2008, 07:39 AM
Just air it up and stick your finger in the bolt. :D

Disclaimer- I am joking and take no responsibility for the possibility of you pulling back a bloody nub.

06-21-2008, 07:53 AM
Well, a L7 won't chop your finger or cause a bleed, but it won't be a pleasant expierence. I did this once by mistake, and you will surely feel the difference. :)

06-21-2008, 08:11 AM
Well, a L7 won't chop your finger or cause a bleed, but it won't be a pleasant expierence. I did this once by mistake, and you will surely feel the difference. :)

You are a brave man indeed. I was demonstrating the LX vs L7 to some guys at the field a few years ago using a chopstick. I put in in the LX and chuff chuff. Everyone was impressed, but not near as much as when I stuck it in the l7 and the end of the chopstick comes shooting out the barrel.... :eek:

06-21-2008, 08:23 AM
Well, let's just say it was an accident.... I forgot that that mag did not have a L10 bolt installed. :rolleyes:

06-21-2008, 04:13 PM
So somewhere between a chopstick and a finger is the limit of what a Level 7 can break. Wonder what the limit is.

06-22-2008, 10:44 AM
thanks for the help guys, darn i only have a level 7

07-09-2008, 08:34 AM
I was doing searches and this is the closest i came to what i wanted. my question is the same, i just want to know how to tell if its a level 5 bolt? I just bought my first Automag off Craig's list from an old couple who played back when pvc was being used, lol. They didn't tell me how old it was just that they had it for a while.

07-10-2008, 01:44 AM
L5 was the original 1990 marker. L6 fixed production and tolerance problems, L7 refined the L6 product improvement, and remained the standard until the 2003 introduction of the L10 (L8 and L9 were in-house and never released for production). The L5/6/7 bolt is relatively unchanged prior to the L10.

RT, RT-Pro, and X-valves are separate from the L7 (though, until the intro of the 10 bolt, used L7 bolts) The Delrin sleeved Superbolt was a short lived production experiment that, unfortunately, failed (although both of mine work perfectly in my Sydarms)

Only low number L5 markers with all original parts are considered collectible.

07-10-2008, 07:49 AM
So somewhere between a chopstick and a finger is the limit of what a Level 7 can break. Wonder what the limit is.

probably somewhere around the male sex organ.
